the reach magnum is not what I'm comparing the pistol to.
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the reach magnum is not what I'm comparing the pistol to.
For the last time people, nobody here is complaining about bloom on automatic weapons. To clarify, when people complain about bloom they're complaining about the addition of increasing spread to precision weapons. Nothing else.
As I've said many times before, the Pistol's spread is constant and unchanging which makes it not a random factor but a predictable one. Yes, you can increase it by holding down the trigger but nobody with half a brain cell ever does that and I can't believe anyone would make such a stupid argument.
you win
Let me get this straight pooky, You're complaining that a precision weapon has bloom because it adds "randomness" to your shots and might make your shots veer off your target whilst at the same time complaining that people who spam said weapons "might" get a lucky shot?
Had there not been any bloom at all, the spammers would be an even bigger issue.
"hay guiz we're gettin spammed and we dun leik bloom so plz remov bloom so we can spam back k thnx bai!"
Your issue is not with bloom, it's with the ridiculous amounts of auto aim, sit in a revenant passenger with a sniper and see just how many head shots you get and you'll see what I mean.
The issue is not the bloom, if you honestly believe it is you are extremely vain.
Jesus christ I can't believe I have to repeat this yet again
Yes, in my opinion bloom is annoying and dumb. But it's NOT the main problem with the DMR NOR is it the main problem with Reach multiplayer in general.Quote:
teekup: the reticule bloom is pointless because the gun is fucking hitscan
YEAH LET'S PLAY JEDI KNIGHT 2: all the reticle bloom does is add a little more randomness at point blank range
YEAH LET'S PLAY JEDI KNIGHT 2: that's not even the main complaint I have with the DMR, which I've highlighted at least 10 times, but for some reason everyone just harps on the bloom thing
The difference between the Pistol and the DMR is where the Pistol has a clearly limited maximum range, the DMR does not (within the bounds of any of the official maps). Also while the Pistol requires actual aim to use at close range, with the DMR you can just spam and follow up with an auto aiming super lunging homing melee attack.
This is my complaint with the DMR/NR. The DMR's retarded range prevents open maps from having any sort of flow, while its spammability up close makes it not only obnoxious but less skilled to use compared to previous mid-range weapons in the series. Note that 'spam' doesn't have to mean firing as fast as possible. Just firing slightly faster than normal is enough to make it annoying. A lot of Reach proponents claim to hate the BR from Halo 3. Imagine how much more obnoxious it would be with unlimited range and the ability to fire FASTER at close range.
So basicly, your complaint is that gameplay over rules realism?
If you want weapons with no spread go play CoD, don't shit up Halo with your need for everything to be "realistic".
You really are vain, Seriously, if your complaint with the DMR is that someone may get a lucky shot [which judging by your bitching has never happened to you before] then WOW.
With or without bloom, there would still be lucky shots.
ITT: pooky rages
Not my fault some people are so amazingly stupid they can't comprehend plain English. How exactly does one translate
Removing bloom would be good
Not my fault you get trashed by casuals and cannot comprehend the possibility of adapting to the situation.
Yeah, because I said anything to that effect.
It's not like I record every game I play, but ask teekup, mech, ducky, or any other people I've played Halo with in the past. My skill is definitely not the issue.