Please help me with this bot/waller
Hi there, i registered just to report this boter who is ruining the game experience in the server Modacity-Death Island, the guy has been boting/walling for a long time now, but this became a pain in the ass, so i need your help to ban for LIFE this @#!$&.
The noob uses the following nicks: El Vaticano,»VĜ«Nuev044, Style2, Axel.
His xfire:
This jackass already told me that he uses wallhack, but im sure that he's using some kind of bot, because sometimes he kills you with 1 shot in the head, with a PING of 253!
This guy and his similar boter/noob friend »VĜ«®†øm¥, have been banned already from other servers(dg servers to be exact).
I really like the modacity server and i dont want to leave just for this little piece of sh*t, thats why i need your help.
Here is the proof:
C'mon the bot is obvious:
Sorry my poor english, im from Chile.
Thanks in advance
Re: Please help me with this bot/waller
maybe he's just a good sniper who is tired of you calling him a hacker
Re: Please help me with this bot/waller
It doesn't look like hes botting to me, but probably using wireframe or something. Also what exactly is the point of clip #29? You showed him shooting two people who weren't moving--so what? If I had a dollar for every time I saw someone falsely accused of being a botter I'd be rich. Let's look at this guys videos objectively here. There's no snapping or perfectly following aiming. I don't think he's botting. The way he jumped down from the cliff to the enemy base is a trick not many people know, so it shows he's probably been playing the game a while. Knowing that guy was behind the wall is suspect, so I'll call him out on the wireframe there.
Here's how CE works: Join a server and have a good time. If you're not having a good time, try another server or quit. I play a lot of CE and I can tell you the actual number of botters is quite low. Sure, we can police these servers all day but nobody has time for that and it's really not worth it. CE will always have cheaters, plain and simple. What you should do when encountering a botter is simply leave the server and join another. At another time, come back.
Re: Please help me with this bot/waller
Originally Posted by
Knowing that guy was behind the wall is suspect, so I'll call him out on the wireframe there.
That guy tossed a plasma nade from behind the wall, so he blew his cover.
Personally I would have tossed a nade back to blast him out and finish the job, but I guess this player knew what he was up against, and just switched to sniper rifle and was ready to take the 1 shot kill.
Nothing wrong in any of the clips from my POV.
Re: Please help me with this bot/waller
Originally Posted by
Sean Aero
That guy tossed a plasma nade from behind the wall, so he blew his cover.
not sure how I missed that :\ it's pretty obvious now that this guy's legit.
Re: Please help me with this bot/waller
Ok, what i suspected, i will have to switch to dg-clan again , thanks for your help anyways guys.
But i want to clear something:
This boter already told me that he uses wallhack.
Im sure that he doesnt use the bot/hack always because sometimes he kills you inmediatly and other times he can barely aim at you(this last when i told him that i was recording), and i dont know what you think guys but the clip #19 seems pretty conclusive to me.
Sorry for the clip 29, i cut the video, but it shows that he's using wallhack.
These guys and their clan VG are well known in other servers for botting, Micosil is a very good player and he spotted them in the dg-servers.
Modesty aside, i have been playing this game almost 6 years now, im not a pro but im very good with my ping of 270, i have not a magic eye, but is easy for me to spot boters just watching the way they move, also i had numerous encounters with another players with high ping, and its almost impossible for them to kill you with 3 shots of a pistol.
Well thats all folks, i will not say more, maybe he will eventually get tired of being a cheater and decide to have a fair play, in the meantime this is where i get off
Thanks for your help.
Re: Please help me with this bot/waller
If you can get proof that he said it that would be great. Maybe coax him into saying it again and screenshotting it.
Re: Please help me with this bot/waller
Looking for the snap isn't as reliable as it was. There's a bot out in the wild now that interpolates to targets smoothly, unfortunately.
The guy did have this screen shot on his xfire before he deleted everything suspect.