We have everything in our maps that we want, that's why we don't feel the need to use OS.
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We have everything in our maps that we want, that's why we don't feel the need to use OS.
So you wanted the UI and now you don't want it? You asked for it and even tried to get someone to make a new BSP to negotiate for your use of it.
Oh that's right. Just say you don't want it to make yourself happy~
That logic may work for you, but think about how much OS would help for the map size and the separate bitmaps.map and sounds.map. Also, you've changed why you don't want to use OS so many time's its just not funny anymore.
First, it was the ridiculous "playerbase" argument.
Second, it was because of some "possible probable maybe instability" argument.
Now, it's "I already have all of the content".
That's not why it's recommended you use OS. We recommended so that you can have smaller map-spaces
We did want the UI. Now we don't.
The UI adds 27 megs to each map.
There are 10 maps.
That is 270 MB Per person who downloads the mod.
100 people download the mod.
That is 27 Gigs.
200 People download
That is 54 Gigs
All that for a pretty pause menu?
if you guys just want to finish the mod, then why is "we are worried about the temptation of adding more shit without the restrictions" a valid argument?
i read to page 5 and couldnt read anymore. this whole thing is so stupid
Masters, if you use OS and use a shared bitmaps.map, you won't have to have the UI bitmaps in each map (meaning smaller map sizes). Couple this with the other bitmaps and sounds that will be saved to shared bitmaps.map and sounds.map, and you have significantly smaller map sizes all around. You're not using any logic, you make no sense. Just use OS.
The team only agreed to use OS to make development easier, not for features. It's in the statement we made in the other thread.
We were happy with the way things were, other than the tagslot and map size errors, which are gone.
But what we're saying to use OS for is neither, it's for making map size smaller. There's no sense to arguing it. Using OS would make mapsize smaller, therefore you can keep the UI. I don't see why you seem to be boycotting OS for no apparent logical reason, but it's really ignorant and retarded.
I understand that, we don't want to use OS to make our sizes smaller. We rather keep them larger and more simple than small and complicated. We like how things are.
Everybody, good job.
Seems like the OS people are changing motives the entire time too.
We don't need OS, plain and simple as that.
No, they keep coming up with more problems, so we give them their solutions. This repeats every time they try to come up with a reason to not use OS and then we tell them how they are wrong.
Why are so many people viewing this thread? Holy shit. It's like House, but with CMT.
Actually, I think we should use OS to make file sizes smaller. The mod having its own spv2bitmaps.map and spv2sounds.map is nifty, and should cut down file sizes by quite a lot. When shouldn't burden the people who are willing to host the mod with larger files than necessary.
Alright, fine. Support the pirates. Make the maps bigger. Keep complaining about tagslots and spaces. I'm sure it will help you and make things better for you.
Korn can let us try it but we're not agreeing to anything.
Hopefully Kornman can elucidate this for us. It would be nice if it's simple to set up and use.
From the player's perspective, it's just putting two more maps in the maps folder, which isn't a problem, as long as it's made clear to the player he needs the shared maps to play the SPv2 maps. I'm not sure Dennis will like having maps being dependent on other maps to run, but Masters said he'll ask him about it.
Oh, so we dropped the idea of an installer, then.
No one has dropped reaper man's idea.
Hey, when did Tim Buckley get into modding?
Look, if simplicity is your concern, then work on the mod with large maps, but when polishing the product for release, OS would be nice to use when compressing it so it's not destroying whatever hosting you use. I mean, if it's a release, there's no changes to be made other than bugfixes, so complexity won't be a concern, right?
From what I've gathered in the thread, it seems people are mixing up the source with the public product. Masterz is concerned that making the maps smaller now would be too complicated to work with, which is perfectly fine. What everyone else is worried about is having these massive-ass files that don't need to be as big as they are. They're not done yet though. When working on a project, simplicity always wins. However, when the product is finished, convenience for the user is ALWAYS the winner against simplicity of the code/tags/whateveritisI'mnotinthisfield, because when a product is released, it is assumed that the inner workings will not need to be deeply tampered with, and thus, the complexity does not matter.
TL;DR: Let them be big as shit now, but when it's done, use OS to make it smaller.
Oh fuck, I'm not reading this entire thread. Somebody point-form the important stuff for me. Rest of the people GTFO with your unworthy posts.
