Manga doesn't count >:O
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Manga doesn't count >:O
Bump for some sort of justice.
In many cases, the manga is far better than the anime, Meester Jelley. :-3
I never gave Manga a chance :3
Also, I've suddenly become obsessed with Animu like Kanon and Clannad. I'm forming bonds with the characters, then getting depressed after the last episode. I'll never see you again, Ayu ;_;
The same technology Valve used for HL2... emotion. :lol:
Win. :lol:
Neon Genesis Evangelion is by far my favorite anime... although Shinji can get on your nerve. 1.0 was good, defiantly toned down Shinji's screaming factor. Ummm... anime I watch...
Neon Genesis Evangelion (FTW), Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, Death Note, Bleach, Great Teacher Onizuka, Naruto, Chobits, Samurai Champloo, Ah! My Goddess, Mushishi, Cowboy Bebop, Fooly Cooly, Negima!?, Eureka Seven, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, Full Metal Panic... that's about it... still watching other stuff.
I finished up FMA a while ago... just now started reading the manga. Different... but I almost enjoy it more then the Anime. Still love the Anime though...
Favorite anime:
Last Exile
Awesome steampunk is awesome. :-3
I spent £50 on the Neon Genesis Evangelion platinum DVDs, but the last episode was so bad that it hardly seemed worth it. End of Evangelion was pretty cool though.
Just finished that one not too long ago. Awesome.
Also, I've been watching RahXephon. After the first couple of episodes I noticed some similarities to NGE. Now, I'm convinced. They're the same goddamn show. They're different enough so that NGE doesn't ruin the story of RX, and they're both still good shows, but still, I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of creativity here. At least the production quality is top notch.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Its rad.
Continuing on the topic of Gurren Lagann (Zeph blew my context...)
From the looks of it, we could be seeing a permanent addition to the Ani-Monday lineup (outside of the occasional movie they show),
seeing as SciFi is the only station showing the Bandai dubs and that it's a very new on-going Anime. This bodes well.
Then again, it's SciFi, so let's not get our hopes up. lol
Wait.....Gurren-Lagann plays on Scifi?
Ani-Monday :D
SAWEET. I love the show.
Been watching it here.
They have the regular ep 6 however so I had to dl it.
Fullmetal ALchemist - #1 Fav
DBZ was good but GT absolutely destroyed it...
I havent watched Death Note, but it looks good - Ive seen the concept and some clips
Gundam Wing was EPIC WIN (Gundam in general is epic win)
Zatch bell was ok at first but it got WAY boring.
By the way: Avatar is considered NOT an anime, I heard.
Isnt Lucky Star like, hentai? xD I dont watch it, my friend does.
Avatar is lame. Zatch Bell was the same as Avatar. IAWThePart about DBZ. FMA FTW. Absolutely love it.
There's a difference between hentai and ecchi. ecchi is stuffed with fanservice - panty shots, bewbs and the like. I don't think LS is ecchi either, though, but I haven't seen it, so I couldn't tell you.
No, lucky star isn't explicit at all. Well, at least from the first 17 minutes or so of the first episode. I got board and wanted to die after that. I mean seriously, they talked about food for like 8 minutes.
Wow, 8 minutes of nothing but food? Sounds lame.
Absolute worst anime ever (yes, even worse than Yugioh)
Bo-bobobo-bobo (god, that show needs to die, horray for CN taking if off of Toonami)
yugioh is the best anime ever :(
well the abridged series is anyway
I just watched the first part of the first episode of TTGL on youtube. They did Kamina's voice wrong! There's no manliness, I just want to punch him now.
DBZ and Trigun are like two of the only animes I was ever huge on. I kinda liked some others as well, like Cowboy Bebop.
Pokemon doesn't count as an anime. >:V
A Naruto comic that is good? It cannot be!
shot tags mb?
Wow, just wow.
That's actually a parody of what happened in the manga and what will happen in the anime. I'm not going back to Naruto though until it's finished. They've already freaking milked it.
I will say that later in the series (like where the Manga currently is) there is a twist that I don't like.
First half I loled, second half was tl;dr.
Does anyone else like ROD?
