What a fucking crock of shit, dont listen to this guy, if this does get out of control (it already is hence why more and more countries are confirming case's) and spreads rapidly to the rest of the world and it's population the death toll could be in the millions.
Take note this is NOT something to be taken lightly, Yes the media is being deceptive in scaring the populace for ratings, how ever that doesnt change the fact that if this turns nasty alot of people Will die, and doing NOTHING AT ALL to minimise, contain or stop the problem may very well doom milliions of people.
Fuck you Ron Paul you useless fucking peice of shit.
Fuck off back to alex jones and his other purposely deceptive dickheads that are destroying a persons critical thinking and their perception of the world around them.
Listen to this guy people, he knows his shit.
"the 1920 influenze killed about 50 million people, half a million alone in the US. So you know there is a big hazard potential here. Just because the risk might be comparatively small, "ya know well we got away with it last time".. it's like playing russian rullet. You can spin the barrell and pull the trigger, and well nothing happened, That doesnt Mean that it's safe to pull the trigger!
And when you understand the dynamics of it you realize thats there a very large hazard even if the risk is comparatively small."
May 2nd, 2009, 03:01 AM
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
I voted for this guy...
May 2nd, 2009, 03:47 AM
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Hahaha, and he was running for the presidency too :lmao:
May 2nd, 2009, 03:48 AM
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
I voted for him in the Washington Primary.... when he ran for president
May 2nd, 2009, 03:58 AM
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
I posted a thread here, but after thinking about it, the letter that was sent, was actually a fear tactic in itself. IT said there were more deaths than reported, so people would scare themselves into vaccinating. The only people that have died so far, are in fact, mexican.
What Ron said was true, the 1976 "outbreak" was a stint.
However, there are fears that it is real, and there are more grave fears now, in hindsight, that it is infact just a scare tactic. People went from denial, to acceptance, but now myself am back in denial, after thinking this one over and researching this. It sounds so fucking scary, so nasty, yet, the only peopel reported dying are ones that have been treated medically for the disease. I questioned it the minute the media started hyping it when there were realy littel figures to behold. There are still, very little figures, but what seemed to be a serious issue, is turning less serious every minute I look at it.
Yes we can be careful, and thats the right thing to do, but, signing away your civil liberties to protect yourself against a "possible" virus, is just the exact same thing as the patriot act after 911.
This also makes alot of sense after the stupid airforce 2 plane debackle in new york. Fear seems to be on the menu again.
However, if this outbreak, this swine flu suddenly dissapears from media outlets, then I'm going to be worried.
Ron Paul is not an idiot, and has been through this before. It seems to me alex jones has been fooled with a letter insighting propaganda, that did a total reversal of itself, and actually made the anti fear become the fear itself.
I'm kind of stuck on this one, which in itself, seems cleverly devious.
Whatever is going on, its man made, thats all I can be sure of. Sloppy happenings like this is allways the result of human planning, not godly planning.
I'm going to wait a week on this one. Reports were, from top virologists that the disease has actually has an abnormally lengthy 10 day incubation period, and symptoms may not show up until the virus has multiplied itself enough. In 5 days if scores of people start droppping like flies, I'm sure even Ron is going to detract this statement.
What hes saying is, dont run to the government for dam shots and protections and go signing away your rights. Any single mother knows the real dangers of vaccines. Having an autistic brother as the result of a HUGE vaccine issue, I know well all about the government and their vaccines.
Ok, bodie, that video is the most stupid fucking shit I've seen this week. This guy is so completely wrong its not even remotely funny.
The reason the "virus" spread, is because mexico told everyone to GO HOME. People were ALLOWED to leave. The only fucking death from the dam virus in america, was a MEXICAN INFANT. That is not phase 4 control. The phase level of a virus is raised based on political judgement, not how serious the fucking virus is. Funny as shit.
The WHO if you do your actual fucking research and not listen to some guy in a basement with psuedo science, no documents no proof no evidence and coloured markers are behind all sorts of scandals, like the dumping of the aids virus to france and other countries (mainstream media btw) and the very company that did this, are in fact in charge of making the vaccine for this current virus. The WHO are made of eugenicists who not only are made up of bankers who funded hitler, but want the population REDUCED by, funnily and eerily enough, 2012 to 500 million people. Thats in the georgia guidlines for population control by the way. Fuck, Prince Phillip openly states he wants to come back as a killer virus when he dies, hes the husband of the queen, who had diana killed so they didn't have a muslim in the royal family, who is the father of Charles, who is partnered with Gore in making up Global Warming to instill a carbon tax reduction of 50 percent by 2012. Do you get it yet? That 50 percent reduction is us. They talk ALL about population management. The worlds population is expanding each decade, and they can't manage the resources. They want to protect their own dam habitat, and we are in the way of that.