If he can get it to work, then I really think we should use OS. As you know from SPv1, bandwidth is expensive.
Hopefully OS is simple enough that it won't be an issue.
- There are many reasons to use OS.
- There are a few reasons to not use OS.
- CMT still hasn't decided on whether to use OS.
That's about it so far.
http://www.filefront.com has no space or bandwidth constraints... so hosting is not an issue.
its the people downloading the mod that you need to worry about. (ie. people with b\w caps and slow dl speed.)
These issues were all presented in bulk (if not in this thread, then on AIM) before they were ever discussed here. The only reason they are going one at a time is because we have to force the question on you by dropping the rest of the post.
Hmmm, with OS...
There are 10 maps.
~1 GB per person who downloads the mod.
100 people download the mod.
That is 100 GB.
200 people download
That is 200 GB.
All that because you are too ignorant to use a OS and a shared cache file?
It's difficult to talk someone out of their own lies they've been telling themselves since the beginning. All the excuses you made for yourself make you feel better about everything. However, as you can see by this thread, the rest of the community thinks your excuses are the dumbest things since UC Sarge.
The map size is really important, because it's really the one thing that affects everyone personally. In Timo's case, it's actually about money because he will be charged for every megabyte he goes over his monthly limit. Other people might be low on disk space (it's 2009, really, but still). Honestly, this is something I personally thought was most important, and I would have wanted this more than anything from the beginning of the project if I was working on it. Kornman offering to do this would be a godsend.
But let me just remind you that Kornman believes he can do it. He hasn't done it yet (worked on the other things instead). Even though he didn't do it, I still think it is important to bring up now rather than later while we're still debating OS.
Wow, I started typing this like two hours ago while playing Halo 3. Thanks for seeing one side of this Arteen. :|
Why things have to be this complicated, I am not sure.
The simple answer is that its more fun this way. The long answer is that everyone hates each other. You see it goes back to the Aryan migration to Europe, wherin the final battle between Kefka and Sephiroth began. This battle is being continued today between Jcap and Masterz
can you guys use torrents to get spv2 around? it seems like that would be a good way to go rather than whoring somebody's bandwidth
You guys are making a campaign?
Edit: In all sincerity, though, at the whole "blah blah blah compatibility blah" thing, older pirated versions can easily be updated to 1.08, they just cannot play on multiplayer servers.
Now, why the hell would you worry about people not playing multiplayer for a PRIMARILY CAMPAIGN mod? Sorry if this was already addressed, but I was just spammed to check this out.
Holy shit, it's Lightning.
Smaller and confusing? You're kidding me right? I may not be a map dev expert, but this draws parallels with web development. Why would I want to repeatedly paste in my CSS style for each page when I can have it externalized, referenced, and give me a much neater code for my website. Why would I want to repeatedly place Java scripts withing a website, when I can have them externalized and just reference them? Etc etc. My site now takes up less bandwidth and is much easier to handle and update.
My app idea, way back, could solve even this, if you're still worried about versions, etc. You could include all the necessary apps/files in this hypothetical installer app. Why all this drama? It's uneccesary and completely irrational, with the exception of those arguing for OS.
I remember H2CE made this thing called Direct2U that not only downloaded the maps but also provided .Net Framework. The same could be done here (regarding versions).
I already pointed that out earlier, but he keeps lying to himself, so I just let him keep digging himself into his little corner.
We would RATHER things remain large and uncomplicated, that doesn't mean UNESSARILY large like including the Delta UI. We are happy how things are right now.
Using OS to make shared maps to make them smaller complicates things for the average user. Even though we would like to keep things large and uncomplicated, we don't have a problem with trying what Korn is working on and TRYING it, but we will not make an obligation to use it. It's worth trying, but we are not going to commit to something right now when we are happy where everything stands as it is.
Thanks Masterz. I think that post was actually worth reading. I see what your saying about commitments and such. I also understand what you saying about complicating things for the average user, but here's something to consider:
Almost none of the people who would be playing Halo CE anymore are average users. They are mostly members of a very dedicated fanbase who are very into the whole 'scene' that goes on with it. I don't think the use of the OS application will overcomplicate the use of the mod, in fact, I think it would add to the appeal of it, as its showing off uncharted territory for the game. By using OS youd be enhancing peoples image of the game.
Could the UI be released separately (IE, on Halomaps)? I know quite a few people have been anticipating it for years.
how is using OS going to make it more complicated?
it's not, it's just bullshit talk from masters.
