It is 4 shot in the gametype. The 3 shot video was from a custom game with damage set up.
September 25th, 2011, 11:38 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Played a few more customs today. Where the skill gap in Reach was almost nonexistent before, I can already see it starting to come back. I definitely like this a lot better.
September 26th, 2011, 10:30 AM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
So, uh, how does this update work? I looked in the custom game settings and I can't find any new features? Have I not updated properly? Is it megalo hooking so we can't use it ect?
September 26th, 2011, 11:28 AM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by Pooky
Played a few more customs today. Where the skill gap in Reach was almost nonexistent before, I can already see it starting to come back. I definitely like this a lot better.
Are you really saying that what has happened is in any way appropriate to what "problems" were "plaguing" Reach?
I didn't think anyone could be this stupid but you've just proved me wrong.
you really are stupid if you think the current changes are in any way a good thing, the needle rifle can now hit anyone in the map no matter the distance and kill them which removes the beam rifle and sniper rifles range and the magnum completely destroys the assault rifle even if the person with the assault rifle has a few seconds head start.
I must say, I am glad these changes are not going to be universal, the changes that have been made have just made the entire trigger spam an even worse issue.
September 26th, 2011, 12:26 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
I'm glad 343 did this though; it takes all of the bitchy Halo 1/Halo 2 profags out of Halo Reach's actual gameplay. Sorry for those who like Halo 1 PC Multiplayer, it's just that I prefer Halo Reach to actually be its own game.
@Pooky: Not sure where you were. There were easily skill gaps in Halo Reach. Notice how I said gaps.
September 26th, 2011, 12:29 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by DarkHalo003
@Pooky: Not sure where you were. There was easily skill gaps in Halo reach. Notice how I said gaps.
I normally don't say things like this, but if you prefer this games gameplay over Halo 1 then you're just a terrible player.
September 26th, 2011, 12:35 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by TeeKup
I normally don't say things like this, but if you prefer this games gameplay over Halo 1 then you're just a terrible player.
Huh. Halo 1 had everyone starting with an uber-3sk-god-pistol that took no skill to use. Halo 2 featured noob combos, button glitches, and a god-like-battle rifle. Halo 3 is beside itself (it was ruined by playerbase, not schematics and was the best of all until the profags messed up the playlist/map settings and spawns). Halo Reach actually has me picking up more than one weapon because I feel like the weapon would come in handy, not because I have to use it since everyone else is using it. Glad to know people here still group games' gameplay worth based on franchise.
So explain to me again why Halo 1's gameplay is superior to Reach's?
September 26th, 2011, 12:44 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by DarkHalo003
Huh. Halo 1 had everyone starting with an uber-3sk-god-pistol that took no skill to use. I'm not even going top bother with this comment. We've already had plenty of discussions of the balance of Halo 1 and how its actually correct. Peoples failure to observe and identify it shouldn't comment on the matter.
Halo 2 featured noob combos, button glitches, and a god-like-battle rifle. Halo 3 is beside itself (it was ruined by playerbase, not schematics). Aside from the stupid BXR combos, what little multiplayer I did player on Halo 2 was a lot more fun in the close combat spectrum than in Halo 3. Halo 3 had horrible overbalanced weapons that automatically had players default to the battle rifle as it was the only decent weapon. BTB in Halo 3 was alright. Everything else was garbage, case and point: Citadel.
Halo Reach actually has me picking up more than one weapon because I feel like the weapon would come in handy, not because I have to use it since everyone else is using it. Glad to know people here still group games' gameplay worth based on franchise. Go ahead and pick up a plasma repeater on Hemorrhage, tell me how well you do. Reach's insistence for weapons to have retarded range have completely negated any chance of decent gameplay. I don't enjoy being spammed the moment I take a step out of my base to go find a vehicle. There used to be a point in Halos history that unless someone was directly at the base attacking it, the only thing I should have to worry about are snipers. Not some faggot crouching behind a rock right behind red base spamming me with a hitscan, ultra range DMR.
