a mechanic which works in other games automatically works in Halo too
Furthermore, go play Halo PC. Play it for a while until you get used to it again. Notice how it doesn't have any of the things you described, and people still consider it a skill-based game.
September 16th, 2011, 10:27 PM
t3h m00kz
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by Pooky
I give no factual reason as to why this feature is acceptable for every other shooter in the world but not Halo aside from the randomization aspect that it adds to every other shooter in the world now being in Halo, even though it's always been in the series to different extents
Originally Posted by Pooky
Furthermore, go play Halo PC. Play it for a while until you get used to it again. Notice how it doesn't have any of the things you described, and people still consider it a skill-based game.
Game's too easy at this point. Half the players are too busy jacking each other off and stunting to fight back. Almost always in the top. Started playing with a controller, to even the playing field, and still up there.
September 16th, 2011, 10:29 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by t3h m00kz
We're not talking about other games, we're talking about Halo. And I've given plenty, plenty of reasons why I don't think it works. There's no such fucking thing as a 'factual' reason when discussing balance in a video game.
September 16th, 2011, 10:29 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Wait, what randomization is there to a weapon that has Hit-scan?
September 16th, 2011, 10:32 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Because at point blank range you can spam it to get some lucky kills.
Reposting this for the benefit of people who don't read. In fact I might as well sig my entire opinion on the DMR since I keep having to re-state it so much.
teekup: the reticule bloom is pointless because the gun is fucking hitscan
YEAH LET'S PLAY JEDI KNIGHT 2: all the reticle bloom does is add a little more randomness at point blank range
YEAH LET'S PLAY JEDI KNIGHT 2: that's not even the main complaint I have with the DMR, which I've highlighted at least 10 times, but for some reason everyone just harps on the bloom thing
September 17th, 2011, 06:25 AM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by Pooky
Because at point blank range you can spam it to get some lucky kills.
You realize that at point blank you could spam ANY weapon to get lucky kills.
What you're looking for here is a weapon that makes the bullets go around the enemy at point blank rather than heading straight and true.
Honestly, this argument is getting more stupid the further it goes, I would spam the AR at point blank range and "get a lucky" kill because of how close i am.
The only solution here that would be approved by either side is to ramp the bloom to stupid proportions, remove the bullet magnetism and make the bloom move quicker so it takes the same time to get your aim right again whilst at the same time any trigger press faster than a timed shot would stray off else where.
As it stands, all I'm hearing right now is bawww bloom adds randomness baww.
In all the previous games there was always randomness to any shot besides a select few, it's just now it is being shown.
September 17th, 2011, 01:02 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by =sw=warlord
In all the previous games there was always randomness to any shot besides a select few, it's just now it is being shown.
Have you even played any Halo game before Reach? The pistol, BR, carbine, and ODST pistol don't have anything like bloom.
September 17th, 2011, 01:42 PM
t3h m00kz
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Pistol in Halo 1 had bloom. Automatic weapons in the series have always had bloom. BR has spread and fires three bursts which adds a random factor.
September 17th, 2011, 02:07 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by Arteen
Have you even played any Halo game before Reach? The pistol, BR, carbine, and ODST pistol don't have anything like bloom.
Have you?
Because I'm looking at the weapon tag for the pistol right now and it's showing me that the pistol had a minimum error of 0 and a maximum error of 2 degrees which gradually climbed the more shots fired in succession.