Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Most Halo players don't know about the different kinds of Spartans, don't care about the different kinds of Spartans, and don't care to know about the different kinds of Spartans. Introducing the not-as-good Spartans as Spartans would just confuse people, which is why I don't believe they are supposed to be III's.
The best way Bungie can attempt to avoid discontinuity with the supposedly canon novels is to avoid their subject matter entirely. Subtle nods are okay, but nobody should have to know any of that crap to enjoy a Halo game.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
The skull-mask guy with the knife is definitely a nod.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Huh, so now elites do have a lower jaw and not just mandibles.
That's only if you look at this design as "more canon" than the previous ones :eng101:
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Huh, so now elites do have a lower jaw and not just mandibles.
Was i the only one to notice this on the arbiter then?
I remember seeing that in halo 2 when you looked how the helmet wrapped around his head.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
The skull-mask guy with the knife is definitely a nod.
To what? ODST? None of the Spartans had markings on their was a knife whore, but he didn't mark up his armour.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Well, it is after all, Bungie's game and Bungie's story line. I'm just here to play it and have fun, no matter what vOv. Playing as a SIII sounds cool to me. We've been playing as a SII for 3 so far, the ODST was a nice change so I'm interested to see them change it up with the new Spartans (especially if they're able to bring back firefight and with new additions). As long as the core Halo gameplay feel hasn't changed from the previous 3.5 games, it really shouldn't be a problem for any other Halo players.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
It really doesn't matter who you are playing as in the past 4 games: you always have shields and you always have health (though it isn't always visible and it regenerates in two of them). They are obviously aiming for something a bit different with Reach. Unless they make it a more tactical game, they won't accomplish that by simply saying "hurr, ur a SIII nao!" and then putting the same damn mechanics in again.
In their defence, their mechanics are perfectly fine, and the game does look like it will be fun irregardless of whether or not they keep it the same as the previous games. I'm just a bit disappointed that so far they have chucked the books out the window; hell, I wouldn't even call it a nod to them, I'd call it a steamroller.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
I'm just a bit disappointed that so far they have chucked the books out the window; hell, I wouldn't even call it a nod to them, I'd call it a steamroller.
I wouldn't jump to such conclusions as them "chucking the books out the window" until you actually played the entire about 10 months :-3
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
To what? ODST? None of the Spartans had markings on their was a knife whore, but he didn't mark up his armour.
Nah, in "The Fall of Reach" I believe, near the end, there was a chapter that started by describing one of the team members that went down to the surface instead of going to destroy the navigational data on a stranded UNSC ship. He twirled knives and shit when he got nervous, and the skull paint may just be an aesthetic choice bungie made.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Sounds like we all need to re-read TFoR before anything else comes out so our stories will be straight when trying to call Bungie out on their own story :downs: