This sounds interesting, I'd be happy to play it and give you criticism.
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This sounds interesting, I'd be happy to play it and give you criticism.
Hey, why does this remind me of Red vs. Blue? Hmmm.....Epsilon+Freelancer=Washington! Anyways, I'm game for more single player maps. This will be interesting if done correctly.
Looking great, Inferno!
We need to talk on Xfire more.
I thought that wasn't a secret.
I didn't say it was. I just didn't mention it until now expecting anyone who has seen Reconstruction just to know. ;)
I think ANYONE who's seen more than a few RvB episodes might have caught the reference. Sounds cool, though.
Ok, just played the beta. Its impossible to complete the level in normal circumstances with a noob/player who isn't skilled. They will die. EVERY TIME.
1. Make the marines and spartans damage ratio LOWER. Jesus, the spartans definitely need to, as they kill you almost instantaneously. No noob will get past them. The marines are ok, but try to lower them down a bit.
2. A glitch randomly happened while I was playing. I was reverted to the last checkpoint, and when I went through the next area, no enemies spawned. This glitch makes you get almost to the end without killing/dieing to enemies.
3. I know this is a beta, and the game is hard, but seriously, ROCKETS AT THE END WITH A WARTHOG? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? >_<
No one, and I mean NO ONE, will beat it without cheat_deathless_player.
Rethink that battle please.
4. Speaking of battles, most of the battles I had (Mainly the storage room with the fake weapons) had no checkpoints after the battle. If you die in the room after the storage area, you have to refight that storage area all over again. Its frustrating. :(
Btw, like the SP map, tis fun! :D Just annoying :P
I thought it was pretty average difficulty but I had played through it so much that I had gotten used to the difficulty so I didn't know if I was miss judging difficulty. If you know what I mean.
I'm pretty sure the checkpoint glitch was caused by skipping through a trigger volume before it registered the player being in it. I'll look into this.
Also you can get a rocket launcher just before the last battle with the warthog off the dead spartan in that dark room. 2 shots from that rocket launcher will take out almost all the guys near the hog. That was planned to be like that.
Checkpoints are kind of hard. You can only save when there are no enemy's near the player so I usually have to set save points between each BSP and between spawns and events. I'll do my best to add some more where I can though.
You can use game_save_totally_unsafe to save even if there are enemies nearby.