stopped reading right there.
your a lying fucktard.
i'm done.
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I've never had to touch anything setting related to get any CE tool to work on my computer. Running Vista.
And I'm sorry Masters, but I refuse to believe you when you say that about Dane's work. Ever think that maybe he's trying to be polite ant NOT bitch to your face about getting hard work ripped out from under him after spending countless hours working on it, only to have him either have to redo it, making it look less than what was intended, or having it cut completely?
Oh, HEY! Now THAT sounds familiar.
So according to you then [bod], because he had an idea rejected, it's the same as having content cut? Ideas are ideas and not content for a reason. I could go on about ideas I've had but said no to for any number or reasons.
Edit: Lights, I was talking to him about HEK+. Dane's content has never been cut. Just because he had an idea shot down doesn't mean we're cutting his work.
I fail to have an opinion in all of this. UGH MY BRAIN. :fail:
I like ponies . . .
. . .
I am sure Dane has not complained either because he is being polite, or he does not mind as the work is experience for him, and he gets better.
Making the file sizes smaller would be a huge advantage, means two or three large files to download, but once they are out of the way the main campaign maps are small.
I don't see much more to discuss now until Masterz had tryed this OS update like he said he would. As for Dennis and his rules, I am sure he might make an exception for CMT, as it is a whole different scenario. CMT arnt some amiture mapping team, this campaign is much different than other campaigns released on halomaps. I am sure Dennis wouldnt like to have huge files though.
Like someone else suggested, cant you use a torrent as well as long as everyone will chip in and seed it.
And Masterz, you got the sparrowhawk working yet? And does that dropship still own its self on that level you streamed?
dano555666: im permabanned
M4573R5 1337: can I have a statement to c&P then?
dano555666: why is it that big a dea lolz
dano555666: i had some ideas you rejected because they werent feasable
dano555666: ther was that flood thing and that shotgun thing though
dano555666: and hte human sword
dano555666: but really
dano555666: thats just meh
M4573R5 1337: but i've never had you make something and then discard it right?
dano555666: no lol
M4573R5 1337: other than maybe some minor textures that didnt fit in maybe
dano555666: ive made stuff out of my own initiative
M4573R5 1337: sure we had a few of those
dano555666: i had everytought they wouldnt make the cut
M4573R5 1337: cause of quality?
M4573R5 1337: or space?
dano555666: space
M4573R5 1337: really?
M4573R5 1337: didnt know you thought that
M4573R5 1337: up until now [a few days ago] space hasnt been an issue
So there you have it. By a few days ago I am referring to before we learned how much room delta added on.
So thats why i can run vista premium and yet have no issues with HEK+ at all? reducing the resolution of a bitmap dosn't reduce the quality or detail of said bitmap?
If that was true then why do major developers currently use higher resolution bitmaps than they did in the past generations?
....oh wait....
Getting a "quote" from dane on a AIM is pretty meaningless unless it was a screenshot especialy since he is banned.
There are others who have bitched about the cutting of content Doom seemed pretty pissed off last i spoke with him, a weapon sculpter who was told make a halo 3 spartan or get walking pretty much.
Do you have Areo on? If not that's why. It's not me who is pulling this out of no where, it's a common problem with vista and HEK+.
I said they didn't really lose anything being lower resed, because they didn't The difference was minimal, I'm not saying there was 0 quality loss at all. The textures had a low amount of detail and for things like the AR we covered it up with shine.
Yes i have Aero on.
But thats the thing masterz, everything that dosn't look as good as it could, it ends up being chromed and then looks like crap because everything is grey due to the massive ammount of shine.
I've yet to see a CMT map without a chromed floor, wall, biped or even a vehicle.
Everymap i've seen has chrome of somesort somewhere.
I like things that shine? We don't go and low res our bitmaps and then cover them with shine just because we can. For the AR it was the right move, everyone loved it.
DSalimander has been revising our forerunner shaders (which have been placeholder until this point on the account we were using placeholder bitmaps, make sense no?) and touching up bitmaps with Conscars, which I am guessing you are referring too (since they did look pretty bad and were super shiny), but if you have a problem with their work I'd love to see you take a go at it.