Save up your money if you can, I'd say a good $300-$350 would be better for upgrading if the purpose is gaming. PSU should be last to upgrade unless the stock PSU is horrendously bad (e.g. 4-500W and up should be good).
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Well, thing is it's a 250W. And the processor is a AMD sempron LE-1200. The graphics card said it needed at least 400W to run.
Save your money.
I'm going to buy a new video card. It needs to be able to handle my TF2 habits. And if it's possible, I'm fucking sick of ATI cards. The card I currently have is an ATI Radeon x800 Series card. It's a big pile of dog crap.
So any suggestions for cards that would be better, and relatively inexpensive, are greatly appreciated.
x800 is AGP isn't it? If so there's not really anything worth upgrading to until you get a motherboard with PCI-E.
The best AGP cards available right now are the 3850 and the 4670.
Which aren't worth upgrading to IMO.
just postin this because what the fuck 50 dollars for a 9800gt (8800gt(gts240(wtf)))
Which CPUs would best for gaming? Athlon II X3s or Phenom II X2s? I'm to go for a cheap 100 dollar CPU.
Intel CPU's.