Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
And you're being too lax about it. You people don't understand that there are a lot of people that look at the small things about a mod/video game. A lot of my friends are like this, surprising a lot of people on here are too.
You're throwing it off because "oh its just a pause menu it can be cut."
Frankly I find this level of thinking stupid and lazy.
When people review games, the menu system will only factor in very minorly. The delta UI is great and all, but I'm sure whatever we decided to use will be decent as well. If a great game has a normal, decent menu, this won't factor in at all, just like how a great game with a great menu will not get a significantly better review than the first. This really is not a huge issue to discuss in the first place.
The fact you threw in that last sentence just shows you can't find enough decent arguments to support your view.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
When people review games, the menu system will only factor in very minorly. The delta UI is great and all, but I'm sure whatever we decided to use will be decent as well. If a great game has a normal, decent menu, this won't factor in at all, just like how a great game with a great menu will not get a significantly better review than the first. This really is not a huge issue to discuss in the first place.
The fact you threw in that last sentence just shows you can't find enough decent arguments to support your view.
That last sentence shows that I find your thinking lazy and stupid and nothing more.
If you have the power and capability to make something its very best with minimal consequences, why in the hell wouldn't you? Why on earth would you settle for anything less.
I'll say it again.
Lazy and stupid.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Before I catch up on the last 7 pages of this thread, I'll reply to the latest.
Yeah, we are talking about a UI. We're using it as an example. It was cut because you are facing problems. It's just one of the things - one of the most recent things - that was cut because of your problems. Case in point. You really couldn't have shot yourselves in the foot better than you just did.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
That last sentence shows that I find your thinking lazy and stupid and nothing more.
If you have the power and capability to make something its very best with minimal consequences, why in the hell wouldn't you? Why on earth would you settle for anything less.
I'll say it again.
Lazy and stupid.
I don't think you're in the position to tell who is lazy and stupid. Especially not when you're talking to me. You come in here, making a ridiculous statement, without knowing any of my background.
Says enough about you. Nice try though at trying to make yourself look all mighty and smart, unfortunately not everyone is gifted with these talents.
@Jcap: "one of the many things you have been cutting lolol"
=> Wrong, quit making up bullshit.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
I don't think you're in the position to tell who is lazy and stupid. Especially not when you're talking to me. You come in here, making a ridiculous statement, without knowing any of my background.
Says enough about you. Nice try though at trying to make yourself look all mighty and smart, unfortunately not everyone is gifted with these talents.
@Jcap: "one of the many things you have been cutting lolol"
=> Wrong, quit making up bullshit.
I couldn't care less of ANYONES background when they disregard common sense.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
I couldn't care less of ANYONES background when they disregard common sense.
I suppose you don't care about your own background then. Well, good for you there. Man, using that thick text almost made you seem awesome and capable of having a decent argument.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
@Jcap: "one of the many things you have been cutting lolol"
=> Wrong, quit making up bullshit.
except it's true.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
I'm done with you. If you want to cut something that can add to the quality of the mod, then have at it. One thing I know you will have half-assed. I suggest you get your so called leader to swallow his pride and come to a middle ground. Because right now I see no viable solution. Well I do, it just won't be accepted.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
I'm done with you. If you want to cut something that can add to the quality of the mod, then have at it. One more thing I know you will have half-assed. I suggest you get your so called leader to swallow his pride and come to a middle ground. Because right now I see no viable solution. Well I do, it just won't be accepted.
You weren't the challenge I thought you'd be.
My point still stands untouched, and all arguments I took into account were true, and were more significant than yours.
There's more to this though, that you don't know about.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
I did come to a middle ground, I said we'd use it and if it works as expected we'll use it. You guys didn't like that idea.