Maybe so but the trailer gave me goosebumps
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Maybe so but the trailer gave me goosebumps
It's as if nobody noticed how terrible Star Wars was during it's second trilogy. You'd think people would learn. Anyway, I'm excited for what will hopefully be a new story with new enemies in new environments, and hopefully not anything to do with Covenant, human allies, or seeing actual Forerunner.
Who wants to feel old?
Forget the kids playing today who were born after the first game came out. By the time Halo 6 wraps up, we'll be playing against kids who weren't alive for the first trilogy. I now know how my parents must have felt taking me to see Phantom Menace. This is now a series which will, nearly by the time of completion, and certainly by the time online support is dropped, have spanned twenty-plus years.
Really enjoyed that trailer, that was awesome.
I hope 343i Can pull this off.. Both Halo A and Halo 4..
I have a little hope though.. firstly, because its not Bungie.. and second, 343i actually did a decent job on the Reach DLC..
(the trailer hasn't be posted in this thread yet right?)
I'm cynical, but Deus Ex 3 turned out to be really awesome after so much pecimism so we can hope right?
(no mention of PC ports for CE:HD or H4?)
The MS rep said that "everything after this is exclusive to Xbox 360," and both Halo announcements took place after that assertion, so I'd assume that is true. I'd love nothing more than to get my hands on Reach's particle engine but at the current rate I think the most we can hope for is GFWL-burdened, un-moddable H3 PC in 2014
Microsoft: "We are dedicated to supporting games on the Windows platform."