In recent news: Dogecoin has recently EXPLODED.
Jamaican bobsled team funded with $30,000 dollar, aaaand:
reddit guy donates to schwarzenegger's thing with doge aaand Schwarzy responds in kind.
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In recent news: Dogecoin has recently EXPLODED.
Jamaican bobsled team funded with $30,000 dollar, aaaand:
reddit guy donates to schwarzenegger's thing with doge aaand Schwarzy responds in kind.
>tfw have 40$ of doge now
>tfw jcap just bought a house
I'll admit I looked into dogecoin when I heard about it initially a month or two ago, and just got confused by the whole thing.
So this is happening at my companies head office...
All 280X or 290X.
excuse me wtf r u doin :ohdear:
Good god.
your company is responsible for the gpu prices! :(
So apparently our company is going to start accepting Bitcoin for payment as well... LOL
Also, that 40 GPU rack is now a 50 GPU rack and we're allocating resources for 9 more racks (500 GPU's total). After that finishes we'll be checking the return figures and allocated another 10 racks. 1,000 GPU's plox.
screw you.
If any of those R9 290xs kick the bucket or don't perform up to snuff, send me them for free plz kthx.
I'll pay for shipping.
Don't be silly we repackage and resell for clearance price.
No, we're essentially "binning" them ourselves. We're not using them till they burn up and tossing them, we test every one extensively before putting it into service. If it's a lemon unit and doesn't mine well that doesn't mean it won't game well and operate fine. If we find any legitimately broken cards they get RMA'd.
Bitcoin mining is not kind to gaming cards. But w/e. You guys better sell with a 90-day warranty when you sell them or something.
freelancer hacked gox :allears:
They're resold with full warranty as they were not given to customers and were used "In-Store". Being a large hardware retailer gives us some leeway with supplier and manufacturer RMA and warranty stuff. By the time we've determined a card isn't "for us" it has only been mining for less than 8 hours.
I used a Black Lotus card.
Well, if they're sold at a reduced price with a disclaimer, I guess it's fine. I know of some retailers that do similar things with CPUs; they stress-test them all and keep the best performers for their own prebuilts, selling the rest off as new. I'd never buy from such a company.
All the cards we're selling get competitive benchmark scores and FPS with any other similar cards, mining performance doesn't always mean good gaming performance.
Plus these are sold with full warranty. So you wouldn't buy a card from us, for cheaper than normal, knowing it's fully covered and essentially tested and guaranteed to game? Your loss I guess. Have fun paying more for nothing (unless you want to mine, then you gotta pay more).
I think we stopped reselling them anyway. It takes longer to sell them and put that credit towards new cards than it does to just RMA them. So there's no worry either way anymore. None that we've sold have come back or had any complaints.
I said it's fine if they're reduced and have a disclaimer otherwise no, I wouldn't buy from your employer. It's a sleazy thing to do, especially RMAing cards that according to you have nothing wrong with them. Good way to make everybody else pay for your employer's greed.
Your post was probably aimed at Dwood but replied anyway.
That sounds fair considering full warranty and everything. Better than refurb cards at least. The real question is when are you going to switch out that obsolete AMD hardware with a bunch of 750 ti? :realsmug:
"Technically" there is something wrong with them. And honestly, 75% of the stuff we send for RMA is probably fine, and the customers are just retards that can't computer or install their drivers and crap properly.
Not worth it with diminishing returns, we would need many more 750ti's to get the same clock rates. We're waiting for GTX 800 series.
hello fellow people who got out of crypto too early
I'm betting Pyong is really kicking himself for selling those coins
jcap how are these things getting through??