Eh, I was triyng to decide if I should show this now, or wait until more is done, but someone convinced me to show it now. Basically, its a human map set inside a hangar, with some rooms off to the side, blah blah blah. I'm trying to keep gameplay in mind while making this, so I need some suggestions. (I didn't make that space ship thats in there)
When making renders of a level don't just render it from user or prespective view put a camera inside the level so it looks better.
June 19th, 2007, 05:18 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by phase
When making renders of a level don't just render it from user or prespective view put a camera inside the level so it looks better.
wow, like was quoting his entire post necessary to say exactly what i just said?
good one :rolleyes:
June 19th, 2007, 05:28 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by DOMINATOR
wow, like was quoting his entire post necessary to say exactly what i just said?
good one :rolleyes:
First off you never told him to put cameras inside for renders you just told/asked him "can you take better renders?" witch isn't saying what I did.
Its sorta of a habit of mine to qoute people that am talking to, Ill put the put in spoiler tags.
June 19th, 2007, 05:31 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by phase
First off you never told him to put cameras inside for renders you just told/asked him "take better renders?" witch isn't saying what I did.
guess you can't read
can you take better renders? mb put a wide angle cam in the map with better lighting?
June 19th, 2007, 05:37 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
I get the point guys. :eyesroll:
June 19th, 2007, 05:41 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by DOMINATOR
guess you can't read
Sorry about that I always tend to ignore bad grammar when it comes to 3dsmax talk , so it just sounded like:
"put a wide angle in map with better lighting" to me.
June 19th, 2007, 11:56 PM
Re: WIP - Some random human map
I don't see how that was bad grammar. He used some shorthand to get the point accross. Never-the-less, the point is that you either cannot read, or your comprehension level is below par. Not to mention, you shouldn't be attacking his grammar when your response was a run-on sentence :rolleyes:
In any case, i feel like your map is looking far too similar to the cryobay and surrounding areas in H1. I would stay away from that, seeing how (probably) most people can't wait to get out of the cryobay and continue on with their game. What I can see a cryobay being useful for is spawning, and away from the flag. Nothing ruins a good capture like killing everyone in the base, grabbing the flag, only to be gunned down by the guy who spawns right by the flag.