The virus, however, going off on a tangent, could possibly be a real issue. I don't know, but the point is, don't sign away your life to a government who havent exactly been quite faithful in this particular area, and have infact, signed many vicous laws in obamas wake so far.
Fact is, the government need a staged event to pass something now. Obamas veil has pretty much facaded. I believe this is their event, wether real or not. Remember the gulf of tonken, for example.
May 2nd, 2009, 04:46 AM
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by DaneO'Roo
What hes saying is, dont run to the government for dam shots and protections and go signing away your rights. Any single mother knows the real dangers of vaccines. Having an autistic brother as the result of a HUGE vaccine issue, I know well all about the government and their vaccines.
Woah, I'm going to have to tell you to fuck off right now.
Of all the GOOD studies (double-blinded, placebo controlled, peer-reviewed) that have been done, there has been no correlation between rates of autism and vaccination. The people telling you that vaccines cause autism either don't have any medical qualifications or have a political agenda. Or they come from infowars, which can be a mixture of the two.
It sounds so fucking scary, so nasty, yet, the only peopel reported dying are ones that have been treated medically for the disease.
Maybe you didn't hear about the ones who died without medical help because they died without a diagnosis?
Originally Posted by DaneO'Roo
Whatever is going on, its man made, thats all I can be sure of. Sloppy happenings like this is allways the result of human planning, not godly planning.
The virus is not man-made, but the media clusterfuck around it is. You are listening to the media clusterfuck. Stop listening to the media clusterfuck.
May 2nd, 2009, 06:18 AM
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by DaneO'Roo
Prince Phillip openly states he wants to come back as a killer virus when he dies, hes the husband of the queen, who had diana killed so they didn't have a muslim in the royal family, who is the father of Charles, who is partnered with Gore in making up Global Warming to instill a carbon tax reduction of 50 percent by 2012. Do you get it yet? That 50 percent reduction is us. They talk ALL about population management. The worlds population is expanding each decade, and they can't manage the resources. They want to protect their own dam habitat, and we are in the way of that.
Oh wow haha, there have been what 3 maybe 4 investigations into dianas death and each time it was proved overwise.
Dane what are you smoking son because seriously the only virus off on a tangent here is you.
Let's look at it this way, Genocide was part of the reason WW2 started do you seriously think such a thing would be allowed considering the money of these so called bankers would come from the people they killed?
banker wants money>Worker earns money > workers pays money to bankers> banker kills worker>banker wants more money> Money is where?
E: oh and the single mother bit, why is it you you singled out single mothers if vaccines were the devils work surely it would affect every child not just children with single mothers.
Where's your logic?
I cannot wait untill SnaFUBAR shows up.
May 2nd, 2009, 07:14 AM
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Dane, mate, the trolling has to end here.
Seriously, you can only take it so far before it's as painfully obvious as this.
Stop, please, if not for me then think of the children.
May 2nd, 2009, 08:57 AM
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
I don't know why shit keeps on getting compared to the 1920s and 1970s. Do you know how much medicine has advanced since then, let alone our nasty habits (poor hygiene)? Just because something is claimed as a "pandemic" doesn't mean that its a fucking disaster, it just means a disease is widespread thru a greater or greater. You could claim HIV and many other things as pandemics. There will always be a flu; it will evolve, and so will we.
To quote the old game "Outpost": Don't Panic.
May 2nd, 2009, 08:59 AM
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by DaneO'Roo
What Ron said was true, the 1976 "outbreak" was a stint.
Mate this guy is so in-bed with your conspiracy fuckhead Alex jones that he appeared in the Obama deception as well as his brother.
These people have an agenda of their own and are more then willing to risk your life and the life of communitys and countrys on a gamble that this wont be a problem for cheap political gain with a handful of anti-government retarded fuck jobs that are deceiving you with miss information, lack of facts or things stated as facts.
and when ever it's proven otherwise it's a simple "government coverup THE REAL PROBLEM IS BLAH BLAH BLAH"
these guys are using and manipulating you more then you realise or acknowledge, because even though most of us supported obama, we didnt do it on BLIND FAITH but on the principals his political agenda stood for.
These guys are fucking with you and if it isnt apparent now then you need an outside force wether it be drugs or counselling to point it out for you.
we dont have an agenda against you, we have never supported obama 100% or anything he stood for, but we DONT support these fuck jobs that are messing with your head in your own home.
My home as it turns out.