that would ne nice
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that would ne nice
So, in all honesty, the first iteration of Open Sauce was suppose to be released today. Figure it out yet? 8/8/8. My service tag is S88, my gamer tag uses the Omega 88 avatar. Sever ate Nein (ok, so that one wasn't so outstanding), was born in 88, etc.
But due to a new release of HaloCE's client AND server, I have to once again validate all of the code is up to date with these new executables, which will take some time. I'm not going to lie though, I've had a pretty shitty week so I didn't work on OS as much as I should have in preparing it for release. Iz sryz :saddowns:
Rest assured though, the NLT date still stands, and no, I don't know when I'll end up releasing the first iteration now, at least not an exact date.
And for your complaints about Battery: Its not *just* a simple version check change. I would again, have to update the code to be compatible with the new executables for both CE and PC. I don't support PC, that was bitter's decision. Doing so would take time away from OS development, which is not acceptable. Don't fret though, there will be a...oh lets call them engine modules released using the Open Sauce CE library which will have the Battery features you all love...and then some. However, like I said, its for CE, not PC.
Since I couldn't give you guys what I intended though, I'll see about at least giving you some more details on the project and\or examples this weekend, but for now, its time to get ready to hit some clubs up.
It's okay. I still love you.
I'm looking forward to this release, and it sucks that it has been pushed back. Is there a possibility though that you would go ahead and release the first iteration of it anyway so that we can begin to work with it and learn how it all works? Once you update the code and release it for the new update, people will already know how to use it and be able to just port over their "engine modules".
The current code base is only compatible with the first version of CE and .612 (or whichever came before this latest), so you really wouldn't be able to begin to work with it unless you used the old builds.
That sucks, is the build .612 version 1.6? If it is I have it and will be happy to upload if anyone wants it.
i love you kornman :D
:conspiracy: Bungie released this to foil your Open Sauce :conspiracy:
Anyways, Keep pushing to finish :awesome:
I've known that for quite some time. We just need a means of recording them in a reasonable manner (read: not writing them character by character in notepad.exe).Quote:
Recorded animations are already possible for campaign maps
Whatever happened to that solution we talked about earlier?
recorded animations are a thing of the past zeph, jeez. bungie don't do dem anymore
i really don't know what solution you're referring to
Wouldn't sapien and guerilla be using the "engine modules" just as the haloce.exe would? So theoretically, would you be able to modify components of sapien with open sauce? Such as adding player input functions to sapien in order to move about and record your actions.
PS: I'm only assuming sapien and guerilla will use the engine modules because yelo was a .dll file and so was the bloom hack (which worked in sapien).
That's because Sapien uses the same DirectX engine.
I'm not sure about Sapien using the same engine in H1 but I can tell you that in H2V the engine is very similar between Sapien and H2V...some memory addresses are exactly the same for instances.
Open Sauce CE isn't setup for extending the HEK, so no. There is a utility included with the Open Sauce SDK for extending the HEK, however it is closed source and only allows extensions by the end user via adding new tags.
ah, ok. Thanks for clearing that up, still looking forward to it. ;)
I mean I would love to do recorded animations because then you dont have to make a 400 frame running or walking animation, then nudge it because it goes through a wall, but now you need to remake it because if you do nudge it goes through a different wall, etc, and if you could do recorded animations it would be much easier because then you could dodge any obstacles in the way.
Bad luck with the new 1.08 =\ was looking forward to OS.
I just hope it gets released before Prom. If it happens this year, then it will definitely be before Prom.
Little information update for OS CE:
What you can do:What you can't do:
- Add new scripting functions\globals
- Record the chat box (clients)
- Theoretically create new game engines (ie, ctf). I've made significant advances in making this possible, but there is still amounts of work needed to be done, especially on the UI side
- Have your Sauced servers\games come up in their own server listing, apart from the general server list (so you can hide or better filter your games from the public)
- Multi-team vehicles
- Have access to the networking extension code that I was developing. In theory, it should be working, but I have something fucked up somewhere...because it doesn't. Who knows, maybe I'll figure it out before release?
- Interface with objects in the current game state (ie, location, a unit's weapons, shield power, etc)
- Create your own key bindings for executing custom code (ie, hold shift+g to turn the AI off)
- Create menu interfaces a la Battery.
- Edit the tags that are in memory
- Edit loads of other game state related data
- Add your own game event logging (already have some events that are logged while in game)
- Modify the camera to your hearts desire
- Almost everything from Battery
Both lists can be much longer but I just wanted to give an overview of a few things you can look forward to and to answer any questions people may have.
- Create new object types.
- Can't replace the physics engine
- Can't replace the rendering engine
- Can't add a perfect Forge mode to the engine. You can replicate some of it's features, but in most cases the engine isn't outfit to do it
Also note that in order to do some of the things you may want to do, you may have to further reverse engineer the game in order to find out what code in the engine you have to modify or call in order for it to work. I'm not including some documentation or code due to possible malicious use by script kiddies.
