finally able to re-do all my shit
Nice looking receiver! It's always nice to know you've got some sheer awesome power supplying your sound system. Now I want to clean up my room and make it that nice.
I'm on vacation right now and all I have right now is an iPad. Insert iPad.png here :)
That pic was right after I had just set up the sound system and routed all my cables and got the chair. It'll probably never look that good again, in fact its already a mess.
Ya, its a 800wt system but it came with those wimpy little speakers. I need a better job than mowing lawns :(
I've seen prices on decent new speakers and they're WAY expensive. A better way to get bigger sound is to look through pawn shops and at yard sales. I got my loudspeakers for $60 apiece used locally. Mind you, it's good if they have a way for you to test 'em first; see if they're worth whatever the owner wants for 'em.
I just took it today... Even so, things different would be: got new speakers, using a router to have internet (no wireless), a big ass lighter :), and a different phone.
Still wish I had a 360 to set up on my desktop....