Confusing how?
And for somebody on shitty internet (like me, ross, zilla, timo, etc), reducing file size is a pretty big concern for us (I've never even DL'd SPV1 because it was so fucking huge to bother spending over a day getting and a fair chunk of my cap).
More then a few OS people, so there's going to be different people pushing different reasons.
Arteen you are my favourite CMT member <33
I for one was looking forward to the Delta UI. It's all the little things that come together to give it a really polished look and I'm pretty dissapointed that you've ditched it.
This is an amazing post.
A thousand times this.
This post was made while reading the entire thread in one sitting, so I know some of the points have been addressed (mostly).
The part of the UI we are talking about is part of the pause menu, the actual UI has nothing to do with us.
Multiple files and OS.
Also distribution though Halomaps, Dennis has strict rules about what is and isn't ok, we have to check with him first.
Dano has never had anything cut or removed from the mod. In fact, we've waited over a year for him to finish things for single levels, even though we didn't really need them. His flood bomber was an idea originally for the mod, but I told him we wouldn't be able to use it well before he started. If anything, I've asked him to do his stuff higher res (fp arms), and haven't lowered anything of his.
Any exception would be the MP maps, were bitmap size does matter. Those skins didn't really lose anything being lower resed, and they weren't even that good to begin with (and I'm sure he'd agree with that)
Edit: I've said many times before, these forums are the exception rather than the rule. Just because the concept behind OS and it's installation is easy for us, doesn't mean it will be for others. Out of curiosity, would you guys approve a CMT forum and be helpful to people who have trouble installing the mod, regardless if they read the readmes or had actual problems.
Pretty sure you can upload uncompiled stuff for tags which won't work unless they're all there.
Can't see why this wouldn't be OK vOv
PS: episodic release GET
That's different. With OS, as far as I know, there would need to be a single map that would hold most of the CMT tags and content (this thing would be huge), and then individual map files which would load content out of the single map with most the tags.
If the player loads the actual map, then they exception out, if that's what happens, according to Halomaps current rules, the map can't be hosted. The same would go for the map will all the tags, although I think Korn may have said that he can make it playable, like a boxmap. I plan on clarifying it with Dennis later today what his stance on the issue is.
We also need to know how all this will work with HTC/HEK+, as we have been toying with a new idea for map protection, that would allow people access to all our content except models, bitmaps, sounds, and animations extractable. The reasoning behind this is that people can finally inspect and learn from our work, rather than it all be protected so people can't just slop our content around.
Why not just fully protect it like normal and release all the stuff you're fine with people looking at separately?
If you're running on vista you have to disable some of the visual settings. It would take ages to re-organize the tagset and clean it up, there really is a lot of stuff. Lag did it once before, took him a REAL long time.
The "ransom list" was meant to be a joke :pMasters, I think you're thinking of how shared caches were done from Halo 2 and onwards. I'm talking about making a specific bitmaps\sounds\loc data files for your guy's campaign. Non-default data files would be placed into a subfolder of the "maps" folder so the game doesn't even acknowledge them unless I tell it to (and so if the user runs an older game version it will still pick up the original data files).I had some ideas made to not only make it fluent for the developers to produce autogenerated setup data (ie for adding their custom shared data files and new campaigns), but for the end user to specify what they want to load, if they decide to even load OS with HaloCE.I think I still have D2U's source (at least the original GUI artwork it used anyway). I'm not at home so I can't verify.Quote:
EDIT: once again, proxy fuckin up mah postsQuote:
I've never had to touch anything setting related to get any CE tool to work on my computer. Running Vista.
And I'm sorry Masters, but I refuse to believe you when you say that about Dane's work. Ever think that maybe he's trying to be polite ant NOT bitch to your face about getting hard work ripped out from under him after spending countless hours working on it, only to have him either have to redo it, making it look less than what was intended, or having it cut completely?
Oh, HEY! Now THAT sounds familiar.
So according to you then [bod], because he had an idea rejected, it's the same as having content cut? Ideas are ideas and not content for a reason. I could go on about ideas I've had but said no to for any number or reasons.
Edit: Lights, I was talking to him about HEK+. Dane's content has never been cut. Just because he had an idea shot down doesn't mean we're cutting his work.
I fail to have an opinion in all of this. UGH MY BRAIN. :fail:
I like ponies . . .
