Ugh, everyone's complaint is about the graphics, which honestly, while important, are nowhere near as permanent and defining as the gameplay. While you're playing a game you don't stop and go "Oh man let's look at every single pixel on this texture, let's look at the UVs in this tiny corner over here," you're freaking killing people.
I mean sure, the animations and stuff really add that feel of "Man my bullet just fucked that dude up" and the graphics go "Wow this freaking gun is bad ass" but over time it's not going to matter as much.
The gameplay seems to be going in a much different direction. I'd say let's see how that pans out before we decide this game sucks.
April 17th, 2010, 06:10 AM
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
The gametrailers GTTV episode of reach was AWESOME!
i wonder if thats just the last stage and it'll look sorta like what the honour guard does in halo wars when it delivers the killing blow to an enemy unit
April 17th, 2010, 08:32 AM
teh lag
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
The FP animations bother me SO MUCH. Pistol and shotgun in particular.
April 17th, 2010, 10:01 AM
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Shotgun animation bothered me more than the pistols. The shotguns animation to me made it seem weak, it didn't have any of the kick we're use to... again i guess we'll have to wait and see. I think the game is looking good but maybe it was just the shots on GTTV it seemed extremely fast gameplay - even in comparison to previous halo's...i will hold out judgement for the beta.
i wonder if thats just the last stage and it'll look sorta like what the honour guard does in halo wars when it delivers the killing blow to an enemy unit
I'm pretty sure it is the latter half of the animation for the assassination, but what i noticed more is that the elite is using a plasma dagger attached to his wrist... its like a slim energy sword.
April 17th, 2010, 10:27 AM
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by teh lag
The FP animations bother me SO MUCH. Pistol and shotgun in particular.
I don't like them either, especially the pistol. The animations just looks so fake and have a kind of "animated cartoony" feel to them if that makes any sense. I felt the same way about some of Halo 3's animations too.
Did anyone notice the health pack on the left side of this pic? It's now grey, but it's difficult to tell if it has the same size proportions as Halo 1's. I also hope that the weapons don't just go straight through the jetpack like they do in that pic.
Ugh, everyone's complaint is about the graphics, which honestly, while important, are nowhere near as permanent and defining as the gameplay. While you're playing a game you don't stop and go "Oh man let's look at every single pixel on this texture, let's look at the UVs in this tiny corner over here," you're freaking killing people.
I mean sure, the animations and stuff really add that feel of "Man my bullet just fucked that dude up" and the graphics go "Wow this freaking gun is bad ass" but over time it's not going to matter as much.
The gameplay seems to be going in a much different direction. I'd say let's see how that pans out before we decide this game sucks.
The reason why, is because its hard to tell anything about gameplay until you play it. It would make sense that most of the comments would be about what you see in the video.
And really, the reason why some people are so hung up about the graphics is because of how much Bungie was promoting it. It's still not even quite at the level of the Halo 3 E3 trailer in my opinon.
Also, I have to agree that those pistol and shotgun animations made me cringe. The grenade throwing animation also looks amazingly awkward.
April 17th, 2010, 01:23 PM
t3h m00kz
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Well, okay.
I do have to say though, difference is, the Halo 3 E3 trailer was a lie. The Halo 2 E32003 trailer was a lie. Both of them oversold the graphics, and neither represented how the graphics in the final game looked and Bungie said, "This is the engine, this is how it's going to look!" (which they literally said for the Halo 3 one) when, in reality, the final game was much more dull and not nearly as polished. So really, you're comparing the in-game graphics of Reach to things that didn't even make the final cut, likely due to performance issues or something similar.
Halo 2:
Halo 3:
Halo Reach:
So far, the Reach announcement trailer has been about looking about as good as the game itself, and I feel much less lied to.
April 17th, 2010, 02:16 PM
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Oh god, don't remind me about the Halo 3 Teaser/Release was downright awful.