Nah, they're getting added on later dates. The only thing that got opened up today was the Arena playlist, and I doubt that caused the server issues. I think it's just the shift from 10,000 people to 1,000,000 in a day that's killing the servers.
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Mine seems to work
This game is fun.
Yeah, don't see what you guys are complaining about.
Also, pistol is win.
Stockpile on Powerhouse is epic fun
Invasion doesn't turn on till Friday, and Generator Defense (Network Test 1) doesn't start until the 14th.
Stockpile is indeed a lot of fun. Powerhouse works the best for it, though Sword Base is pretty fun too. Much more of a clusterfuck though, with all the levels, and falling flags, etc.
After 3 games, I officially suck. I haven't really played any significant amount of competitive Halo since Halo 1 and that was on the PC. Apart from playing BF1943 last summer, I haven't really played competitive FPS since 2005 or so. Oh well, if there's a time to suck, it's now. I just need to find my shot, learn the maps and weapons, and pay more attention to the radar and I'll be okay.
Played a few games with Rob before he left.
<3 Armor Lock. Killed a dude with the burst while he was waiting for me to come out of it.
Armor lock is an interesting ability- on the one hand, you can own the hell out of anyone nearby with the EMP. However, if the other guy has any sense and a few seconds to spare, he can just sit back and then grenade spam you to hell as soon as you emerge from it. In my opinion, pretty darned balanced.
Also, it sounds cool. :downs:
After an hour session, one thing was apparent:
DMR Airborne supremacy :iamafag: No longer will I have to wait for them to pop up their heads. Instead, I can follow them and harass them from the air like the super soldier I was meant to be. Im liking the Halo 1ish features, but am still waiting for the PC version to be announced :\
I heard they were gonna release it right after Halo 3 and ODST PC get released.
IE never ;(