The last one was two years old and I wanted to be obnoxious on a dead forum so
The QC Thread is a place for your most current works of any kind or any game and get quick advice. Why use this instead of a [GALLERY] thread or a WIP thread in another section? You can post your projects in their own thread if you want, but if you want fast advice on a smaller project, this is the place for you. This is not a place for you to dump all your work (It's not a big truck), but rather a place for work that doesn't require a whole thread in the Studio. That being said, please avoid posting loads of images. Keep that to your [GALLERY] threads. Essentially, this is like the good ol' Offtopic Gallery Thread minus all crap that plagued it and its sibling in the CE section.
So here are the rules:
- This is not a [GALLERY] thread, only post your most current work that does not require a whole thread.
- Make sure your images are big enough to crit, not too dark, and remember that wireframes for models are helpful.
- Images larger than the page size must be put in [shot] tags.
- Use [spoiler] tags sparingly; it's annoying having to click to open and view every single one of your images.
- Last but not least, no shitposting. This thread's been going good so far, don't ruin it.
Let's see some work!
p0lar edit: Please note the following addition to the AUP as of 2/17:
Keep in mind that there are professional artists, modelers, writers, animators, etc in this community who have taken college courses and have degrees in varied areas. When posting your work for critique, please specify if you are looking for professional advice to make it as perfect as it can get, or if you just want a basic rundown to improve your work.
- When asking for professional critique, you are opening yourself up to comments that you may find mean or rough. Feel free to inquire further or challenge the critic if they're too vague or you disagree, but do not retaliate to these comments (i.e: "fuck off, it took me X days to make this what do you know"), as this is normal in the professional world, and retaliating in such a way makes you look incompetent.
- If asking for basic advice, make sure to specify what the final role of the work will be. Is it an artistic piece? Will it be going into a game?
If you do not specify what kind of advice you'd like, it will be considered by default that you are looking for a professional review.