Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Invasion slayer is awesome.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Heading into Reach now to see how Invasion plays- can't wait.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
it plays great, just wish you saw the area get glassed if elites won...only cool stuff happens when SPARTANs win
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Invasion is fun when you have competent team mates.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I don't know about the respawn system. Some like it, but I really absolutely hate it. I wish it was just standard respawning and you didn't need to wait for your team mate to be out of combat. With only 6v6, it's a mess. Additionally, you always tend to spawn on the complete opposite side of the territory in Invasion Slayer, which is a load of bull. It takes only 10 seconds to capture, and by the time you get there, it has already spawned a vehicle and you get your ass kicked.
It also needs to be 8v8.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I agree with Jcap, respawning is awful. I also freaking hate invasion, why on earth to elites spawn directly below where spartans spawn, therefore they will just fuck you up instantly.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Beta wishes so far:
- Increase jumping height. Powerhouse especially has a few spots where you should be able to jump up effortlessly, but can't. For example, near where the focus rifle spawns. Yeah, you can still jump up there, but it's easy to get caught on the ledge there. It feels a bit sloppy, design-wise. Similarly, Elites can sometimes be a bit too tall for certain parts of the map, like the mid bridge/reception window on Swordbase, or below the roof of the small building near the focus rifle on Powerhouse.
I Agree completely. More than once have I been killed because I couldn't jump over that ledge in a timely fashion.
- Slight speed increase. It doesn't need to be super-fast like Elites, but it makes strafing and general movement a bit too slow.
I think we need more increase on the strafe, but not as much in the forwards and backwards movement. Maybe a 5% increase in forward motion, and a 10-15% increase on the strafe.
- Nerf grenades. Either in range or power, I'm not sure which, but as of now they're way too easy to kill with. If you can throw well, you should be able to kill someone with a pair of frags, but now, you just need to throw in their general direction and you'll get the kill. I thought Halo 3's grenades were perfect.
I don't think the grenades themselves are the problem, rather they highlight two other problems. One of them is player speed, which, as you mentioned, is too slow. The other is the terrible resilience of the health. Give us health that is as tough as it was in the first game, and grenades will behave properly.
- For the pistol and DMR, decrease the bloom, and slightly decrease the minimum rate of fire. The NR seems pretty good as is, and I think the bloom is perfect for the sniper. I think bloom is a neat idea (and not new to Halo), but its implementation in Reach is a bit excessive.
Still not seeing the problem with the bloom on either of these weapons. The point is to force you as a player to regulate fire without actually capping the rate, thus preventing spamming for headshots like we used to do with the pistol in Halo 1 and the Battle Rifle in all the other games. If they lower the rate of fire at all on either of the guns, then there is no point to the bloom at all, especially if you also decrease it. If I had to take a guess, I'd say that you are trying to use the DMR and pistol at too close of a range to fire slowly but too far away to have that not matter; that tells me you need to use a different gun for that engagement range, period.
- For the pistol and DMR, drastically increase the magazine size, and slightly increase it for the NR. You should be able to at least kill two people with a single magazine, or possibly even three if all your shots are perfect.
Again, haven't had problems. I will say that it's much harder to get headshots, and that can be frustrating. Theoretically, you can kill three people with a full magazine, since it's a four-shot kill weapon. It's just that the hit-box for the head is tiny now, and we don't get a headshot indicator in the crosshair (or if we do, I can't see it). I think the magazine on the DMR should remain, since it checks players from sitting atop their favourite spot and raining down death with abandon. You can still do it, but you also have to watch out since you'll be vulnerable more often. Essentially, the DMR is the M6D from Halo 1, but with a 4SK. If it's actually 3SK, someone please tell me, because I haven't been able to pull that off.
Everything I said there also applies to my opinion of the Needle Rifle. Remember that it also supercombines. If you keep fire on the target, it's much more effective than if you just chipped away.
- Slightly nerf the armor lock. I think perhaps only two usages per full charge, longer recharge time, slightly shorter usage time, and slightly decrease the shield recharge rate with in an armor lock.
Hell yes. Most annoying ability in the game.
- Make CTF not suck. As in, no marker above a stolen flag, and use the Halo 3-style flag return system where more players can return a flag faster, and you don't have to stand right on top of the flag to return it. If the offense can get the flag a ways out of the base on Powerhouse, the only way the defense can prevent the cap is through a time-over.
- For 1-flag on Powerhouse, move the defending point to somewhere between the current point and the (non-broken) bridge. Everyone takes the flag the same way, because it's the fastest, most reliable way.
But you also die 50 times along the way. I've seen players take it the long way past the Plasma Repeater spawn, and do so with relative impunity. Still, I agree, the bases are too close together.
- For 1-flag on Swordbase, just do something to make it more interesting, and prevent the 20-second captures by taking the grav lift.
They did. The grav lift is gated off now. At least, it was last time I played.
- Slightly decrease the focus rifle's strength and slightly decrease its overheat time.
