Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
File size for downloads is an issue, they are researching the use of OS to make seperate .bitmaps and .sounds files for the campaign which the game will ignore unless called upon by the campaign. This will make the levels smaller but will mean the bitmap and sound map may be large.
Although that may mean they could re add some content they removed, like the UI.
Also, Masterz. Are you have boarding in the campaign?
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
And Shiney is good :p
Tell that to Perfect Dark Zero :smith:
Fuck shiny.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
I don't get it. They removed something that boosts the quality of the mod substantially because they wanted more space...but they won't use OS even though it will give them virtually unlimited space?
I'm confused.
I guess some people love their pause menu more than others.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
I guess some people love their pause menu more than others.
Presentation is everything, regardless of what it is.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Every last detail can make a difference. Even the smallest change or detail (Like a scratch on a texture). Just depends where it is.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
So, so, let me lay this down since I have seen this whole thing go in gigantic fucking circles.
Masterz, it's a huge lie to say that you aren't having any space issues. Sure, they're gone for now, but the second you try to tweak something, I guarantee they'll come back; you know how the HEK works. It's why I refuse to let Lightning add anything more to Floodlab; it took us how long to get it the way it is, and I don't want to risk another major halt in production because Tool wants to be a douchebag.
And it's true, watching form the sidelines, that every time someone shoots down some of your reasonings as to why you won't use OS, you come up with something a little more convoluted that makes less sense.
Let me say this: while I was pleased with the content added/changed in that last build of d40 that I played, I just want to say, looking back, that it lacked rhyme and reason. I know that Jen Taylor isn't in your team and thus, you can't have Cortana comment on why all of a sudden the quick way to the engine room is blocked off, but there needs to be something in place to explain to the Halo players why they're being rerouted through this completely new and convoluted track of the level, besides for the sake of fighting more enemies. Perhaps try to find a Cortana/Johnson/Stacker/Foehammer sound-alike, or add in some kind of support character to give the needed explanation.
If you guys are done with adding new concepts to the mod and you're still brushing your heads against the size limits, by all means, take up Kornman's offer, and try to replace some of the things you cut from the stock campaign. I've butted heads with you guys on this before, but I still stand strong that Halo is a very cinematic game. With all of the seemingly pointless aesthetic that's been cut to make way for more enemies, I'm starting to feel like BioHalo will have more character in it than this campaign rehash.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
Presentation is everything, regardless of what it is.
We're talking about a pause menu here, not the user interface ingame.
You're statement is also too generalised. Only if an apple is presented as a pack of sigarettes, will it severly influence it's sales rate. However, an apple wrapped up in some plastic foil, or packed in a super duper awesome box of apples, will not necesarily influence it's sales.
Not that sales is an issue for this mod. Having a fancy pause menu is NOT something that would be used to promote this mod in the first place.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
An apple between a girls breasts, that would influence sales :giggle:
Unless your gay
Was looking for an apple between breasts on google found that babe instead :P But look, it says Apple on her breast :P
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Laugh out loud, are you all experiencing the emotional state of anger
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
We're talking about a pause menu here, not the user interface ingame.
You're statement is also too generalised. Only if an apple is presented as a pack of sigarettes, will it severly influence it's sales rate. However, an apple wrapped up in some plastic foil, or packed in a super duper awesome box of apples, will not necesarily influence it's sales.
Not that sales is an issue for this mod. Having a fancy pause menu is NOT something that would be used to promote this mod in the first place.
And you're being too lax about it. You people don't understand that there are a lot of people that look at the small things about a mod/video game. A lot of my friends are like this, surprising a lot of people on here are too.
You're throwing it off because "oh its just a pause menu it can be cut."
Frankly I find this level of thinking stupid and lazy.