So after weeks of deliberation, I settled on a name I believed could represent the mod as concisely and accurately as possible while giving it a unique identity. Enjoy this look at Another Stupid Campaign Mod.
What, you might ask, does this mod do?
ASCM heavily revamps and heavily adds to Halo's weapon selection.
The arsenal overview video goes into more detail, but here's a quick list of the weapons currently designed and functioning. All of these are subject to change, of course.
Assault Rifle - Standard, all-purpose mid-range weapon with a 2x zoom. Holds 40 rounds at moderate accuracy, power, and rate of fire. Battle Rifle - Long-range, 15-round headshot weapon with a slow rate of fire and a 3x zoom. Not H2/3's burst-fire BR; it's more like Reach's DMR. SMG - 60-round bullet hose. Excellent close-range weapon. Shotgun - 8 rounds. Devastating at short range, moderate effectiveness at mid-range. Pistol - Mid-short range, 8-round headshot weapon. Has no zoom and isn't accurate enough to handle long-distance engagements but it's an excellent (if more situational) alternative to the Assault Rifle or the SMG. Sniper Rifle - The one you know and love. Kicks like a mule, but is guaranteed to kill anything instantaneously providing you shoot it in the face. The only weapon other than the Rocket Launcher capable of bringing down a Hunter in one hit.
Rocket launcher - Its near pinpoint accuracy and large, powerful explosion is offset by a slow fire rate and two-round clip. Plasma Rifle - Like the Assault Rifle, but blue Not as powerful as the Assault Rifle, but considerably more accurate and more easily found. Plasma Beam - Headshot weapon with a 2.5x zoom and high rate of fire. Projectiles require a slight lead on moving targets due to their slow speed. Plasma Spread - Launches 8 projectiles in a wide cone. Less effective than the Shotgun at short ranges but more useful at mid-short range. Plasma Pistol - Primary fire is meh, but the charged shot homes in and instantly kills any shields. Great when supported with a headshot weapon or a Needler. Fuel Rod Cannon - Launches explosive rounds in an arc. Not as powerful as the Rocket Launcher but capable of spreading a lot of pain over a wide area rather quickly. Needler - Launches a bunch of homing needles at a high rate of fire. Needles will not attach to shielded targets, but will still do decent amounts of damage; 7 needles stuck into an unshielded target means an instant kill. Impaler - Long-range weapon with a 3x zoom. Weaker than the Battle Rifle, but has less recoil and fires slightly faster. Needles will stick into anything, shields or otherwise. 7 needles into a target is an instant kill. Eviscerator - Launches homing needles in an extremely wide cone. At short ranges, the needles spread out so widely they miss the target, and at long ranges, the needles dissipate, but at mid-ranges, it deals damage slightly greater than a full shotgun burst, while overpenetrating unshielded targets and bouncing off walls.
There are a couple of more in conceptual stages which may or may not be added in. Oh, and I know the Battle Rifle sounds a lot like the DMR (especially now that Bungie's bumped the DMR's clip size to 15) and the Impaler sounds a lot like the Needle Rifle, but I swear I came up with these ideas first.
ASCM almost completely overhauls Halo's particle system.
The Covenant's effect set is completely redone; most weapons and devices have their effects rebuilt from the ground up. Humans don't get quite as much love but still see improvements in almost all areas. The videos do a better job of showing this off than text ever could.
ASCM is about consistency.
Many of the most important and valuable aspects of a game are often the smallest. For example, the Plasma Pistol's projectiles would erupt into blue fire when shot against a tree, rather than the characteristic green effect. It's a small detail, but many of these little oversights begin to add up. ASCM's secondary goal is to provide the most coherent and polished experience possible, completely free of inconsistencies and rushed features.
ASCM is episodic.
Rather than spend aeons trying to keep interest high enough to warrant my continued efforts, I'll be releasing maps individually over time, with the goal being to get a10 through b40 out through the end of the summer. Each release will act as a sort of public beta test, allowing me to gather feedback both on a simply functional level (this weapon doesn't behave correctly) and a more subjective level (I don't like this weapon because blah blah blah.) Each new release will be retroactive, adding improvements and fixes to all maps released up to that point.
