Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
I already told you, we rather keep things large and uncomplicated, rather than smaller and confusing. We are happy how things are. Using OS to make the files smaller is not a good enough reason to use it.
Confusing how?
And for somebody on shitty internet (like me, ross, zilla, timo, etc), reducing file size is a pretty big concern for us (I've never even DL'd SPV1 because it was so fucking huge to bother spending over a day getting and a fair chunk of my cap).
Originally Posted by
Seems like the OS people are changing motives the entire time too.
We don't need OS, plain and simple as that.
More then a few OS people, so there's going to be different people pushing different reasons.
Originally Posted by
Actually, I think we should use OS to make file sizes smaller. The mod having its own and is nifty, and should cut down file sizes by quite a lot. When shouldn't burden the people who are willing to host the mod with larger files than necessary.
Arteen you are my favourite CMT member <33
Originally Posted by
We don't have any tagslot and tagspace problems.
I for one was looking forward to the Delta UI. It's all the little things that come together to give it a really polished look and I'm pretty dissapointed that you've ditched it.
Originally Posted by
Hey, when did Tim Buckley get into modding
This is an amazing post.
Originally Posted by
Almost none of the people who would be playing Halo CE anymore are average users. They are mostly members of a very dedicated fanbase who are very into the whole 'scene' that goes on with it. I don't think the use of the OS application will overcomplicate the use of the mod, in fact, I think it would add to the appeal of it, as its showing off uncharted territory for the game. By using OS youd be enhancing peoples image of the game.
A thousand times this.
This post was made while reading the entire thread in one sitting, so I know some of the points have been addressed (mostly).
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
Could the UI be released separately (IE, on Halomaps)? I know quite a few people have been anticipating it for years.
The part of the UI we are talking about is part of the pause menu, the actual UI has nothing to do with us.
Originally Posted by
how is using OS going to make it more complicated?
Multiple files and OS.
Also distribution though Halomaps, Dennis has strict rules about what is and isn't ok, we have to check with him first.
Originally Posted by
Apparently danes ecstatic at the models he spends hours and days painting keep getting reduced in size or cut out completely.
he's never ever been annoyed or anything.
Dano has never had anything cut or removed from the mod. In fact, we've waited over a year for him to finish things for single levels, even though we didn't really need them. His flood bomber was an idea originally for the mod, but I told him we wouldn't be able to use it well before he started. If anything, I've asked him to do his stuff higher res (fp arms), and haven't lowered anything of his.
Any exception would be the MP maps, were bitmap size does matter. Those skins didn't really lose anything being lower resed, and they weren't even that good to begin with (and I'm sure he'd agree with that)
Edit: I've said many times before, these forums are the exception rather than the rule. Just because the concept behind OS and it's installation is easy for us, doesn't mean it will be for others. Out of curiosity, would you guys approve a CMT forum and be helpful to people who have trouble installing the mod, regardless if they read the readmes or had actual problems.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Pretty sure you can upload uncompiled stuff for tags which won't work unless they're all there.
Can't see why this wouldn't be OK vOv
PS: episodic release GET
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
That's different. With OS, as far as I know, there would need to be a single map that would hold most of the CMT tags and content (this thing would be huge), and then individual map files which would load content out of the single map with most the tags.
If the player loads the actual map, then they exception out, if that's what happens, according to Halomaps current rules, the map can't be hosted. The same would go for the map will all the tags, although I think Korn may have said that he can make it playable, like a boxmap. I plan on clarifying it with Dennis later today what his stance on the issue is.
We also need to know how all this will work with HTC/HEK+, as we have been toying with a new idea for map protection, that would allow people access to all our content except models, bitmaps, sounds, and animations extractable. The reasoning behind this is that people can finally inspect and learn from our work, rather than it all be protected so people can't just slop our content around.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Why not just fully protect it like normal and release all the stuff you're fine with people looking at separately?
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
Wow this is the biggest shitfest to ever hit this forum.
Good job everyone.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
Why not just fully protect it like normal and release all the stuff you're fine with people looking at separately?
You want to download a tagset that has decayed into an unorganized hell to find a single particle system tag? HEK+/HTC is so much more convenient and makes it easier for everyone to find and get what they want.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
You want to download a tagset that has decayed into an unorganized hell to find a single particle system tag? HEK+/HTC is so much more convenient and makes it easier for everyone to find and get what they want.
No idea, HEK+ would never play ball for me vOv
Is it so hard to just organise them all into folders? (weapons/blueplasmarifle/effects/particles)?
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
If you're running on vista you have to disable some of the visual settings. It would take ages to re-organize the tagset and clean it up, there really is a lot of stuff. Lag did it once before, took him a REAL long time.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
The "ransom list" was meant to be a joke :pMasters, I think you're thinking of how shared caches were done from Halo 2 and onwards. I'm talking about making a specific bitmaps\sounds\loc data files for your guy's campaign. Non-default data files would be placed into a subfolder of the "maps" folder so the game doesn't even acknowledge them unless I tell it to (and so if the user runs an older game version it will still pick up the original data files).I had some ideas made to not only make it fluent for the developers to produce autogenerated setup data (ie for adding their custom shared data files and new campaigns), but for the end user to specify what they want to load, if they decide to even load OS with HaloCE.
I think I still have D2U's source (at least the original GUI artwork it used anyway). I'm not at home so I can't verify.
EDIT: once again, proxy fuckin up mah posts