Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I love the ability to pick your 'load-out' at the start of the game. The problem is you cannot select and choose the seperate items and make custom loadouts. Okay I can see Bungie might have done this so they can balance it out well. Say you could start with an energy sword, you dont want them to have the run technique because that would just demolish everyone. However, the ability that you cant select and choose want you want I feel limits what can be done, and it means you cant pick your favourites. Again, I like how you can select certain loadouts, I just wish you could customise these.
The other big question is, can you pick up any weapon thats on the ground? If you cant then we have a big issue.
Also, people should bitch and moan, whoever says "yeah well you cant do anything", your just being ignorant, why the fuck is Bungie handing out a beta? Its not just to gather data, its to get the views of the people that will be playing it day in day out. If they find bugs, people will let them know, if it turns out, that sniper rifle isnt balanced enough against elites then they will find it out from users complaining.
I'm still looking forward to reach, loadouts are a cool addition and I feel they will change the game dramatically, for the better. It will add that dynamic-ness of the game.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Also, they're not a mandatory part of the playlist. They can easily have "classic" SWAT where all you get to have are DMRs and Magnums. They're just adding an additional layer of customization. Something to keep the game from becoming so stale over time. Bungie Aerospace needs revenue to build that thar Giant Slingshot after all :downs:
Think of it like an expansion of the "Custom" or "Generic" weapons option...
Also, where's the threat to infract if this discussion on loadouts continues, eh? :raise:
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
I love the ability to pick your 'load-out' at the start of the game. The problem is you cannot select and choose the seperate items and make custom loadouts. Okay I can see Bungie might have done this so they can balance it out well. Say you could start with an energy sword, you dont want them to have the run technique because that would just demolish everyone. However, the ability that you cant select and choose want you want I feel limits what can be done, and it means you cant pick your favourites. Again, I like how you can select certain loadouts, I just wish you could customise these.
I don't really see the problem with this. In the previous games, you didn't have any choice in spawn weapons. Now you do.
Originally Posted by
The other big question is, can you pick up any weapon thats on the ground? If you cant then we have a big issue.
Of course you can pick up weapons off the ground.
Originally Posted by
Also, people should bitch and moan, whoever says "yeah well you cant do anything", your just being ignorant, why the fuck is Bungie handing out a beta? Its not just to gather data, its to get the views of the people that will be playing it day in day out. If they find bugs, people will let them know, if it turns out, that sniper rifle isnt balanced enough against elites then they will find it out from users complaining.
I'd prefer if people would whine after they had a chance to play the game.
I hope we still have a way to spawn with a random loadout like in the H3 Fiesta playlists. I'd love a gametype where everyone spawns as a random biped (Spartan or Elite) with a random armor ability and random starting weapons. It would be awesome.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
I love the ability to pick your 'load-out' at the start of the game. The problem is you cannot select and choose the seperate items and make custom loadouts. Okay I can see Bungie might have done this so they can balance it out well. Say you could start with an energy sword, you dont want them to have the run technique because that would just demolish everyone. However, the ability that you cant select and choose want you want I feel limits what can be done, and it means you cant pick your favourites. Again, I like how you can select certain loadouts, I just wish you could customise these.
Obviously, Bungie is aware of what other shooters have done with custom loadouts. They clearly have reasons for not going in that direction and I agree with their decision.
For one thing, if Bungie wants swords, hammers, and rockets as part of loadouts for a special gametype, they have the flexibility to implement that. If a certain gametype would be completely ruined if the jetpack were allowed, they can just take it out of the loadout options. They don't have to worry about making sure that every possible loadout combination is balanced in every situation. This system supports a huge variety of possibilities, not the least of which being the fact that you can make a fresh choice in almost every match, instead of being married to one optimal loadout combo for the majority of your time with the game.
I think it's great and solves many more problems than it introduces.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
You can pick up weps off the ground. If you watch the video again, it says "Press X to pick up <whatever wep it was>" Which that right there, says the controls changed from H3.
Even with load outs, you have to realize that you can technically customize them in a sense. Want a sprint load out but you dont want a shotgun it comes with? Kill a guy with his DMR, pick the damn thing up, and don't die.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I was just making sure you can big any type of weapon up. I don't think it will effect the game much, I won't be screaming at my tv for not giving me X gun at the start. It would have been cool to fully customise load-outs though.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I'm completely with Mr. Burke on this one, it sounds like a problem-solving implementation to kill the time that in previous games would mean running around your base getting all the equipment you need to execute your plan of attack. Letting people choose between which basic weapons they start with means that more of the time in the match can be spent fighting, and that dying can be a less frustrating experience when you haven't invested so much time in your armory. I for one am excited about the more personalized and tactical game-play that can stem from variety in starting weapons. I feel like the majority of people will opt for the mid-range headshot-getting class (this is Halo after all) and aside from wasting less time seems like the experience will be pretty damn similar.
And yes, in case it satisfies one's twisted mind to know, I did like MW2 :/
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
From the sounds of it, you'll be able to configure them in your custom game types so when you're fragging it out at home you can set them to your heart's content.
For matchmaking, I think leaving it up to Bungie is the best compromise. That way they're like the refs. No one gets to step out of bounds and come in with an upper hand because they have a load-out which no one else has (doesn't have to just be super weapons). It also simplifies program logic since they don't have to check your load outs against invalid configs when you join a matchmaking playlist, and thus limiting your load outs (had they let you used custom load outs). Instead they lay down the law and tell the world how it's going down.
Don't likey? Go back to playing with your CoDs. I could careless for tatical nukes and C130s myself. (not trying to attack you Limited, sorry if it sounds like that)
Originally Posted by
Also, where's the threat to infract if this discussion on loadouts continues, eh? :raise:
Kinda hard to infract an admin (read: j-hop-on-pop, aka jpop, aka jcap) :-3
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
What it seems to me is less like Battlefield/CoD "classes" and more a way to make sure everybody starts on an equal playing field according to their playstyle. Some people would infinitely more comfortable with an AR, whereas others would prefer a DMR; this way, people gravitate towards what they play best with, and everyone's at an equal advantage. Likewise with armor abilities. All the weapons in loadouts are designed to be techincally equal (unlike H3's AR vs. BR), but their individual styles suit some players more than others. Everyone, in essence, is allowed to play at their best.
But for the weapons that actually are better, there's still the mad rush to the RL.
Either way, this is why they're having a beta in May; no doubt, something with the loadouts is going to be horribly fucking imbalanced, and they'll fix all those things accordingly.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
The real question is... how will all this affect the sport sensation that is Grifball?