Retribution Two.. somone please help!!
Retribution Two , if you played the old retribution you know it supported multiple BSP's in one map cache file. retribution two will be a number of BSP's with objectives , storylines , and even voice acting and probably custom animations too if anyone wants to help please email me at my backup email adress my current email adress recives too much spam , and i need Jahrains help too.. if you read this add sgtstacker13397 to your AIM or halokilla44 to your xfire
================================================== =========== Everytime i post on a differnt fourm half of my posts wind up with like a ton of reads but no replies and winds up dead on the next page.. would someone here even bother helping? well here goes..
The Storyline:
The human teleportation system designed to get soldiers and service workers from one place to another over far distances , only the mac 7 Monjolnir armor can widthstand the radioactive properties. One of the only avaible SPARTAN-III's ; SPARTAN-109 (Jenna) is assigned to test the new system.
During the test the teleporter only has to teleport her to the other side of the room. Something goes horribly wrong and she is teleported halfway across the galaxy to Installation 03 (Halo) were the UNSC Azerus and UNSC Mizota are puting up a hellish fight in space and on ground against the coveant. Here you are under the command of the captain of the UNSC Azerus; Captain Willam Tompson
In a desperate attempt to drive the coveant away from the ring world.. you learn about halo's dark secrets , and the creators...
================================================== ===========
Re: Retribution Two.. somone please help!!
Spartan III's don't have the MJOLNIR armor, they use the Semi-Powered Infiltration Armor. (SPI armor) And the numbering system is also different. (Spartan-B292 "Tom", Spartan-B091 "Lucy")
One Spartan II used the SPI armor once, but it might not work the other way around.
Halopedia has most of the Spartan III information.
Re: Retribution Two.. somone please help!!
Sounds cool. The original was fun.
Re: Retribution Two.. somone please help!!
Retribution was the map with all of Halo's multiplayer levels right? Why not go the extra step and make your own BSPs? It will be a lot more impressive whether or not your modelling is all that good (personally I cant do indoor stuff at all).
Re: Retribution Two.. somone please help!!
lol, how did all the maps merge? were there like.. teleporters or something?
Re: Retribution Two.. somone please help!!
yea they were like teleporters, though as someone said in a previous post, it would be more impresive to see an independently thought up custom biped along with something new
really the classic chief, weapons, vehicles and setting get old after a while
(i would like to help, but i have my own imaginary world that needs to materialize with awesome cg and some playable levels)
i do know that the scripting for that level must have been hard
but if you're in need of some ideas, i can forfit some creativity
Re: Retribution Two.. somone please help!!
Its my story and it doesnt matter xD to the surviving colony they spartan 3's armor are inproved upon (they skiped the mac 6 you see in halo 2) because the two ships that escaped reach found a new planet that the covenat didint seem to have been to and eventually created an entire colony and improved upon the monjolnir armor from the current version at that time and recruited new spartans for it "By recruit i mean kidnap innocent children" heheehhe and all im good at doing is adding crap.. im Okay at scripting and placing objects and AI .. id need a level designer to make custom BSP's since its installation 03 and not 04
Re: retribution two canceled
you could've just posted this in your original topic, instead of making a new one.
Re: retribution two canceled
Giving up after only three days?