Re: 282 Key List, Paid for by CodeHPro
Originally Posted by
Sean Aero
I'll quote myself from
halomods as the discussion seems to be here.
I was going to say make a thread and give the keys out one at a time via PM if someone wants them. But what the fuck is the point it's too late now.
Re: 282 Key List, Paid for by CodeHPro
Originally Posted by
I was going to say make a thread and give the keys out one at a time via PM if someone wants them. But what the fuck is the point it's too late now.
Reason : There is alot of noobs out there or people that speak Spanish.. I want to make it as easy as possible v.v lol
If these keys did get banned for whatever reason. I can always buy more D; Just wanna get halo 2 up and running like it used to be haha.
Re: 282 Key List, Paid for by CodeHPro
Re: 282 Key List, Paid for by CodeHPro
I don't think you can apply the word "hot" to H2V aha.
Re: 282 Key List, Paid for by CodeHPro
Originally Posted by
Reason : There is alot of noobs out there or people that speak Spanish.. I want to make it as easy as possible
This is more reason NOT to do this. Do you want the game to end up like Halo CE where there are illiterate fucking Spanish idiots everywhere?
Re: 282 Key List, Paid for by CodeHPro
Originally Posted by
This is more reason NOT to do this. Do you want the game to end up like Halo CE where there are illiterate fucking Spanish idiots everywhere?
Wow... just because someone doesn't speak English doesn't make them illiterate, an idiot, or Spanish.
Re: 282 Key List, Paid for by CodeHPro
Ryx ur wrong buddy, he seriously did buy these keys and website.
and why does it matter if people speak spanish as long as there is somebody to play with you should be happy
Re: 282 Key List, Paid for by CodeHPro
Originally Posted by
It's one of those sites that give you stuff if you do a certain thing, and this site happens to give away old gfwl keys. gfwl keys will work with any gfwl game, hence it works for h2v.
Also, these won't get banned. Unlike CE, the PCID is from a gfwl install date or something, and ip. Original h2v only supports gamertag banning, then servertools have pcid and iprange bans. I'm sure you all know this though, being a h2v site ;P
I seriously have no clue link me
Re: 282 Key List, Paid for by CodeHPro
Originally Posted by
Reason : There is alot of noobs out there or people that speak Spanish.. I want to make it as easy as possible v.v lol
If these keys did get banned for whatever reason. I can always buy more D; Just wanna get halo 2 up and running like it used to be haha.
Releasing the same key to multiple people isn't helping anyone. If your only concern was communicating with foreigners use google translate and put the results in the original post. The way you've done it right now is senseless.
Re: 282 Key List, Paid for by CodeHPro
Learn from this, make people register for the keys.
Don't just hand it out like that :/