. . .
I am sure Dane has not complained either because he is being polite, or he does not mind as the work is experience for him, and he gets better.
Making the file sizes smaller would be a huge advantage, means two or three large files to download, but once they are out of the way the main campaign maps are small.
I don't see much more to discuss now until Masterz had tryed this OS update like he said he would. As for Dennis and his rules, I am sure he might make an exception for CMT, as it is a whole different scenario. CMT arnt some amiture mapping team, this campaign is much different than other campaigns released on halomaps. I am sure Dennis wouldnt like to have huge files though.
Like someone else suggested, cant you use a torrent as well as long as everyone will chip in and seed it.
And Masterz, you got the sparrowhawk working yet? And does that dropship still own its self on that level you streamed?
dano555666: im permabanned
M4573R5 1337: can I have a statement to c&P then?
dano555666: why is it that big a dea lolz
dano555666: i had some ideas you rejected because they werent feasable
dano555666: ther was that flood thing and that shotgun thing though
dano555666: and hte human sword
dano555666: but really
dano555666: thats just meh
M4573R5 1337: but i've never had you make something and then discard it right?
dano555666: no lol
M4573R5 1337: other than maybe some minor textures that didnt fit in maybe
dano555666: ive made stuff out of my own initiative
M4573R5 1337: sure we had a few of those
dano555666: i had everytought they wouldnt make the cut
M4573R5 1337: cause of quality?
M4573R5 1337: or space?
dano555666: space
M4573R5 1337: really?
M4573R5 1337: didnt know you thought that
M4573R5 1337: up until now [a few days ago] space hasnt been an issue
So there you have it. By a few days ago I am referring to before we learned how much room delta added on.
So thats why i can run vista premium and yet have no issues with HEK+ at all?
Right...so reducing the resolution of a bitmap dosn't reduce the quality or detail of said bitmap?
If that was true then why do major developers currently use higher resolution bitmaps than they did in the past generations?
....oh wait....
Getting a "quote" from dane on a AIM is pretty meaningless unless it was a screenshot especialy since he is banned.
There are others who have bitched about the cutting of content Doom seemed pretty pissed off last i spoke with him, a weapon sculpter who was told make a halo 3 spartan or get walking pretty much.
Do you have Areo on? If not that's why. It's not me who is pulling this out of no where, it's a common problem with vista and HEK+.
I said they didn't really lose anything being lower resed, because they didn't The difference was minimal, I'm not saying there was 0 quality loss at all. The textures had a low amount of detail and for things like the AR we covered it up with shine.
Yes i have Aero on.
But thats the thing masterz, everything that dosn't look as good as it could, it ends up being chromed and then looks like crap because everything is grey due to the massive ammount of shine.
I've yet to see a CMT map without a chromed floor, wall, biped or even a vehicle.
Everymap i've seen has chrome of somesort somewhere.
I like things that shine? We don't go and low res our bitmaps and then cover them with shine just because we can. For the AR it was the right move, everyone loved it.
DSalimander has been revising our forerunner shaders (which have been placeholder until this point on the account we were using placeholder bitmaps, make sense no?) and touching up bitmaps with Conscars, which I am guessing you are referring too (since they did look pretty bad and were super shiny), but if you have a problem with their work I'd love to see you take a go at it.
If DSalimander is actually helping CMT, then you've lost all your values.
Film critics don't make films.
How ever i could quite easily work on shader tags if i was needed as i've spent considerable time editing all the different kinds of tags and shaders became one of my favourites a while back.
But, little bit of a suggestion if you are going to make shaders for metal make it actualy look like different kinds of metals not just one generic shiny palette variety is the spice of life.
Holy shit, what's with all the drama :lmao:? Aren't we just talking about halo?
HEK+ has issues with Vista, and I did have to disable desktop composition to get it to run. I also know that some people have issues with getting Sapien to run, and have to set its processor affinity in a certain way. You're lucky if it just worked fine for you.
The difference in quality is minor, as the textures will be scaled-down in-game anyway.
I don't get it. They removed something that boosts the quality of the mod substantially because they wanted more space...but they won't use OS even though it will give them virtually unlimited space?
I'm confused.
File size for downloads is an issue, they are researching the use of OS to make seperate .bitmaps and .sounds files for the campaign which the game will ignore unless called upon by the campaign. This will make the levels smaller but will mean the bitmap and sound map may be large.
