Whatever though. Guess we all have the right to disagree here.
Guess we'll see how the community reacts when everyone's getting instant head shots all the time spamming the shit out of the trigger when no bloom comes into play. And when the pistol comes back and everyone's dying from some guy camping on top of the map. Going to predict nobody's going to bitch any less, considering it's not going to be like Halo 1 LAN where everybody's playing to have a good time and not be assholes, or PC where you've got twelve year olds knocking warthogs around with plasma grenades and roleplaying McDonalds in Chronopolis.
Community probably wont react much because its not a global change; its going to be specific to certain playlists.
September 16th, 2011, 12:26 AM
t3h m00kz
Re: Upcoming Title Update
perhaps a bad choice of words on my part
I predict the amount of relevant frustration had while playing CEA in comparison to standard Reach probably won't be much less, if any at all.
Make more sense?
September 16th, 2011, 05:24 AM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by t3h m00kz
bloom reduces spam
No, it really doesn't and I don't know why people think that. If anything bloom increases the amount of spam in specific situations while leaving it the same overall.
You're welcome to your opinion but if you honestly find Reach's mechanics fun I don't know how you can consider yourself a 'profag'. Reach is a game specifically designed so any moron can wade in, get kills, and have fun. It does this by including lots of random elements like bloom and gameplay crutches like the melee lunge. It's fine if all you want to do is goof off online, but there's a reason MLG didn't want to move to it.
September 16th, 2011, 06:27 AM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by t3h m00kz
Guess we'll see how the community reacts when everyone's getting instant head shots all the time spamming the shit out of the trigger when no bloom comes into play.
The problem with the NR and DMR isn't that they have bloom, but that their default accuracy is 100%, and that they are the default spawn weapons. Ideally, default starting weapon would be a specifically medium-range weapon like the BR or carbine, with the DMR and NR as specialty pick-up weapons. At least on larger maps.
September 16th, 2011, 07:46 AM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Here's an idea:
Increase Bloom, Remove bullet magnetism all together.
That way, any stray shots stay stray and any aimed shots are rewarded.
You'll still get that random headshot but by the time that happens you should have aimed your shots well enough to beat the odds.
September 16th, 2011, 11:50 AM
t3h m00kz
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by Pooky
No, it really doesn't and I don't know why people think that. If anything bloom increases the amount of spam in specific situations while leaving it the same overall.
You're welcome to your opinion but if you honestly find Reach's mechanics fun I don't know how you can consider yourself a 'profag'. Reach is a game specifically designed so any moron can wade in, get kills, and have fun. It does this by including lots of random elements like bloom and gameplay crutches like the melee lunge. It's fine if all you want to do is goof off online, but there's a reason MLG didn't want to move to it.
despite what you may believe I'm not a profag and I actually hate the MLG community, the idea of being a professional gamer as a career and source of income is laughable. I play games to chill the fuck out, I leave the stress for my job. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy competitive gameplay and won't do what I can to win.
September 16th, 2011, 01:37 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by =sw=warlord
Here's an idea:
Increase Bloom, Remove bullet magnetism all together.
That way, any stray shots stay stray and any aimed shots are rewarded.
You'll still get that random headshot but by the time that happens you should have aimed your shots well enough to beat the odds.
Yeah, that. Exactly that.
September 16th, 2011, 05:26 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by Arteen
Except no, not really, no. Rate of fire didn't affect the accuracy of precision weapons in previous games. Which is a huge difference. It might be a feature in the game's engine, but not in the actual gameplay.
I suppose that makes sense then. Halo never really has been about consciously exploiting an accuracy system to win.
September 16th, 2011, 05:33 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by Arteen
The problem with the NR and DMR isn't that they have bloom, but that their default accuracy is 100%, and that they are the default spawn weapons. Ideally, default starting weapon would be a specifically medium-range weapon like the BR or carbine, with the DMR and NR as specialty pick-up weapons. At least on larger maps.
And that they have practically infinite range, and instant hits.
Originally Posted by =sw=warlord
Here's an idea:
Increase Bloom, Remove bullet magnetism all together.
That way, any stray shots stay stray and any aimed shots are rewarded.
You'll still get that random headshot but by the time that happens you should have aimed your shots well enough to beat the odds.
I'd take this over the current system.
Originally Posted by t3h m00kz
despite what you may believe I'm not a profag and I actually hate the MLG community, the idea of being a professional gamer as a career and source of income is laughable. I play games to chill the fuck out, I leave the stress for my job. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy competitive gameplay and won't do what I can to win.
You called yourself that, I didn't. Like I said, Reach is fine as a casual FPS but trying to defend it as a serious competitive shooter is ridiculous.
September 16th, 2011, 08:26 PM
t3h m00kz
Re: Upcoming Title Update
I suppose my sarcasm wasn't blatant enough.
What's different than two competetive players spamming the DMR at each other than two MLG COD players hip-firing their sniper rifles at each other and calling hitting random headshots skill?
this is the same shit.
by this logic it sounds to me like the only game worthy of being called competetive would be instagib in Quake. no bloom, no random hits, no bullshit. Everyone has the same weapon, and has equal opportunities. best aim wins. sure it might get boring after the fifteenth thousand kill but who gives a shit right, it's pure skill. wait, what? Leading? oh, unreal instagib then.
You want a game that caters to noobs? Go play Mario Kart Wii. You'd gladly take reach over that anyday.
I'm not saying the spread doesn't add randomization to the game. But honestly, there are always going to be random aspects to any game you play. I've personally never had a problem with the DMR, no moreso than the fact that I might get matched up with idiots, no moreso than people spamming nades up a lift, no moreso than people sweeping their BR reticules over my head hoping one of their three shots will be a headshot.