We have everything in our maps that we want, that's why we don't feel the need to use OS.
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We have everything in our maps that we want, that's why we don't feel the need to use OS.
So you wanted the UI and now you don't want it? You asked for it and even tried to get someone to make a new BSP to negotiate for your use of it.
Oh that's right. Just say you don't want it to make yourself happy~
That logic may work for you, but think about how much OS would help for the map size and the separate bitmaps.map and sounds.map. Also, you've changed why you don't want to use OS so many time's its just not funny anymore.
First, it was the ridiculous "playerbase" argument.
Second, it was because of some "possible probable maybe instability" argument.
Now, it's "I already have all of the content".
That's not why it's recommended you use OS. We recommended so that you can have smaller map-spaces
We did want the UI. Now we don't.
The UI adds 27 megs to each map.
There are 10 maps.
That is 270 MB Per person who downloads the mod.
100 people download the mod.
That is 27 Gigs.
200 People download
That is 54 Gigs
All that for a pretty pause menu?
if you guys just want to finish the mod, then why is "we are worried about the temptation of adding more shit without the restrictions" a valid argument?
i read to page 5 and couldnt read anymore. this whole thing is so stupid
Masters, if you use OS and use a shared bitmaps.map, you won't have to have the UI bitmaps in each map (meaning smaller map sizes). Couple this with the other bitmaps and sounds that will be saved to shared bitmaps.map and sounds.map, and you have significantly smaller map sizes all around. You're not using any logic, you make no sense. Just use OS.
The team only agreed to use OS to make development easier, not for features. It's in the statement we made in the other thread.
We were happy with the way things were, other than the tagslot and map size errors, which are gone.
But what we're saying to use OS for is neither, it's for making map size smaller. There's no sense to arguing it. Using OS would make mapsize smaller, therefore you can keep the UI. I don't see why you seem to be boycotting OS for no apparent logical reason, but it's really ignorant and retarded.
I understand that, we don't want to use OS to make our sizes smaller. We rather keep them larger and more simple than small and complicated. We like how things are.