The Needler is 7 needles to drop shields, then stick 7 into your victim for a supercombine. As always, the needler is fairly easy to dodge by strafing.
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The Needler is 7 needles to drop shields, then stick 7 into your victim for a supercombine. As always, the needler is fairly easy to dodge by strafing.
is it friday yet... also more H3 BR fags whining about Reach not taking "skill" to play
The BR in Halo 3 was just fail... The main thing about this game that I HATE is that almost EVERYONE are just AR fags and just keep there finger on the trigger until the clip is empty then spaz out on melee. It pisses me off... Bungie should allow you to create classes so that you aren't stuck with the AR every time you spawn which people just use to spray and pray...
The AR is the reason i don't play Halo... spray frenzy...
...but allowing customization youi make a gap between new players and those who have had the game for X amount of time
having the pistol AR spawn with different AAs is fair as EVERYONE starts off on even ground with weapons instead of having some faggot spawn with a DMR and scout then rushing to his favorite spot...
on a side note, Jetpack is getting annoying, "wanna fight like a little bitch and spray from the sky"? well do I have the AA for YOU
I'm laughing at this because of all three released core games so far, only Halo 1 took any measure of actual skill to play.
I don't see where all the jetpack hate is coming from, to be honest. Unless that person has a grenade/rocket/plasma launcher, they are pretty easy to take down. I never use the damn thing for that very reason (only really use Sprint, but sometimes I use Camo). Also, I see nothing wrong with the AR either. In Halo 1, everyone sprayed with the AR. In Halo 3, everyone sprayed with the AR. What else are you going to do? Burst firing in a furball fight is just moronic; if you want to mix it up go grab that nearby plasma repeater (there is almost always one near anywhere, and I love it).
My favourite gametypes so far are Head Hunter on Powerhouse and Oddball/Juggernaut on Sword Base. In Oddball, I just ignore the ball and mess with the srs players. Can you say assassination bonanza?
I was going for a skullamanjaro last night, and I got assassinated while standing in the score zone. I'm still trying to work out how that happened, and why they didn't count before I died. Glitch mb?
Yeah, I notice it takes a fraction of a second to score in headhunter; it's not instantaneous, for whatever reason.
The first time I played headhunter I absolutely cleaned up 25 to a next best of 10, but since then I've been getting my ass kicked. There's so much shit going on I never can seem to hold onto any skulls long enough to score. :C
Not that I'm claiming the gametype is broken. I just suck.
Guys I have work to do but I can't stop playing the beta halp.
I left after I died, but that was because I had to go eat dinner. Not including that one, I've only lost a single round of head hunter. Every other time I just clean house; the trick is in scoring every single skull you find instead of waiting until you have a decent amount to turn in. This ain't Tribes 2, so Flag Whoring doesn't help; you don't get any special bonus for turning in a lot at once.
Speaking of Tribes 2, they should put in a "Yard Sale!" announcement whenever someone loses 5 or more skulls and mark it with a nav and maybe get rid of the skull counts over ourheads.
The delay is probably due to the scripting. Or lag.
I haven't encountered headhunter yet. I pretty much stick to grab bag and was hoping to see a Team Headhunter, but I guess it's not there. Free-for-all is too much of a clusterfuck of grenade spam for my taste.
When does Invasion kick in? Friday? Early? Late?