For the record, I have played reach extensively and I have an exceedingly decent K/D ratio.
So explain to me again why Halo 1's gameplay is superior to Reach's? I don't need to, you're just a terrible player.
Hurf Durf
EDIT: I suggest you PM me from now on.
September 26th, 2011, 02:35 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Everything you said regarding Halo 3 and Reach was generally opinion or skill-based.
Not good with the Plasma Repeater?
Some people are.
Thought Halo 3 was overbalanced? I thought Halo 3 was unbalanced compared to overbalanced and that was due to how much the Battle Rifle was used. But that's my opinion, so I guess that makes this argument, just like yours, obsolete in the end, I realize.
Oh and if that faggot by that rock on Red Base is causing you issues, then you're a bad player. I shouldn't even have to tell you why since you're a bad player. Though I'd just let you know. And I've played Reach extensively as well and have a very decent K/D as well, so there are my qualifications. In fact here:
And I want to make sure that I'm not seeming like I am supporting the DMR with that last argument. I hate that thing like it is now and what it was like after the Beta. Once again a stupid playerbase ruined a balanced weapon. Now you know how I felt during Halo 3 half of the time.
The general point of my argument is to show how it can be used to match your argument. In other words, if the only argument/point-in-case you have is that I'm a terrible player or that "Hurf Durf is of any importance, then please by all means keep posting arguments like that.
September 26th, 2011, 02:50 PM
Re: Upcoming Title Update
Originally Posted by DarkHalo003
Everything you said regarding Halo 3 and Reach was generally opinion or skill-based. Keyword there, skill based.
Not good with the Plasma Repeater?
There wasn't a single clip in there from Hemorrhage which I was referring to if you read my post at all. Some people are good with it. I've had my fun with it a lot on Powerhouse and even Swordbase. Just not on Hemorrhage...Also keep in mind I never said anything about being "good" with it.
Thought Halo 3 was overbalanced? I thought Halo 3 was unbalanced compared to overbalanced and that was due to how much the Battle Rifle was used. But that's my opinion, so I guess that makes this argument, just like yours, obsolete in the end, I realize. The Battle Rifle was used so much because everything else was GARBAGE. Why on earth would you want to use an SMG when half the time the person with the BR will outgun you because you can't even get in range. There were maps and instances where you can get the drop on a person using the BR, however the majority of the time the BR was favored. Case and point again: Citadel.
Oh and if that faggot by that rock on Red Base is causing you issues, then you're a bad player. I shouldn't even have to tell you why since you're a bad player. Though I'd just let you know. And I've played Reach extensively as well and have a very decent K/D as well, so there are my qualifications. Once again let me clarify so you can somewhat understand. The fact that he can even do that BOTHERS ME. He doesn't kill me, they never do. The moment I find out where he is, I either A: Snipe him or B: Ram a warthog up his ass.
And I want to make sure that I'm not seeming like I am supporting the DMR with that last argument. I hate that thing like it is now and what it was like after the Beta. Once again a stupid playerbase ruined a balanced weapon. Now you know how I felt during Halo 3 half of the time. I never said or implied you supported the DMR. :v:
The general point of my argument is to show how it can be used to match your argument. In other words, if the only argument/point-in-case you have is that I'm a terrible player or that "Hurf Durf is of any importance, then please by all means keep posting arguments like that. The case and point of my argument is that you have no idea what you are talking about. Pay attention.
EDIT: In fact that player is rather good with the repeater, I wouldn't mind playing a game or two with him on a good map like Severs.
EDIT 2: I guess I'm one of those bitchy Halo 1/Halo 2 profags you keep mentioning. Don't worry I'll be doing just that and staying in the classic playlist so I don't have to listen to your incoherent babble. If you feel the further need to continue this please PM me or something, this is making the thread stale.