Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!
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You call 80 Euros = $111 CAD cheap? Jesus Christ. Especially for a keyboard with next to no features other than "durability"
It's cool, you don't know what you're talking about. I get that :allears:
Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!
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I haven't used that specific model, but my friend is big up on overpriced steel series shit for WoW and I used the Shift: Cataclysm that he has. It was nothing special. However, that model does not have the mechanical switches. I don't think Bod will care about that, though.
Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!
If you're into keyboards that are more about lighting and fancy shit, yes this keyboard is not for you. It is however a great cheap mechanical keyboard and it is also quite strong. Great to type on, very strange at first but well worth switching over.
Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!
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If you're into keyboards that are more about lighting and fancy shit, yes this keyboard is not for you. It is however a great cheap mechanical keyboard and it is also quite strong. Great to type on, very strange at first but well worth switching over.
Keyword: mechanical. Heh, so you were right. A cheap mechanical one it is. I have no doubt it'll do a great job of retaining its quality. Still, the rubber used on regular keyboards do a good enough job. No need to needlessly spend that much on such a basic keyboard when I cheaper one can do the same job. Well, if Bod wants his keyboard to last 5+ years, I guess it's the logical option. I couldn't imagine not replacing one every five years.
Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!
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Has nothing to do with RAM. More than 4GB is unnecessary.
With Halo perhaps, but yesterday I took a look and saw I was using about 11GB.
Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!
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With Halo perhaps, but yesterday I took a look and saw I was using about 11GB.
When I am going to do Genome calculations, I will take 1TB RAM into consideration :P
Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!
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As this is his first gaming PC he's at the stage where he wants it to look really cool as well as run really cool. I find that when people get their first gaming PC's they usually go with something extravagant like the Phantom and then as they mature on the technological front they move towards the minimalistic look.
I've never cared about the aesthetics of a computer case. Never saw the point. It's a box that holds my computer parts, for fuck's sake.
EDIT: Maybe I should rephrase that, though. I care about the aesthetics insofar as I actively avoid flashy cases, and choose relatively boring-looking cases. "I'm a huge fucking nerd" is a message I would rather not be sending with my computer case.
Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!
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It's cool, you don't know what you're talking about. I get that :allears:
I use a dell standard 101 key keyboard I got so many years ago. No problems here.
Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!
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I use a dell standard 101 key keyboard I got so many years ago. No problems here.
Yeah, most keyboards will work no problem for 6 years+. He's sort of right, though. I didn't realize what he was talking about until I read it was mechanical based.
Re: Building a computer? Need advice/suggestions? Come here!
I always spill stuff over my I wanted to buy a machine-washable one...but they are expensive :S