As it stands, the CE portion of OS contains over 12,000 LOC and 65 code files
You can't replace the rendering engine, but what about modifying it? IE: normal maps on models.
idk, have you found the code you need to modify in order to do such a thing?
Haven't looked for it yet tbh, was waiting for a release.
Ok, so what can normal maps do? Like....what would make me :D if I knew what it was?
Normal Maps, simply put are bump maps on steroids. They can display the "bump" without dynamic light and appear to add polies to a model unlike bumps which just basically displayed shadow information taken from a dynamic light.
As an example, here's a boot. The left is the base model, and the right is the model with a normal map applied.
through code, yes. there won't be a tag editor interface if thats what you're thinking. note that some fields in some tag groups are postprocessed and placed in uneditable (as far as the HEK is concerned) portions of the tag data, so you'd have to edit those instead in their cases.
Doesnt mean someone wont make a mini app to do it yourself :p
Also, a few questions.
Could we say, Make a proper juggernaut gametype?
Proper netcode? No longer needing to lead?
Properly Syncing AI or machines?
Like I said, there are still amounts of work needed to be done, but assuming they were done, yes.
"Proper"? The netcode they used is fine, maybe you forget that they had to develop the game with "proper" 56K support. And the extensions are to the game's existing networking code, not total new networking code.
I don't know how you thought that up from that bullet, but in order for that to happen you have to have something to somehow sync that doesn't just *poof* happen. If the networking extensions ever get completed then you can easily add support for syncing machine state changes, but as far as AI're better off buying a 360 and Halo 3.
I have both, im just interested in development of this :)
I was wondering, is it possible to have blend maps?
Halo already uses a (detail) blend map, if you're talking about environmental shaders...
No, I mean with 3 detail maps.
I was wondering if this Open Sauce thing can make halo fun again?
What are you getitng at :raise:
Nein mama! Das gehts nicht.
Kornamns motto should be: 'Geht Doch!'
Sorry to be "that guy" but is there any news on this project, it's been two weeks since the original release date. I kinda wish there never was a CE update so I could have a taste of sauce. :(
I finished updating the client side of things earlier this week, all I need to do next is the server based updates to the code, but I'll be out of town this up coming weekend so I won't be able to touch the code (or rather, I won't be bringing my computer so even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to ;p).
Ahh, awesome. Thanks for the update, I appreciate it. :)
Could you make AI sync in Halo 2?
As far as I'm aware, the AI does sync, but the animations,voices and (most) scripts do not sync. so is there anything you can fix?
Also could you add a feature to switch the respawn system?
I want to change the MP respawn system to the SP co-op respawn system.
These would be great for making H2V online co-op maps.
This is for Halo CE, not Halo 2 by the way. Judging from your post, I guess you didn't know that.
Welcome to the forums by the way.
Originally Posted by Kornamn00
Blah blah Halo 2 (Xbox) blah blah
The entire AI system doesn't sync nor do I have the time to accomplish something to make the game allow for it. Time would be better spent on researching Halo 3 which already has everything in place
I'm not really following you on switching the respawn systems. Each game engine system (ie, CTF) has its own code judging how the player will respawn, so you'd have to override respawn code on a per-engine basis. Not hard to do if you know how to reverse engineer and code.
There is nothing targeting H2V in Open Sauce.
This also isn't for requesting new "features". Whats included in the Open Sauce codebase has already been decided. Nothing further will be added to the first release unless its related to code fixes.
I say you eat the next person that asks a question.
Ok Heathen, you're stealing my thing of eating people, I'm the one that always says things about eating people :saddowns:
And I guess I must have skipped over the part where you mentioned Halo 2 support.
So, can we feed Heathen to himself for stealing my thing?
Sry Hotrod....never noticed.
Actually, I don't use the eating thing on forums, only in real life, which is why you've never noticed.
I give you permission to share my disgusting habit of wanting everybody to get eaten by other people.
It's just that it was a strange coincidence that you use the same things I do in real life
I just read through the entire topic again. In the beginning it sounded like you could take some parts of tags and place those in other tags. The main reason I was asking this was because if this was possible, I would like to modify the detail_object_collection tag to instead have a bounding radius, model, and an animation graph input. The reason I would like this is so you could have animated 3D grass... etc... like Halo 3 and won't have to spend hours placing them as a scenery objects.
And how do you expect to make the engine use those fields...?
would that sort of brush tool thing be be able to be made within a custom homemade scenario populator?
example - Prometheus
Brush tool...thing :confused:?
I think he means the brush tool when you are detail objects like the grass in some of the campaign levels.
Asking the wrong person, I'm not aware of the competency of other developers.
So Assuming one who may work on this is the greatest programmer ever, In theory you could do near everything?
correct, but if one is the greatest programmer ever, they will always require some type of reverse engineering skills and probably wouldn't need the OS framework to aid their efforts in the first place :P
which is why I wont be able to make anything for it :(
unless...... I stop being lazy
Any news on whats been going on?
exactly 1 month ago I asked the same question. :embarrassed:
I was planning with xbox7887 to release the source to a tool we've used with development for our Xbox stuff as a teaser and such, but some shit came up and I have to fly back to the states tomorrow. He may have to release it himself this weekend though if I can get him the release build.