ASCM is open source.
While each individual map will be locked at first, the eventual bulk release of a10-b40 will be entirely unprotected. I've always believed the best way to learn is by example, so every bit of custom content in the mod will eventually be available for your ripping and viewing pleasure; any content not made by myself comes from something somebody else has already released publicly.
On the other side of things, however...
ASCM is a campaign mod.
A bit self-evident, but worth mentioning nonetheless. There's no multiplayer portion; the weapons are designed to work under the campaign's conditions. If anyone really really wants it, I can transplant the weapons into stock maps, but that's the most I could concievably do.
ASCM is not as big as CMT.
While a few of the recently released assets from the now-defunct SPv2 are utilized (since I can't model, animate, or texture at all), the additions are designed merely to revise the campaign, not overhaul it.
ASCM's weapons do not have new models or animations.
As stated above and in the videos, I have neither the skill nor the means to do anything but particle effects and tag editing, so the only visual difference between weapons outside of their particle sets will be colors, so that they may still be identified quickly.
ASCM does not add new enemies.
The tried and tested combo of Grunts/Jackals/Elites/Hunters is an excellently balanced set of encounters; Brutes end up being big dumb bullet sponges. The new weapons already introduce considerable variety, as each variant's AI is designed specifically around its weapon.
And to anticipate a couple of things...
When will ASCM be released?
Eventually. I'd rather not set a deadline to prevent rushing through something, but as stated above, I want to get a10 through b40 out before the Autumnal Equinox. As soon as I break out of alpha and have all the custom content in place and polished, you'll see a10 released. After that, the other maps should come quickly, as I'll just be tweaking and rebalancing things.
Can I do anything for ASCM?
Probably not, but if you're willing to model, animate, texture, and rig weapon models for entirely new guns, feel free, as there's no way on Earth I'll be able to do so.
But you guys don't care about boring words, so, as you might have noticed, I've been making a series of video previews, all of which I've reposted below; look for a new one every Wednesday. Also below are some screenshots highlighting all the fancy particle effects. Enjoy.
I can't say enough how much of a shame it would be for this mod to go without some accompanying custom models & animations.
There's already the BR that was in WOL's content pack, but I don't know of any decent-quality Covie stuff floating about that could be re-purposed. I would volunteer to make it happen but I have a feeling I've already bitten off more than I can chew for this summer.
June 25th, 2010, 06:48 PM
Re: Another Stupid Campaign Mod for Halo CE
Originally Posted by teh lag
Those BRs are just model files; they'd need animations, textures, and rigging, none of which I can do. Unless there are people willing to basically make every single part of a weapon except the particle effects, most guns are going to have to go without them. I'm already using CMT's SMG and I might use their Carbine for the Impaler or something, but that's really about it.
Of course don't let that discourage anyone as I'd be more than happy to have custom models and stuff, but there's no way in hell I'll be able to do them.
June 27th, 2010, 06:50 AM
Re: Another Stupid Campaign Mod for Halo CE
Seriously hoping you can get some weapons to go along with these effects. I'll still play regardless^^
June 27th, 2010, 11:39 AM
Re: Another Stupid Campaign Mod for Halo CE
Originally Posted by Ifafudafi
Those BRs are just model files; they'd need animations, textures, and rigging, none of which I can do. Unless there are people willing to basically make every single part of a weapon except the particle effects, most guns are going to have to go without them. I'm already using CMT's SMG and I might use their Carbine for the Impaler or something, but that's really about it.
Of course don't let that discourage anyone as I'd be more than happy to have custom models and stuff, but there's no way in hell I'll be able to do them.
I'll animate the BR from that map pack for you if you want.
June 27th, 2010, 03:46 PM
Re: Another Stupid Campaign Mod for Halo CE
That'd be awesome if you could, but the gun would still need a texture. I literally can't do anything with weapons beyond changing their behavior and particle sets.
June 27th, 2010, 05:05 PM
Re: Another Stupid Campaign Mod for Halo CE
I can prob unwrap it but someone else would have to texture it.