wait, a new INability to block sword attacks with anything but another sword? as in, that lucky as fuck situation where youd sometimes melee a sword lunge and live is gone?
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wait, a new INability to block sword attacks with anything but another sword? as in, that lucky as fuck situation where youd sometimes melee a sword lunge and live is gone?
How does a fist punch hard enough to pulverize flesh in two hits through energy shields and titanium ceramic power-armour?
It's a game. I didn't really have a problem with that ability, though. I am nimble enough to manage to always strike from the side or rear, even without surprise n my side.
I think it should be noted, because I don't think some people understand this, these new configurations they're able to do to the game variants won't be global. They'll be used in their "classic" playlist along with whatever they decide, but they're not going to be rolling this out as a global Reach change (eg, BTB won't have it). That, and they can control just how much change there is (eg, they can scale bloom all the back to it's original value for a game variant)
Indeed. Regular Slayer will likely remain the same for the most part. Though I have to wonder if the Armor Lock nerf and Sword buff will be global.
Fists are capable of more than you'd think
Attachment 2340
The title update won't be applied to BTB?
Well if they don't come out with a big team variant for the update I guess I won't have reason to go back to Reach... :allears:
All of the changes in the TU are new megalo hooks. They can apply them to whatever spectrum of gametypes and playlists they want. Some options are backend only, like the 0-100% bloom scale. The Beta hoppers are going to be up in early October after the TU comes out (according to what has been said so far) at the end of September. There they will be testing out the changes on the current maps and introducing some of the new gametype changes.
Based on community reaction certain changes will be rolled out into various playlists. Then when CEA comes out there will be dedicated classic playlists featuring the classic gametypes and classic versions of maps alongside playlists that have the updated versions of the classic maps with new pathing, weapons, and AAs.
i never understood why people with 4gb harddrives couldn't play online co-op...
Too late.
Yeah, I've said that's how it should have been done from the beginning. It should be enough to deflect a single rocket or a close range hammer melee, but not enough to make you invulnerable from any attack for several seconds.Quote:
the armor lock ability only absorbs damage based on your remaining energy
I love all the update features apart from the bloom. How can people not time their damn shots? Spamming the trigger should not end in success. Slow and steady win the race :D
So the reason this is an issue with the TU is because if I want to play on a "well populated" playlist that has the new Pistol, Armour Lock, melee fix etc, I will have to put up with having little or no bloom. Which sucks.