And I'd respect them more if they went firmly in one or the other direction. The current health model occupies a no man's land of pointlessness.
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Health does seem useless as most times I'm either full health or 3-1 bar(s) melee is the most used ToD...
on a side note, invasion starts today, hopefully THIS wont be a fuck up
Yes, Invasion certainly looks promising. It's really the only mode I'm interested in at retail. I just hope it doesn't take forever to match 12 players (with frequent "failed to match" restarts) and it isn't impacted too badly by players dropping. Those are the things that killed BTB playlists for me in previous games.
The best 16-player Halo experience is still on PC. Do something about it, Bungie.
going to play it ALL week this week, and good luck to malloy who is goin for the 20K Cr add-on for the police helmet
AR/pistol/2frag/noAA starts. Classic weapon set only. Touch return on flags. Flag carriers run at full speed. No marker above a stolen flag. Invincible vehicles. Flag must be at home to score. Decrease shield strength. Large, symmetric, outdoor vehicle map. Friendlies on radar only. OS and camo powerups. 8v8.
Bungie, make it so.
Security would have you on the ground before you could lift the dagger 'n paper to the door :snafubar:
Oh, I have a plan for Jerome. I hear he is susceptible to bears.
Beta wishes so far:
- Increase jumping height. Powerhouse especially has a few spots where you should be able to jump up effortlessly, but can't. For example, near where the focus rifle spawns. Yeah, you can still jump up there, but it's easy to get caught on the ledge there. It feels a bit sloppy, design-wise. Similarly, Elites can sometimes be a bit too tall for certain parts of the map, like the mid bridge/reception window on Swordbase, or below the roof of the small building near the focus rifle on Powerhouse.
- Slight speed increase. It doesn't need to be super-fast like Elites, but it makes strafing and general movement a bit too slow.
- Nerf grenades. Either in range or power, I'm not sure which, but as of now they're way too easy to kill with. If you can throw well, you should be able to kill someone with a pair of frags, but now, you just need to throw in their general direction and you'll get the kill. I thought Halo 3's grenades were perfect.
- For the pistol and DMR, decrease the bloom, and slightly decrease the minimum rate of fire. The NR seems pretty good as is, and I think the bloom is perfect for the sniper. I think bloom is a neat idea (and not new to Halo), but its implementation in Reach is a bit excessive.
- For the pistol and DMR, drastically increase the magazine size, and slightly increase it for the NR. You should be able to at least kill two people with a single magazine, or possibly even three if all your shots are perfect.
- Slightly nerf the armor lock. I think perhaps only two usages per full charge, longer recharge time, slightly shorter usage time, and slightly decrease the shield recharge rate with in an armor lock.
- Make CTF not suck. As in, no marker above a stolen flag, and use the Halo 3-style flag return system where more players can return a flag faster, and you don't have to stand right on top of the flag to return it. If the offense can get the flag a ways out of the base on Powerhouse, the only way the defense can prevent the cap is through a time-over.
- For 1-flag on Powerhouse, move the defending point to somewhere between the current point and the (non-broken) bridge. Everyone takes the flag the same way, because it's the fastest, most reliable way.
- For 1-flag on Swordbase, just do something to make it more interesting, and prevent the 20-second captures by taking the grav lift.
- Slightly decrease the focus rifle's strength and slightly decrease its overheat time.
- Get rid of the Splaser on vehicle maps, or at least don't put it on every single vehicle map. "But you haven't even used it yet!" Yeah, so? Bungie's said it's basically unchanged. Well, it was a terrible weapon in Halo 3, so it's probably going to be terrible now. It's a 1-hit sniper rifle that can instantly destroy a vehicle and kill everyone in them, and since the beam has width, you only have to be 'close' with your shots, as opposed to actually hitting your target.
- Similarly, make flying vehicles more susceptible to gunfire. Yeah, I don't really know how they work in Reach yet, but I'm really hoping that we don't need a designated anti-air weapon just to take them down. They were lame in Halo PC, lame in Halo 2, and lame in Halo 3.
- Decrease ammo on the plasma launcher. It's like the FRG of Reach. Too many shots for a weapon that's really easy to use.
- OS, camo and custom powerups. They are most certainly not made redundant by armor abilities.
- For territories, territories should become neutral before you can capture them. If you're taking an enemy's territory, it should go enemy->neutral->yours. It should take a bit longer to capture a neutral territory than an enemy territory.
- Let me see how many of each medal I get in the post-game carnage report, and display them better so I can see more of them at a time. The Halo 3 system was better.
- Slightly increase sword lunge range.
- Top half of players should get a win in FFA, not just first place.
- I shouldn't get the Close Call medal if I die a moment after killing my opponent, and I shouldn't get the Revenge medal if I die a moment before killing my opponent. But with Revenge, if I also get a Death from the Grave, then I should get the Revenge too.
- Still show the location callout name after I die.
These are mostly minor request now:
- More colors (where did the magenta-esque colors go?), all of the previous games' emblems, and more medals! There should definitely be a special medal for killing someone with the special animation.
- Bungie, if you're getting rid of equipment because "you don't know what the other player has", then make it more obvious when a player has a certain armor ability.
- Even if it has a long refresh time, how about a bubble shield AA? Armor lock just isn't the same.
- Good job Bungie, Juggernaut is actually fun now, but I still want a purely FFA version which plays like regular slayer, except there's a juggernaut in play, too.
- Flamethrowers!
- Slight stun/speed decrease on the target when firing the plasma repeater or plasma pistol. The repeater right now just feels like a blue assault rifle.
These modifications would make the game feel great, not that the game isn't fun already.