Re: Post your PC pics
Logitech G110:
Macro keys are left of Tab/Caps/Shift area but I can hit at least 6 with my pinky without stretching it. Backlight (no keyboard should be without). All the media keys you need.
Re: Post your PC pics
I have the G15. That looks clean. I like it.
Re: Post your PC pics
I don't understand his arguments. What game could possibly come out that would warrant moving to ESDF? If I was to use ESDF, my pinky would be resting on the windows button. I wouldn't be able to crouch anymore.
G110 supreme, bitches.
Re: Post your PC pics
Re: Post your PC pics
that's weird you're weird.
Re: Post your PC pics
It's easier to use Left Ctrl as crouch because you can use your pinky finger to do it quickly. Since Left Shift is sprint and you never use sprint at the same time as crouching, there's no worries that your pinky will be in use at the time that crouch is needed. "V" is such a weird key to use. Then again, it's the same distance from the ESDF keys as the "C" key for people who use "C" for crouch so it sort of makes sense.
Re: Post your PC pics
You guys must have fucking small hands if you think V is a long distance to reach.
Re: Post your PC pics
Not sure if the V key is really a long reach, it's just more or less, awkward.
Re: Post your PC pics
It's not that long of a reach, but there are better keys that are already within the immediate area around the WASD keys.
Re: Post your PC pics
I also don't use wasd, remember
v is the equivelant of c