Re: Upcoming Title Update
EDIT: Clearly, the "bloom" under rapid semi-auto is close to negligible. I'd also like to see a test shooting at an actual target, because I believe there's a bit of a homing effect that might further reduce any potential pistol error. Maybe that was confined to the Xbox version, though.
Re: Upcoming Title Update
A better question here is, how many people noticed and were disappointed to find that the magnum in Halo 2 did not fire full auto?
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by
It was pointed out earlier that it's not successive shots that accelerate error in Halo 1, it's holding down on the trigger. I haven't tested that personally, but it sounds correct. If the pistol had bloom under normal, semi-automatic use, people would have noticed.
Isn't that exactly what Bloom hopes to achieve?
Forcing players to slow down and time their shots.
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by
Have you?
Because I'm looking at the weapon tag for the pistol right now and it's showing me that the pistol had a minimum error of 0 and a maximum error of 2 degrees which gradually climbed the more shots fired in succession.
I'm looking at the tag right now and the error deceleration time is quicker than the weapon's actual rate of fire.
Originally Posted by
Isn't that exactly what Bloom hopes to achieve?
Forcing players to slow down and time their shots.
Actually that's what maximum-rate-of-fire achieves. Bloom achieves the opposite.
Re: Upcoming Title Update
regardless, method 2 in that video had noticeable inaccuracy compared to method 3. Method 2 adds the randomization factor. "YOUR SHOTS MAY OR MAY NOT HIT." The strategy is nearly identical to reach. Fire faster up close, pace at a distance. There is spread, randomization, and the chance that the shot may not connect.
Re: Upcoming Title Update
If you hold the trigger down too long between shots, sure. I've tested this stuff before and my accuracy was much better than in the video. Negligible difference.
EDIT: If you were paying attention to method 3 in the video, "YOUR SHOTS MAY OR MAY NOT HIT" regardless of how fast you pull the trigger. There is already bullet spread.
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by
You realize that at point blank you could spam ANY weapon to get lucky kills.
What you're looking for here is a weapon that makes the bullets go around the enemy at point blank rather than heading straight and true.
Honestly, this argument is getting more stupid the further it goes, I would spam the AR at point blank range and "get a lucky" kill because of how close i am.
The only solution here that would be approved by either side is to ramp the bloom to stupid proportions, remove the bullet magnetism and make the bloom move quicker so it takes the same time to get your aim right again whilst at the same time any trigger press faster than a timed shot would stray off else where.
As it stands, all I'm hearing right now is bawww bloom adds randomness baww.
In all the previous games there was always randomness to any shot besides a select few, it's just now it is being shown.
You're an idiot. A precision, headshot capable weapon is not the same as an AR.
What you're looking for here is a weapon that makes the bullets go around the enemy at point blank rather than heading straight and true.
Singling this part out in particular. Have you read any of this thread at all? At what point did I ever say more inaccuracy would be a good thing?
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by
If you hold the trigger down too long between shots, sure. I've tested this stuff before and my accuracy was much better than in the video. Negligible difference.
EDIT: If you were paying attention to method 3 in the video, "YOUR SHOTS MAY OR MAY NOT HIT" regardless of how fast you pull the trigger. There is already bullet spread.
Exactly, it has always been in place that shots may or may not hit, and it has always been a game mechanic that causes randomness. You can get out-pistoled by someone because of the way the spread works. I don't get why it's such a huge deal in Reach. To me it sounds like splitting cut hairs.
Re: Upcoming Title Update
In the AR's defense, if you use short-controlled bursts it's an excellent crowd-control weapon. And guess what? I use Reticle Bloom to use it so effectively and properly.
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by
t3h m00kz
Exactly, it has always been in place that shots may or may not hit, and it has always been a game mechanic that causes randomness. You can get out-pistoled by someone because of the way the spread works. I don't get why it's such a huge deal in Reach. To me it sounds like splitting cut hairs.
You're just being obstinate if you claim that the bullet spread of the Halo 1 pistol is at all proportional to the bloom in the Reach magnum. There's a huge, fundamental difference in how the two weapons work that has a significant effect on how the two weapons handle.