Things are really, really busy IRL right now. Stuff way out of my control. So no news on the meat of what this thread started about, however the NLT date STILL stands; I will not dodge that date. Unless I die, that would be out of my control too. Unless I come back as a super computer, will have to talk to budda about hooking me up with that one.
Sorry guys :(
This is not good, my drive where I store my documents is acting fucked up. Vista won't recognize it, but the Mac side will. However it thinks I'm unplugging it (so its loosing power somehow) every now and then :S?!
I'm doing my best to back up my Kornner folder first, there is too much to loose in it and none of the shit on my backup drive has synced with it since last May. What the fuck is it with this week? its been one shitty event after another :|
<:(> good luck, hopefully it'll be alright.
OK, I was able to make a quick backup of the main shit that I needed to continue without redoing over five years of work again. The drive is acting OK right now, I'm making a few more backups then taking it off line until I get back to the states and get a replacement.
Korn whats your womanz look like?
You should consider working in RAID :P
The HDD I required to store my stuff was meant to be used as a portable, USB powered drive, and I don't think there are any portable RAIDs.
Any updates to share?
Wow. Somehow I managed to miss this thread completely, monumental as it is. Sounds awesome. Hope you got all your files saved, Korn.
It's that time of the month korny korn. Cue the menstruation jokes. Anyway, whats been happenin?
It got to the point where I just said "fuck it" and just decided to go with Nov 15th finally (yes, I know I should have updated you guys with that For a while I didn't have any real time to work on it after work and all. Hell, I didn't finish updating the dedicated server's side of the code until a couple days ago (however the client has been done for a while now). Not sure if I'll be able to get a good test done on the server code before release though; my main concern is client as if everything works OK in that, theoretically so should the server code as its mostly the same codebase.
In order to keep the projects I have alive and fresh, I work on them all little by little. For a few days I may have myself deep in Halo3's code and with my own, then after I could be back in some kind of Halo 1 related crap or in one of the very few non-blam related projects I have open, but of course the main focus these past few months have been Open Sauce due to public deadlines...lawl.
also, ped0_bear keeps me motivated with what he has in store on the release day...
ah, nice. I had a feeling you had just decided to release on the deadline. Anyway, thanks for the update and dedication to the project. Still lookin' forward to it. ;)
I like to hear the sound of that.
kornman... theoretically could your app allow for the identifying of players and what team they are on?
of course, there is code already in place for that
kornman... theoretically could your app allow for the identifying of shitty players and why they are still playing?
But fo' realz, release date is close and I'll love to see what happens!
In your app? I don't know how it looks (never seen this kind of thing before in Halo) so I wouldn't have known.
I wanted to figure out if I could build a map to utilize it before you release but then i realized it was an external app.
(Because in my map I was working on [script wise] an issue arose with syncing the players after you've done your labeling etc. through Halo Script when players join and leave messing up the player directory)
hey korn, did you ever straighten the netcode issues you said you were having awhile back?
I haven't tested out the changes I recently made, but in the last test it still wasn't working. "Extending" the existing netcode is no insert-code-here hack and slash easy job, oiy. But it is far easier and more secure of a process than implementing another network layer of code. That would just be double the work and a reinvention of the wheel. Me, I just like adding chains to wheel to make it run in the snow :eng101:
Might reinstall halo if anything epic comes from this. Keep me posted fellas.
XML is in no way related to C++...
In the first release, you will only be able to utilize new script functions\globals in-game, there won't be any tools that allow you to compile scripts which call your custom functions\globals. As for utilizing new tags, its the same process done by the engine, get the tag index of your custom tag, get the assoticated address and the use the values in that tag definition to do whatever your wanting to do.
I don't see it being a problem in the toolset having that ability further down the line. I mean, I could crunch it into the first release, but I'm not. The feature deadline was hit a while back to save me from finding myself not being able to make the public deadline.
There exists a problem with having custom functions\globals, and thats versioning. See, the current scripting system only replaces unused elements in the functions\globals, instead of say actually adding more to the list of functions\globals (it's possible to do such a thing, but the time and effort to deal with all the code references doesn't make it worth it).
So, I have to develop a system where one person's map thats scripted to be used for one yelo isn't ran with another. Sure, there exist ways to deal with this via the project_yellow tag, or just limiting them to campaign only maps. Another problem arises when someone tries to run a yelo scripted map in a regular build of Halo. I have ideas how to address this too, but I really want more time to address this to get solid solutions which won't confuse or bother end-users of Yelo who just want to play with the game enhancements.
Which then leaves me with trying to make sure I figure out how future conflicting yelo builds from multiple people are handled. If none of this is done properly, you can get yet another big split in the community like when CE first came out and PC players barely came over.