Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
You really think I'm the only one who thinks you're full of shit?
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
il Duce Primo
I have yet to see us bitch about it. The only person is Jcap and he doesn't have anything to do with CMT. At this point he's just another fanboy.
Masters was yesterday in his thread...
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
il Duce Primo
I have yet to see us bitch about it. The only person is Jcap and he doesn't have anything to do with CMT. At this point he's just another fanboy.
To turn down an offer like this would be completely foolish. Korn offered to bypass the memory restrictions, he even threw in an offer to research multiple resources, which would significantly cut down on your map file sizes and download time. I stand by jcap, and anyone that doesn't see cmt's decision as a stupid one needs to rethink the entire situation. The benefits of the offer severely outweigh the down sides, I don't even understand why cmt needs to think before accepting.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
Why is there so much drama around this. I just want to play Halo, a really nice candy coated Halo. :(
supersniper likes this
Iagree with Jcap on this, why cut out hard work when you can just leave it, use the amazing work done by Korn and have even more in the mod.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Masterz (and some others in CMT) don't trust themselves to not put a ton of crap in once the limits are removed.
I personally believe that if they set out a list of things they would add without limits while Korn was working on removing the limits, then, as a group, decided what out of that list to add and not add, then stick soley to that list, I see no reason why limitless tools could be a bad thing for this mod.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
Masterz (and some others in CMT) don't trust themselves to not put a ton of crap in once the limits are removed.
I personally believe that if they set out a list of things they would add without limits while Korn was working on removing the limits, then, as a group, decided what out of that list to add and not add, then stick soley to that list, I see no reason why limitless tools could be a bad thing for this mod.
That's the thing, they would still have limits, they would just be larger than before. Even if they had the urge to keep adding more content, they would eventually hit the limit again. So it's a poor excuse to say they don't trust themselves to put a ton of shit in.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
I can't believe you guys. Complaining over limits of a mod.
There are hungry black children in africa that don't have enough food, and you don't see them bitching (as much) about it.
For shame, all of you!
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
I can't believe you guys. Complaining over limits of a mod.
There are hungry black children in africa that don't have enough food, and you don't see them bitching (as much) about it.
For shame, all of you!
They're too hungry to bitch about it.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
Seriously, what's your problem? It's not your mod. Please stay out of our affairs. This has nothing to do with you.
Because just as kornman holds his end of the bargain your so called leader decides to change his mind pretty much wasting kornmans time.
He's doing you lot a favour by taking time out of his life to help you lot.
He could quite easily be doing something much more worthwhile like personal lifestyle or going back to his H2Radio tool....
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
Masters was yesterday in his thread...
There isn't a post in that thread from yesterday. Stop making shit up to make us look like bad guys.