We aren't saying the water is going to ruin the game, just why flaunt ugly water like its the next Jessica Alba?
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We aren't saying the water is going to ruin the game, just why flaunt ugly water like its the next Jessica Alba?
It really is upsetting to see that the intellectual quality of these forums has degraded (if there was anything to degrade in the first place) to a point where any sort of intelligent discussion is regarded merely as "Wikipedia regurgitation". What really sticks in my side is ignorance; nothing irritates me more.
On the actual topic, I could care less about the quality of the water in this game. The last thing I'm going to be doing while I'm playing it is stopping to inspect every single visual detail. If it looks decently like water, its water. However, I do agree it's nothing for Bungie to tout in their weekly update as anything significant or of value.
guys im still mad about the water.
We should not get over this. We should not get on to a better topic.
Lets all just stay mad
about the water.
Hey guys, what do you suppose is the deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio for that Reach water? I'll lose my SHIT if it's anything over 2X Earth oceanic levels.
I like the changes to match making. As long as I dont get the stupid open nat error crap though It'll be good.
Instead of handing out infractions for the continued mess of this thread or branching all of those posts into their own thread, I'm just going to lock it up until anymore interesting (or even just new) news come about of Reach. That way you're all forced to drop the fucking subject and move on to something with more meaning.
If you think you have some serious talk to contribute to this thread (that isn't bawwwwwwww'ing over the properties of atoms and laws of physics in a game), PM and I'll consider unlocking it for you.
Alright, since I started the thread, I'm unlocking it, but only because I found another interesting little tidbit.
Notice how it says 104cR in the bottom right corner? Is this for buying stuff (perks, weapon upgrades/etc) or is it just another way to describe EXP?
Now, listen carefully. Shut the fuck up about the water or I'll just have to relock it? K? And I'm sure Kornman will infract your shit.
It sounds like a credit abbrv. but since it's so close to and grouped with the rank bar it may be "current Rank", meaning how many points you have in the current rank or something
but I could have sworn cR has been used to describe credits before in other sci-fi settings (ie, star-trek)
Well, last I remember that U.N.S.C. Currency was described by cR, but then again it might be EXP because its so close to the rank, that I'm going to guess it's just a new word for EXP.