Apparently I can read seeing as this forum is a text based forum.
I would suggest the same back to your about bloom but that wouldn't be original.
All I will say is exactly what I've been warning would happen, has in fact happened.
It's like arguing with a creationist...
So let me repeat myself yet again since you show this amazing ability to not actually read what I post
Originally Posted by Pooky
Yeah pretty much. My theoretical list of changes to the DMR/NR would be
1. Lock both of them in at their slowest accurate ROF
2. Change the spread to be a constant, slightly smaller than the size of the DMR reticule itself (or in other words, about as much as the Halo 2 BR)
3. Put a hard cap on the range, a distance about 2/3 of the way across hemorrhage
4. Remove increasing bloom
edit:5. Perhaps add back ballistics to the bullet weapons as well. I dunno what Bungie was thinking, but Halo 1, 2, and 3 got by just fine without resorting to Quake 1 era hit detection methods.
Basically like a slightly toned down H1 pistol, or a mix between the Pistol and Battle Rifle
I have nothing against the Halo: Reach AR. It's one of the few things they actually got right.
Originally Posted by Sever
Nowhere did Pooky say anything drastically negative, or positive for that matter, about bloom/accuracy decay. The issues with the weapons in Reach have always been about maximum range, maximum rate of fire, and damage to vehicles (which is a whole other chapter in the book of what Bungie did wrong).
When they said they were removing bloom on weapons like the DMR I assumed they were at least smart enough to lower the rate of fire as well. Clearly they weren't.
September 23rd, 2011, 11:21 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Just FWI. Those of us that were part of the Beta program clear back and got a free copy of Reach, and it wasn't capable of being updated, you received a free games on demand code in your email.
Earlier this year, you participated in the Xbox LIVE Public Preview program and were provided a copy of Halo: Reach as part of your participation. Unfortunately, this Halo: Reach “preview disc” cannot be updated with a conventional Title Update, causing the game to be unplayable after the recent Halo: Reach Title Update on September 21, 2011. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
To get you back online with Halo: Reach, below is a code for the Games on Demand version of the game. Once the code is redeemed and your copy of Halo: Reach is downloaded, the game will work as usual, including the features added by the title update. All of your Halo Reach game saves will work normally as well. You may then discard the disc from the Public Preview program.
Please note that this Games on Demand version of Halo: Reach will require you to have some storage on your Xbox 360 – a hard drive or USB of at least 6.6 gigabytes.
September 24th, 2011, 02:14 AM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Yeah, saw that earlier. The interesting thing will be how long those stay valid. I have the genuine Reach disk, as well as the beta program disk. However, aren't games-on-demand playable on a single console? If so, then I plan on waiting until I know which xbox I want it on before downloading/entering the code.
Fake edit: Though I could download it for my xbox, then use the genuine Reach disk as a backup. That could work to utilize both.
September 24th, 2011, 01:58 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Have certain playlists been updated too yet?
September 24th, 2011, 02:12 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Not sure if people've seen the Headlong remake yet. Here it is:
September 24th, 2011, 02:48 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Why is there a Falcon crashed into the building if the map takes place in New Mombassa? Just wondering.
September 24th, 2011, 04:39 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
For the same reason there's a - wow... A FALCON CRASHED INTO YOUR HOUSE!!!
No seriously are they area specific vehicles or something?
September 24th, 2011, 07:02 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
More importantly, where's my golden warthog?
September 25th, 2011, 01:34 AM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Played a few custom games with Teekup and Sever using the no bloom settings earlier. Once you get past the shock of how fast the pistol kills now, I actually thought it played a lot better than standard Reach.
It's amazing how big a difference it makes having a primary weapon that performs reliably and consistently. Teekup noted how we found ourselves bringing back old tactics like strafe dodging because with the pistol's lack of wide-arc spammability you actually have to aim it properly. Furthermore, despite the buff to melee damage rush-double punching was no longer a viable tactic because of the pistol's extreme stopping power.
It could probably use a bit of toning down, but we had so much fun using the pistol on eachother I'd be perfectly fine if it wasn't. Some might think such a change would make all the other weapons useless, but we were still using weapons such as the rocket launcher and shotgun to great effect. What really needs to happen now is for all the mediocre weapons to get a buff to make them more competitive.
Will be very interested to see what happens when Anniversary multiplayer comes along.
September 25th, 2011, 12:38 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Pistol should be a 4SK. That would make sense to me considering it doesn't bleed through shields.
Also, the AR was a reliable starting weapon, but people refuse to believe it anything more than a spray-and-pray. That really saddens me because it prevents people from thinking it could be used more as a starting weapon than the DMR.