You know in Halo 3, when someone fires an assault rifle or battle rifle from a distant, you hear a kind of different sound from if you heard it up close? Well I found a way to mimic that.
Step 1: Compile the sound you want to make into a distant firing sound.
Step 2: Open up the sound tag in Guerilla or the likes.
Step 3: Modify the "Minimum Distance" and "Maximum Distance" to what will work for you. (Minimum should be at about 30-50, and Maximum should be anything greater than 100)
Step 4: In the firing effect for your weapon (in this case, tags\weapons\assault rifle\effects\fire bullet.effect) duplicate the normal firing.sound for it and reference the distant firing sound tag into it.
Step 5: Save the effect tag.
Step 6: Compile the map.
Step 7: ???