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A better Firefight mode, that isn't just skulls enabling to make things harder because enemies throw a lot of grenades. And, a flood firefight mode (since firefight isn't canon). Or, just the ability to change what types of enemies you face. Anyways, if it was a small map, it would be cool if the flood only walked instead of ran, like slow-walking zombies. They wouldn't have weapons, but there would be a lot of them. As more waves were defeated, they'd start getting more resistant (no one-melee kill, like in Halo 1), and would start spawning with weapons. I don't expect something like this to come with the game, but maybe DLC? It'd be awesome either way.
Lol xbox exclusive video games.
Too bad.
I want to see a level that combines the 2nd level of Halo 1, with the last level of Halo 3 (and H1) and the part of star wars where Luke blows up the death star by flying through the tunnel/canyon thing.
What I'm talking about is a level with lots of open space like "Halo" but near the end it gets all hectic and crazy like the end of halo 3. I want there to be lots of obstacles, and you have to constantly switch vehicles to make it through different parts of the level, adding to the chaos. That's where the Death Star part comes in, there needs to be a flying part with lots of obstacles. It will be timed, and you have to get to each "checkpoint" and change vehicles or else you wont make it (ie, if you don't get to the banshee on time, you cant make it through the next part in the hog). My favorite part of the last H3 level was the "Oh shiiiittt" factor, if you know what I mean.
Also, I'd like to see some unique multiplayer in this one. Not just like what they did with ODST, and hopefully a gameplay style much different than the other games.
I just want this game to be less cartoony, darker, and overall more realistic than the rest of the series. Also, iron sights.
The feel of Halo 1, more tactics involved, new weapons that aren't lame like many of the H2/H3 weapons were, cool scenarios placed in both old and new areas. That's pretty much to ask, though.
most of that is contradicting itself.