Re: UPDATED: OpenSauce and Halo CE Crashing *PLEASE TEST FOR FEEDBACK*
Originally Posted by
To check Halo's version number: Right click haloce.exe > properties > details > "File version". The version should read
I have this version of haloce.exe but I'm not using the copy of sauce you had for download, I'm using the one I complied (I'm 99.99% sure it is the one I attempted to upload to halomaps). The code is pretty much unchanged, but the statistics line is commented out, as sugested by Kornman. Last night I decided to run it (with the -console extension in the halo shortcut), and all seemed fine, except for one thing
Originally Posted by
This extension will change the version of Halo temporarily, appearing as 1.09. THIS IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. You will not see any servers while testing, but you can remove the dll when done and be back to normal. (or use version changer)
I have never downloaded version changer, and yet I was still able to find servers!! Also I had been playing with the gravity command prior to decideing to look for some servers, and when I joined the game it seemed I still had reduced gravity, while everyone else appeared normal. Just out of interest I typed cheat all weapons in, and to my supprise it worked (I had the -console extension remeber, not -devmode, or I wouldn't have been able to join the game). I'm not really the sort of person who cheats online though, so I promptly stopped using the dev button after trying to set my gravity back to normal. However, I don't know what number normal is, and typing gravity reset didn't seem to do anything (I'm guessing the fuction doesn't except strings).
Also, back on my hek PC a while back, the .dll seemed to be crashing Sapien, so I couldn't use the gravity command in scripts.
Re: UPDATED: OpenSauce and Halo CE Crashing *PLEASE TEST FOR FEEDBACK*
Rhydgaled simple answer is you dont have the source code that makes Halo think its 1.09.
The copy kornman has put up for download isnt the one with 1.09. Thats why you could join 1.08 servers.
Re: UPDATED: OpenSauce and Halo CE Crashing *PLEASE TEST FOR FEEDBACK*
I found a few bugs no one's really touched on:
1. I can't see ANY text anymore. I tried running that MSI thing, but to no avail. I even removed the .DLL from the CE folder, still nothing. I can't even see "the English committed suicide", etc. in a LAN game.
2. When you close Halo, although the task manager doesn't say the WINDOW is up, and while it doesn't appear down on the start menu windows bar, the PROCESS haloce.exe is STILL running, and every time you open and close the game, another process is created, but not destroyed. I was wondering why my computer turned into a snail, when I noticed that, even though Halo is technically closed, I was running close to 20 haloce.exe processes still, and each one of them took up as much system memory as if the window was still running. Again, this DOES NOT go away when you delete the .DLL.
Also, probably unrelated, but now my Firefox is slowing to a crawl, as well. It works fine for all of 10 minutes, then I have to end the process and start Firefox back up because all of a sudden, Firefox is taking up 99% of my CPU power, according to Task Manager. This didn't start until I started Open Sauce, though it may be unreleated.
I've run several virus scans, and all turned up zilch.
Re: UPDATED: OpenSauce and Halo CE Crashing *PLEASE TEST FOR FEEDBACK*
Originally Posted by
Rhydgaled simple answer is you dont have the source code that makes Halo think its 1.09.
The copy kornman has put up for download isnt the one with 1.09. Thats why you could join 1.08 servers.
So, the version available on the first page is built from a newer source than the one that is publiclly available?
Re: UPDATED: OpenSauce and Halo CE Crashing *PLEASE TEST FOR FEEDBACK*
why does it change it to 1.09?
Re: UPDATED: OpenSauce and Halo CE Crashing *PLEASE TEST FOR FEEDBACK*
Originally Posted by
English Mobster
I found a few bugs no one's really touched on:
1. I can't see ANY text anymore. I tried running that MSI thing, but to no avail. I even removed the .DLL from the CE folder, still nothing. I can't even see "the English committed suicide", etc. in a LAN game.
2. When you close Halo, although the task manager doesn't say the WINDOW is up, and while it doesn't appear down on the start menu windows bar, the PROCESS haloce.exe is STILL running, and every time you open and close the game, another process is created, but not destroyed. I was wondering why my computer turned into a snail, when I noticed that, even though Halo is technically closed, I was running close to 20 haloce.exe processes still, and each one of them took up as much system memory as if the window was still running. Again, this DOES NOT go away when you delete the .DLL.
Connor was telling me something similar last night. No text, and he couldn't join any games even after it was removed. I denounced it as user error, though, because what he was describing seemed impossible for a dll to do.
I'm wondering if they are related to CE not closing, though. Did you close every instance? Did you try restarting your computer?
I ran with the d3d9, and I had no issues (with both the old and "new" one). I don't see how anyone could be any different.
Re: UPDATED: OpenSauce and Halo CE Crashing *PLEASE TEST FOR FEEDBACK*
Originally Posted by
Connor was telling me something similar last night. No text, and he couldn't join any games even after it was removed. I denounced it as user error, though, because what he was describing seemed impossible for a dll to do.
I'm wondering if they are related to CE not closing, though. Did you close every instance? Did you try restarting your computer?
I ran with the d3d9, and I had no issues (with both the old and "new" one). I don't see how anyone could be any different.
Every instance was closed via "Quit" on the main menu, how I normally do it. However, there is still the process running, even though the window is closed.
I've restarted 3 times since, and I'm still running into the same problem.
Re: UPDATED: OpenSauce and Halo CE Crashing *PLEASE TEST FOR FEEDBACK*
Another question: What screen resolution are you running at?
Re: UPDATED: OpenSauce and Halo CE Crashing *PLEASE TEST FOR FEEDBACK*
Re: UPDATED: OpenSauce and Halo CE Crashing *PLEASE TEST FOR FEEDBACK*
Con is having the same problems at that resolution, though I don't think he had an issue with Halo not ending the process.
Try running Halo and OS at a different resolution, such as 1024 x 768.