Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
If anything I'm hoping for a level just like the second one in Halo 1. It'd really be a nice way for them to show some beautiful open vistas and show off how well they've developed the architecture known as 'Forerunner' as well.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
If anything I'm hoping for a level just like the second one in Halo 1. It'd really be a nice way for them to show some beautiful open vistas and show off how well they've developed the architecture known as 'Forerunner' as well.
Yeah, what i want to see if you meet up with other spartans and visit different forerunner buildings in a warthog prefferbly the normal LRV not gauss or transport.
Although it could be very interesting if they choose to visit the scene where your with halsey in the caverns with the purple crystal looking at all the covenant in the cavern aiming at you.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I want the crystal to be pink instead to piss off the people who bitch about that kind of stuff :downs:
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
i want huge fights with lots of guns blazing. Oh i adore those scenes
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
As long as they don't over do the "huge fights" like that seen in MW2...
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I think Bungie will provide, but I still want epic. Halo 3 satisfied me a lot with the very large battles, actually feeling like stuff was happening and that you were part of something larger, but I'd love it if they went above and beyond that. Maybe, as mentioned before, being able to drive over huge vistas- wide open plains mb, stuff that never really happens in the other games. Complete covenant infantry and artillary battles. :iamafag:
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
One thing that they had in Halo 3 though that I really liked, are those little/major battles that weren't really in your path, but you could just gaze out at the beautful vistas and just see some banshees and hornets battling it out. Added to the overall feeling that you're at war with these people, rather than going through a level and not really seeing much.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
What I want is a level where you're from some sort of intelligence agency, and have to go undercover and infiltrate the covenant. At some point, you should end up with the first wave of ground forces attacking Reach, and have to shoot up an air base as the covenant begin glassing the planet.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I hope the sequel to Reach is The Flood so we can play Halo 1 all over with better graphics and engine.
Originally Posted by
Personally, I don't want it to be class based because I think the very idea of 'class based' as applied to Spartans is fucking idiotic. Spartans are supposed to be highly trained in all aspects of warfare. Saying 'this spartan can do somesuch, but this other spartan can't' just makes no sense to me.
Even someone trained in EVERY ASPECT of something will have a specialization.