Project Overdose Ressurected
I don't know if you remember me, I was leader of DMT about 10 years ago. Started Project Overdose with the help of my(our) awesome team. I have just started to get back into games after not playing for almost 10 years. And also got back into creation. I decided to not go back to halo custom edition but create my own. Here's what I got after 2 days. and I'll post the old overdose trailer for CE bellow. If will be looking for help in the future. I plan to release on steam for profit, but we can talk about that later. The level is from a multiplayer map i made placebo. Project Overdose (Name subject for change)2016: Project Overdose Trailer for Halo Custom Edition:
Re: Project Overdose Ressurected
Here is new Update. Testing AI system, look at other videos for current inventory. I will need help when I get the engine finished, if you guys are up for it. Message me later.