Although that may mean they could re add some content they removed, like the UI.
Also, Masterz. Are you have boarding in the campaign?
Every last detail can make a difference. Even the smallest change or detail (Like a scratch on a texture). Just depends where it is.
So, so, let me lay this down since I have seen this whole thing go in gigantic fucking circles.
Masterz, it's a huge lie to say that you aren't having any space issues. Sure, they're gone for now, but the second you try to tweak something, I guarantee they'll come back; you know how the HEK works. It's why I refuse to let Lightning add anything more to Floodlab; it took us how long to get it the way it is, and I don't want to risk another major halt in production because Tool wants to be a douchebag.
And it's true, watching form the sidelines, that every time someone shoots down some of your reasonings as to why you won't use OS, you come up with something a little more convoluted that makes less sense.
Let me say this: while I was pleased with the content added/changed in that last build of d40 that I played, I just want to say, looking back, that it lacked rhyme and reason. I know that Jen Taylor isn't in your team and thus, you can't have Cortana comment on why all of a sudden the quick way to the engine room is blocked off, but there needs to be something in place to explain to the Halo players why they're being rerouted through this completely new and convoluted track of the level, besides for the sake of fighting more enemies. Perhaps try to find a Cortana/Johnson/Stacker/Foehammer sound-alike, or add in some kind of support character to give the needed explanation.
If you guys are done with adding new concepts to the mod and you're still brushing your heads against the size limits, by all means, take up Kornman's offer, and try to replace some of the things you cut from the stock campaign. I've butted heads with you guys on this before, but I still stand strong that Halo is a very cinematic game. With all of the seemingly pointless aesthetic that's been cut to make way for more enemies, I'm starting to feel like BioHalo will have more character in it than this campaign rehash.
We're talking about a pause menu here, not the user interface ingame.
You're statement is also too generalised. Only if an apple is presented as a pack of sigarettes, will it severly influence it's sales rate. However, an apple wrapped up in some plastic foil, or packed in a super duper awesome box of apples, will not necesarily influence it's sales.
Not that sales is an issue for this mod. Having a fancy pause menu is NOT something that would be used to promote this mod in the first place.
An apple between a girls breasts, that would influence sales :giggle:
Unless your gay
Was looking for an apple between breasts on google found that babe instead :P But look, it says Apple on her breast :P
Laugh out loud, are you all experiencing the emotional state of anger
And you're being too lax about it. You people don't understand that there are a lot of people that look at the small things about a mod/video game. A lot of my friends are like this, surprising a lot of people on here are too.
You're throwing it off because "oh its just a pause menu it can be cut."
Frankly I find this level of thinking stupid and lazy.
When people review games, the menu system will only factor in very minorly. The delta UI is great and all, but I'm sure whatever we decided to use will be decent as well. If a great game has a normal, decent menu, this won't factor in at all, just like how a great game with a great menu will not get a significantly better review than the first. This really is not a huge issue to discuss in the first place.
The fact you threw in that last sentence just shows you can't find enough decent arguments to support your view.
That last sentence shows that I find your thinking lazy and stupid and nothing more.
If you have the power and capability to make something its very best with minimal consequences, why in the hell wouldn't you? Why on earth would you settle for anything less.
I'll say it again.
Lazy and stupid.
Before I catch up on the last 7 pages of this thread, I'll reply to the latest.
Yeah, we are talking about a UI. We're using it as an example. It was cut because you are facing problems. It's just one of the things - one of the most recent things - that was cut because of your problems. Case in point. You really couldn't have shot yourselves in the foot better than you just did.
I don't think you're in the position to tell who is lazy and stupid. Especially not when you're talking to me. You come in here, making a ridiculous statement, without knowing any of my background.
Says enough about you. Nice try though at trying to make yourself look all mighty and smart, unfortunately not everyone is gifted with these talents.
@Jcap: "one of the many things you have been cutting lolol"
=> Wrong, quit making up bullshit.
I'm done with you. If you want to cut something that can add to the quality of the mod, then have at it. One thing I know you will have half-assed. I suggest you get your so called leader to swallow his pride and come to a middle ground. Because right now I see no viable solution. Well I do, it just won't be accepted.
I did come to a middle ground, I said we'd use it and if it works as expected we'll use it. You guys didn't like that idea.