That's exactly what I said 2 posts ago, but nobody seems to have read it.
I read it.
I actually have the keyboard.
backlit keys on this keyboard are a gimmic, with the keys being hard to see because the lights aren't nearly bright enough and there isn't enough flood light AROUND the keys which believe it or not makes a HUGE difference.
Try out something from Saitek, the original saitek eclipse 2 that i had was a fucking dream.
Both my Saitek keyboards had much dimmer backlighting than the G110. My G110 on red is the brightest backlit keyboard I've been able to find.
ive got one of those low profile saitek eclipses. i can see every key in pitch darkness. its pretty decent for gaming as far as im concerned.
I sort of agree. My G110's LED lighting is pretty dim, but that's only when you have the lights directly over it. Even with my lamp directly over it, I can see the Red and Blue no problem. The purple is a bit harder to see in light, but you can still see it. What you have to understand is that this keyboard's LEDs were meant to be used in the dark, otherwise the publicity on this thing would have been much worse.
The red lighting is what I use most of the time. In daylight and darkness it is clearly visible. In the dark, though, blue is definitely the brightest. It lights up the area around the keyboard really well, but not as much as something like the Saitek V.5. I don't like light pollution coming off my keyboarding and bathing the area in light. The Red is just as visible in the dark, but its better for lateee night gaming because the red glow is more soothing on the eyes. The shades between the Red and Blue are easy to see in the dark, but the Violet colour is as bright as you're going to get between the two.
Unless you are going to use the macro keys, go with the Cyborg V.5.
You haven't looked very hard. The Cyborg V.7 from Saitek lights up like a Christmas tree and the G510 is quite similar. Both of those keyboards have separate LEDs under each key along with multiple brightness levels so you can customize the fuck out of it.
yeah i honestly have no idea what faillancers talking about there.
i had a saitek eclipse II for about 4 years, and it was incredibly easier to see then the G110.
the G110 also feels worse to type on... it feels like a keyboard that tried to do too much and ended up doing nothing spectacularly.
my keyboard gets light bouncing off the screen, creating a sheen over the keys, and washing out the actual backlit colours, something that NEVER happened with my old keyboard because it was just so much dam brighter it didnt matter.
so please tell me what saitek keyboards you've been using.
owait, so you bought the G110 already? Uh oh.
I had an Eclispe II. Actually, I still do, but not in my house any more. It was definitely brighter than this G110, but I don't really care how bright the lighting is as long as I can see it comfortably. And YES! The goddamn sheen is an annoyance when you can't see the keys. The keys are also way smaller than any other desktop keyboard I've used. That tripped me up for a week. You get used to it all, though.
I had an Eclipse I for YEARS, tried the II but it was even dimmer than the I so I returned it. The G510 is the same brightness as the G110, just has more colors, at least my friends does.
Honestly never looked at the Cyborg keyboards though, don't like the style.
I lied about my G110 being the brightest keyboard I've seen, that right goes to Alienware laptop keyboards. Three individual Red, Green, and Blue LED's under every key. There actually looks like a fourth one but I'm not sure what color it is, white?, yellow?, not sure. Looks like four individual LED sources under the keys.
well i cant speak for your keyboards, i just know that my old saitek blew the G110 that i have now completely out of the water in brightness. i could have and often did have lights sitting strraight over it and i could see everything perfectly.
The g110 i got was a christmas present to replace the old ecclipse 2 that i had, and i've been a little dissapointed with it.