They have the DMR, they should stop complaining. Still has long range headshots, you just can't spam it as much.
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They have the DMR, they should stop complaining. Still has long range headshots, you just can't spam it as much.
I've been using the armor lock ability alot recently, I used to not like it, I suppose I didnt use it in the right situations.
I now only use it when I'm about to get owned by nade spams, or the guy has a sword or whatever.
I just had possibly the best game of swat I've ever had.
2 of my team mates left so it was just two of us left against 4 and I somehow got more kills than the entire other team combined.
Covi Slayer = WIN
Oh, and because I am retard I have only just figured out why the plasma launcher thing didn't fire when locked on. You have to release the trigger... I though that it fires when charged, but holding the trigger just allows you to lock and charge more plasma to fire.... Dammit.
I've only played about three games on a sdtv, it's pretty fun but I have no idea what half the damn weapons are anymore :x
The sniper rifle has returned to is former glory. I swear the sniping mechanic in Halo 3 was fubared beyond belief. The pistol is awesome, so happy to see this. The assault rifle is SPAMMY as ever. The Needle rifle is better than the DMR could ever hope to be. The needler is still jesus (that's a good thing). The Focus rifle is kinda cool. The shotgun is actually useful, and the grenade launcher is awesome.
Yeah, grenade spam and jetpacks are pretty annoying. The thing that really irritated me though was when I got booted for teamkilling from a JUGGERNAUT game from ONE random unlucky grenade. Bungie really needs to pull the stick out of their collective ass and turn off friendly fire for social playlists.