- Get rid of the Splaser on vehicle maps, or at least don't put it on every single vehicle map. "But you haven't even used it yet!" Yeah, so? Bungie's said it's basically unchanged. Well, it was a terrible weapon in Halo 3, so it's probably going to be terrible now. It's a 1-hit sniper rifle that can instantly destroy a vehicle and kill everyone in them, and since the beam has width, you only have to be 'close' with your shots, as opposed to actually hitting your target.
While this would make the Splaser pointless to have in the game, period, I still agree. Though here's a better idea: leave them in FFA Slayer vehicle maps, but remove it in team objective games.
- Similarly, make flying vehicles more susceptible to gunfire. Yeah, I don't really know how they work in Reach yet, but I'm really hoping that we don't need a designated anti-air weapon just to take them down. They were lame in Halo PC, lame in Halo 2, and lame in Halo 3.
I didn't have issues taking down Banshees in Halo PC, but they were a load of hooey in Halo 2 and Halo 3, especially with the lack of fall damage and loss of the guided rocket launcher. Bungie, fix it.
- Decrease ammo on the plasma launcher. It's like the FRG of Reach. Too many shots for a weapon that's really easy to use.
Side stepping behind a barrier or sprinting away perpendicular to enemy LoS can evade. It's not that bad, especially because it has to charge. More often than not, it's a Pyrrhic victory for the user.
- OS, camo and custom powerups. They are most certainly not made redundant by armor abilities.
Perhaps have an option in the game creation menus where you can either have armour abilities OR traditional powerups, but not both.
- For territories, territories should become neutral before you can capture them. If you're taking an enemy's territory, it should go enemy->neutral->yours. It should take a bit longer to capture a neutral territory than an enemy territory.
You mean take longer to capture an enemy territory than a neutral one? If it's going enemy->neutral->yours, that's more steps than neutral->yours. But yeah.
- Let me see how many of each medal I get in the post-game carnage report, and display them better so I can see more of them at a time. The Halo 3 system was better.
- Slightly increase sword lunge range.
Definitely. This weapon is near useless against anyone who sees you coming, which makes it pointless to have because otherwise you could just get an assassination. Also, the shotgun and hammer top it.
- Top half of players should get a win in FFA, not just first place.
First, second, and third place all get a win bonus in FFA. At least, I've been getting win bonuses for that. In addition, also had a game where we ended up in a 3-way tie for first place, and the game gave all three of us the first-place winnings.
- I shouldn't get the Close Call medal if I die a moment after killing my opponent, and I shouldn't get the Revenge medal if I die a moment before killing my opponent. But with Revenge, if I also get a Death from the Grave, then I should get the Revenge too.
- Still show the location callout name after I die.
Would come in handy for telling team mates where the enemy is/was two seconds ago.
These are mostly minor request now:
- More colors (where did the magenta-esque colors go?), all of the previous games' emblems, and more medals! There should definitely be a special medal for killing someone with the special animation.
Hell yes. I want to be my classic Halo 1 pink colour, since we are back in Mk. V armour. :maddowns:
- Bungie, if you're getting rid of equipment because "you don't know what the other player has", then make it more obvious when a player has a certain armor ability.
Jetpacks are easy to find, camo gives itself away. Armour lock and sprint, on the other hand, have no indicators.
- Even if it has a long refresh time, how about a bubble shield AA? Armor lock just isn't the same.
[b]I would say only allow that for team games, since it would be pretty useless in a Free For All. You could use it to shield team members taking fire while they in turn protect you.
- Good job Bungie, Juggernaut is actually fun now, but I still want a purely FFA version which plays like regular slayer, except there's a juggernaut in play, too.
Hell yes. Ninjanaut, here I come!
- Flamethrowers!
- Slight stun/speed decrease on the target when firing the plasma repeater or plasma pistol. The repeater right now just feels like a blue assault rifle.
Plasma repeater does least, it did when I was using it to hose people. It only stuns if the shields are down though.
- Adding one of my own here, but change the way weapon respawns work. It's infuriating to have to wait for whoever has the shotgun or Rocket or Sniper to put it down before being able to pick one up yourself. And no, people wouldn't just be whoring it because it would still take forever to spawn. It worked fine in Halo 1, so why the hell is there allowed only one shotgun or one sniper rifle? On that token, change the shotgun back into a regular weapon because it is a terrible power weapon. You can't do shit with it unless you are at "in-your-face" point blank, otherwise the other player has just as much chance (actually more) of killing you than you do of killing him; that does not fit the definition of power weapon. Hell, it's like the only things not power weapons are DMR-type guns and bullet hoses. No wonder everyone spams the AR, that's all you can have.
These modifications would make the game feel great, not that the game isn't fun already.
E: Also want to reiterate that the melee lunge needs to go. Serious, I want to get kills with my trusty cannon, not my fists. If I wanted to do that, I'd play the latest fighting games, not Halo.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by jcap
I wish it was just standard respawning and you didn't need to wait for your team mate to be out of combat
You don't have to respawn by your teammate.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
It takes too long to respawn even when the timer is 0. >:(