Hammer D:
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Hammer D:
are you going to make it like an entire campaign as in the L4D campaigns or are you going to just make one stage?
i got some shit ticking in my head atm so get back to me on it :p
Since the l4d campaigns did escape by helicopter, plane, ship, and APC I suggest you do escape by train. l4d already has a bunch of rail-yard assets to boot.
I'm going to put some thought into a finale location and try to get in touch with you.
Go with what mass said, it sounds like a good idea.
Yeah, a train would kick ass. Even if you still go with my idea of the hydroelectric dam, you could very easily wedge a train in there, since every campaign has at least three distinctly different areas. Just as long as they flow together logically it will work well.
Bunker type area -> Dam area -> wilderness type area -> finale where you reach a train that has to cross over one of these:
Except higher up.
404 lol!
Click HERE to view the image.
That is what Legionaire meant to post, but apparently [thumb] tags don't work anymore. I honestly see nothing special about it, especially since there's already a train bridge in Blood Harvest and it doesn't enhance the gameplay one bit.
e: you'll just have to follow the link, since the image isn't displaying in [img] tags either.
e^2: What the fuck, the image keeps 404ing randomly. It's just a train bridge going over a gorge with supports under it.