feel like i should pull this bit out of my previous post. of course bullet magnetism and auto aim gets pulled into it too, but the guy shooting slow also has that
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Sorry, didn't read that part of your post. Apologies for restating almost exactly what you already said. I agree that it's questionable how valid a complaint it really is.
This is my complaint with the DMR/NR. The DMR's retarded range prevents open maps from having any sort of flow, while its spammability up close makes it not only obnoxious but less skilled to use compared to previous mid-range weapons in the series. Note that 'spam' doesn't have to mean firing as fast as possible. Just firing slightly faster than normal is enough to make it annoying. A lot of Reach proponents claim to hate the BR from Halo 3. Imagine how much more obnoxious it would be with unlimited range and the ability to fire FASTER at close range.
How's the DMR any different from any FPS that uses the Counter Strike style spread system is what I don't understand. It's even worse in those games because the spread is so much more intense and random than the DMR ever would be
Get their shields down with spam, pace the headshot. Works pretty much every time in 1 on 1s. Bumper jumper also helps. At the end of the day the more consistent person will be on top.
it did in halo 1 with the pistol if you held down click, but there was literally no negative effect to just releasing click between shots, so the weapon's accuracy didnt seem to be affected while firing at full speed. i gather the spread was an intended game element though.
Maybe originally, but since they didn't keep that effect in Halo 2 or 3 I think that idea was pretty well trashed.
The issue I have with bloom is that it makes the DMR and the pistol needlessly awkward and uncomfortable to use. Not only does the pistol already have an absurdly small clip size and awful range, but it gets grossly inaccurate after only shot, so you always have to fire below its maximum rate of fire for it to be effective at any range beyond point-blank. It makes the weapon unsatisfying and uncomfortable to use, and this is coming from someone with two pistol kills for each pistol death.
The DMR has the same issue to a lesser extent, but I've got no problem with the bloom on the needle rifle.
>awkward, obnoxious, unecessary
opinions, and I disagree.
Whatever though. Guess we all have the right to disagree here.
Guess we'll see how the community reacts when everyone's getting instant head shots all the time spamming the shit out of the trigger when no bloom comes into play. And when the pistol comes back and everyone's dying from some guy camping on top of the map. Going to predict nobody's going to bitch any less, considering it's not going to be like Halo 1 LAN where everybody's playing to have a good time and not be assholes, or PC where you've got twelve year olds knocking warthogs around with plasma grenades and roleplaying McDonalds in Chronopolis.