Haven't heard of it, but I just checked the ratings... wow.
That rating system confuses me. Did it get good ratings?
A lot of excellents and very goods, even a few masterpieces. That usually translates to, DO WATCH ITS AWESOME. Atleast on anime news network.
LOL, well it is excellent. You should watch the movie first though.
Cool, does the movie come first as in chronological order?
Pretty sure.
Apparently it is, I checked. I'll probably read the manga first though.
Yes, its very different, in a normal way.
Although the Japanese are awesome... they are pretty messed up.
Ok... here is a list of hentai types according to wikipedia... WTF?
The scope of hentai encompasses the entire range of sexual fetishes, including:
- Bakunyu, the depiction of women with large breasts. Literally translated to "bursting breasts".
- Futanari, depictions of hermaphrodites or transsexuals that have both phallic genitalia (penis with scrotum, only a penal shaft, or an enlarged clitoris) and vaginal genitalia or a feminine hourglass shape including breasts and a penis plus scrotum.
- BDSM, A spectrum of consensual sexual activities considered to be "kinky" or non mainstream, including such topics as power exchange (domination and submission), bondage, sadomasochism, spanking, etc.
- Bestiality
- Breast-oriented torture and Breast bondage, BDSM practices focusing on breasts, many times coupled with a variety of torture
- Erotic lactation
- Lolicon, depicts prepubescent or preadolescent girls.
- Maiesiophilia
- Omorashi (オモラシ / おもらし / お漏らし, Omorashi) in which individuals struggle with a full bladder before finally wetting themselves.
- Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror
- Shotacon, the depiction of young boys having intercourse, depicting young boys with older women, known as "straight shota" in western jargon.
- Tentacle rape, the depiction of tentacled creatures and sometimes monsters (fictional imaginative or otherwise, also includes alien-like creatures) engaging in sex or rape with girls and less often men.
- Incest sexual activity with legal family members noticiably seen in "The Sagara Family" a hentai computer game.
Yeah, but I'm pretty fucked up too.
Bakunyu, BDSM, Lolicon, Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror, Unfortunately Tentacle rape, and Incest all interest me as far as hentai goes.
Lolicon ftw really.
E: Less often than others I will like some Omorashi , but far from often. And ONLY in hentai.
Yes, I am sad.
Trying to imagine (w)horror...
Erotic Lactation is the shit.
Edit: I bet in BDSM, that most of the time, the girls get the power. :-3
Thanks for the recomendation
:gonk: I gotta ask, what exactly is the appeal of lolicon? It has no tits, and no tits = no fun. From your point of view, why is it hot? (fucking stupid thing to ask, but w/e) Probably the worst thing I've fapped to is shibari (rope bondage, only in hentai), and neko. (not furry, just the ears and the tail) So I'm pretty normal? By the internet standards at least...
This topic has become way too NSFW. OP has been updated to reflect new topic of discussion.
Should I spoiler that wiki article?
Edit that might as well be a new post:
I actually just watched the first 3 episodes of Rosario + Vampire and I must say that they kind of ecchied up the anime. I can tell you personally from reading the manga that there was a whole lot less fan service in the manga than in the anime. If you only watched the anime and did/did not like it, I highly recomend going back to read the manga. Seriously. I realllllly think that they butchered it with fanservice. Hope anime watchers didn't get the wrong impression. :smith:
Also, start reading manga people! Hey look, its a website that allows you to read translated manga (most of which is not out in the states) online for free with great translations!
Well I like neko and bondage so :/
IDK what it is about lolicon. I am a closet pedo. I sometimeswill see an 11 year olds and start thinking horrible things. It cant be helped really.
Heathens going to be a rapist. :haw:
:D My friends pick on me for my lkings of severely underage girls.I'm only 15 and 12 is as low as I go. Now I wouldn't try anything with a 12 yr old, just look. As far as dating and all that mess, 13 may be as low as I would go but I prolly wont go lower than 14.
Well, we all certainly needed to know that.
also congrats on effectively turning this into a chan thread
Take a seat.
I once pee'd off the slide in kindergarten.
I have no shame.
Theres some things YOU wont admit, but I will.
