SWAT on Powerhouse is super fun.
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SWAT on Powerhouse is super fun.
I've been downloading it on a 10mbit connection for the past 5 hours and it's still only 70% complete, lol.
Well, I've found that the only way I can truly enjoy this game is by playing it as unconventionally as possible with a bunch of friends.
Pooky, Teekup, and I went in to Free For All with tentative cease-fires and did all sorts of shit to fuck with players. We'd gang up on one person that was being particularly pro and knock them clear off the 1st position on the scoreboard, I'd have them guard me while I sat there with the Oddball, we sat, invisible, on the edge of the destroyed bridge in Powerhouse and took potshots at people as they flew around the center area on jetpacks (nobody ever found us), and we found that the needle rifle is awesome and better than the DMR in every way possible.
Grenades still need to fuck right off, and I managed to cop an awesome mutual kill after an epic profag standoff.
Most fun I've had with the beta since it came out. I just can't play alone.
Just turned the TV on and the 360 controller to see where the download was at. The screen was still dimmed after I turned the controller on so I retardedly press B to wake the 360 up. I was greeted with a "download cancelled" message, and that I could resume the download. However when I went to resume it, it just started again from 1%. It took 7 hours to reach 80%. Now it's at 1.
OMG, This game is amazing. I was up till 3AM last night waiting for it to download, then I had a game and fucked around in theater.
Go up close to most objects and look at the amount of detail they have put in the textures, its intense. Loving the jetpack :P
There always always seem to be a way to counter someone if your good enough so you can get out of most situations if you are good. I can't seem to assassinate anyone though :( I hold melee which hits them but then I am left standing there holding melee and end up getting killed.
I did sneak behind someone and managed to jump on his back until I got shot in the back.. typical.
Seems like a new game but still Halo, the Beam Rifle is awesome, I had like a 5 kill streak with it, and it was a pisser, killed the same guy like 3 times and I could hear him bitching through my TV (Always loved that feature on Halo 3) and at one point heard him shouting shit whilst he was running off lmfao.
Can't wait to get home now :) Just wished more of my mates would stop being arses and give the game a chance and play it, but they are stuck on Mw2 (Understandable, too many campers these days though). Add me on XBL people, but tell me who you are when you add me: MLB Destroyer (Bitch about my British accent and I will rape you).
Can someone explain to me how you assassinate people? Does the player stop assassinating if you get hit by a bullet? Because I have tryed plenty of times and it does not work, apart from once when I took him from behind ;P