Whelp, time for everyone to start making things that look like Halo Reach in Halo PC.
Unless this really is the time... That we can't replicate half the stuff that goes on. e: Which I higly doubt
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Whelp, time for everyone to start making things that look like Halo Reach in Halo PC.
Unless this really is the time... That we can't replicate half the stuff that goes on. e: Which I higly doubt
I'm holding off my thoughts until the Beta, when we actually get to experience the game first hand and not just a segment of the first cinematic to a currently alien game whose direction we really don't have a clue of yet. All we know is that it is Reach, and I'm doubting they would just do a game of a book (check out their newest Writer position for what they're NOT looking for to clue you in). Tie ins yes, but just like ODST, I'm betting this is a view from another angle in the battle.
Hmmm...well now, doesn't that moutain look familiar...
They keep making the spartans look better and better, just makes the big MC look low tech. :saddowns:
Just so we're clear, the trailer, and the game, still look pretty good. My post comes from my experience getting excited about Halo sequels only to be let down because it wasn't exactly what I wanted it to be. I think those of us who are admittedly obsessed with the story each have our own conception of how it should be told, and it's impossible to live up to everybody's competing expectations. As far as gameplay and engine go, each of the games has been successively better, and this game certainly looks like no exception. I love the games for how fun they are, regardless of the storyline behind them. However, I really do like the backstory as well, and I know Bungie is still really trying hard on the storyline aspect, but each game has been kind of a let-down on that front (probably because we're putting Halo 1 on a pedestal it doesn't really fit on). I've been hurt before. So this time I'm just noting that the trailer only really shows us a gorgeous engine rather than getting excited over the game, so that when it does come out, I can either play it and say "oh, this is fun" or play it and be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the story arc in the campaign.
And let's be clear on one thing: in terms of fun, the campaigns and the mp have always been tops (with the possible exception of a couple of frustrating points on Legendary, but hey, that's Legendary) and I expect no less from Reach.
The new vehicle isn't supposed to replace the Pelican, it appears to be an aerial Warthog that the player will actually be able to pilot. Flip-open, one-person canopy/cockpit; manageable size; landing skids instead of retractable landing gears -- these are the three requirements for making a player-controlled aerial transport vehicle. Check, check, and check.
Besides, it can't replace a Pelican, because it's restricted to atmosphere. And you'd need 3 of them just to deliver the payload of marines that one Pelican can. That wouldn't be very efficient in terms of performance.
As for the armor, it appears that they are sticking with the Mark V chestplate for most of them. And one of the helmets bore a resemblance to the Mark V. Obviously, there was some re-imagining going on.
All the permutations definitely hurt the iconic nature of the specific MJOLNIR armor we've come to know, but I understand that you can't have identical-looking characters. Which is why I never thought we'd see more than one Spartan when the main character is a Spartan himself.
I'm not so in love with the graphics as most. The engine seems fine, but Bungie's asset creation pipeline still looks like it's stuck 6 years in the past. They think they can get away with drawing in their normal maps when most every other company makes super-high res meshes to generate the bulk of their characters' normals and textures. The game just looks a bit crude and chunky to me.
Also not a fan of some of the walk animations. Motion capture is still a dirty word in Kirkland, it appears.
Don't forget Bungie's redux of the Mark V armor: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/ha...853_280617.jpg
The helmet resembles the helmet's used for some of the spartans in the premiere, so they may have used that concept instead of Halo 1's or 3's, then with each spartan having a more customized variant of it. Or I could just be all wrong.
If you take the original Halo characters and make them look as good as this engine, then it won't look like Unreal. Now the characters look like they are hyped up on steroids and the armour is super bulky while much less protective-looking...sounds like Unreal and Gears of War to me.
Don't get me wrong, I love Gears and I love Unreal, but the look just doesn't work for Halo, especially when one of the key points of Halo has been being somewhat realistic.
E: The image linked to by Delta4907 is fantastic, but in the premiere they made the armour/guys underneath really fat/big and removed a lot of the plating. It looks retarded.