That is gross you are gross.
Poor kids, lol
O___o in this thread, seriously
Just watched some more of the Rosario + Vampire anime. I have to say, they made Moka cuter in the aspect of well... Kappuchu~ :-3. I want to get my blood sucked too! :smith:
Edit: Oh my god, I can't get over the fact that they made the ending credits so good! Seriously, the animation and music is just so perfect!
Also, if you haven't watched the anime/read the manga, the sexual edge included in that ending song/animation is kind of unusual for the anime, but actually pretty cool at the same time.
Reason I don't like Anime:
Most of the time girls have very sexual features and take away from everything else that's going on in hopes of seeing something naughty. Underdressed female drawings in a cartoon/anime series are just.. :gonk:.
That is something called fan service, Wind. Sadly, many animes are affected by it. :(
There are many animes that are not affected by it. Silent, if you want to get into it watch something like Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, or Samurai Champloo.
I'd highly recommend starting with Cowboy Bebop. You won't be dissapointed.
Ultima, I am liking your recommendations. We have a VERY similar liking. Cowboy Bebop is great and the only time their is any fanservice is sometimes Faye, and Champloo is great, with the only fs being Fuu, but very rarely. I recently met the guy that does the voices of spike and mugen at Mechacon.
CowBoy Bebop IS :awesome:
Ive seen a few episodes, and the last episode.
Another without too many sexual references (but a couple come in as comedy relief): Fullmetal Alchemist. (plus the fact Vic Mignogna did an awesome job as Ed in the dub)
And one that's just plain good: Death Note.
Thanks. :D
Also, cool! Cowboy Bebop is the only anime in which I liked the dub.
Edit: Also guys, I highly recommend Claymore, it is one of the coolest mangas I have ever read. The anime is good, but it diverged from the manga and was ended in a stupid and abrupt way. (anime from sig and avatar)
Oh god, I just watched the first episode of Black Lagoon. Bullets! Everywhere!
It is coming with me on holiday.
Just read chapter 82 of Claymore since it was just released. That is one of the best/craziest/coolest mangas I have ever read.
Ok double post because that was 2 days ago. I just watched the final episode of the Rosario + Vampire. That was quite different than what happened in the manga 0_o. I'll probably update with differences in the morning.
So after reading the encyclopedia dramatica page on Neon Genisis Evangelion I knew I must watch it. So I did, and it was lol.
I thought that was supposed to be really good.
It is.
I thought it was entirely meh. And anyone who says OMG ITS SO DEEP needs to get a clue.
But Rebuild was alright, and the end battle scene was fucking epic.
It was alright, but the ending was a load of shit, and there was not a terribly large amount of philosophy in it, which kind of disappointed me. However, there was a hilarious rape scene in episode 5, so that made it all worth it.
Lol raep.
Angst =/= depression. :eng101:
Skip the first few episodes and watch Rebuild of Evangelion instead. It looks newer and there is less "chatacter development."
And then
I finally just read the main story for the The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Kyon's point of view) and I have to say, that was incredibly well done. How it was executed and everything was very good.
I don't remember the names, but it was the one with the diamond-shaped beam-firing drilling-thru-geofront angel and positron rifle using all of Japan's power, etc.
It was already pretty cool in the original series, but the Rebuild version is insane. And you gotta see what the Angel does too.
Part of the final shot is in the first 20 seconds of this trailer:
and that's just the tip of the iceberg of awesome.
Yes that was Rahiel, the 6th Angel. God I loved the sound of its Accelerated Particle Beam Cannon. <3
E: Excuse me thats actually Ramiel the 5th angel.
Just watched some of the anime of TMOHS. I watched it chronologically rather than the weird messed up way that they tried to get you to watch it.
No need to worry. Code Geass R2 is beyond epic. Jelly would you like to see the new Guren?
Just finished Elfen Lied. Holy Shiiiiit.
Best thing ever.
Hands down.
If he saw the
I think he did. Geass is still a dumb show though. Entertaining, but dumb.
Also, Teekie, you see the latest Gundam 00 S2 preview yet? Good song/new OP, and the most badass Exia ever.