Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Let me say this, at least: I've met far more competent teammates than incompetent, but it's the incompetents that stand out for their sheer stupidity. For fuck's sake, have some faith in humanity and use the filtering options.
Lately they aren't seeming to work. I put down Quiet and Teamwork going in alone, and all I get are loners that do nothing but talk about dumb shit the whole fucking game.
ExAm, what are you doing to get the results you expect from this game? Lately it seems nothing goes right for myself and the usual goon squad of Pooky, Teekup, and one other guy we play with that doesn't come to these forums.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Lately they aren't seeming to work. I put down Quiet and Teamwork going in alone, and all I get are loners that do nothing but talk about dumb shit the whole fucking game.
ExAm, what are you doing to get the results you expect from this game? Lately it seems nothing goes right for myself and the usual goon squad of Pooky, Teekup, and one other guy we play with that doesn't come to these forums.
Don't forget Sever. But yeah, now that the novelty's worn off, I'm really not having much fun with this game. It seems to take the worst elements from Halo 2 and 3 while eschewing what was good about either of them. If nothing else, it inspired me to go back and play some Halo CE in order to make sure my glasses weren't a little too rose tinted.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
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Or you could learn to communicate without using voice at all; most multiplayer games I grew up on had no voice, so the best way to communicate was to point to what you want, look at your buddy, and point back. That, or sit over the objective and do a little corpse hump dance. Seriously, I watch my battle buddy to see what he's doing, I don't need to hear everyone's ranting or misguided attempts to coordinate; their "orders" usually get people slaughtered.
On another note, is Generator Defence going to be in this beta at any point?
Are you serious? On sword base, half the time you can't even see your team. On powerhouse, there are walls everyfuckingwhere, and on the Invasion map, it's too fucking huge to do anything of the sort. You really must be trolling, I can't think of any other reason for this.
Originally Posted by
ExAm, what are you doing to get the results you expect from this game? Lately it seems nothing goes right for myself and the usual goon squad of Pooky, Teekup, and one other guy we play with that doesn't come to these forums.
I usualy set Chatty, Good Time, Team Player and Polite. Most of the time I get people who are at least polite and listen when you talk to them. Even the kids I get will talk without bitching (much). I prefer my team to talk, and listen. In any game I play, I'll get in a pretty bad mood if I can't talk to anyone. Silent games are just unbearable, especially since console Halo games do not feature text chat in the event that a player doesn't have a mic or is in a private chat.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I don't mind talking to people I know, but if I thought I had to constantly talk to complete strangers in order to enjoy a game, I wouldn't bother playing it. It's just not worth it to me. Either teamwork arises organically or it doesn't and I'm fine with that. Either people are doing what they're supposed to be doing or they're not. At the end of the day, it's just a game.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
when it comes tyo invasion Im now only playing it if I have a friend to do it with as I'll be with atleast one other competent person
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Wow you guys bitch about your teammates alot. Ive only had a few games which my team have annoyed me and thats due to the fact they go AFK on a fucking slayer game type and only get like 3 kills all game.
Part from that I usually team up with friends IRL so then I don't have to play with complete idiots, or I just play with masters.
Originally Posted by
I hope that there is actually a point in unlocking this armour, apart from people gorming at in in theatre mode because you can't see it whilst ploughing someone full of lead...
I was the sensors on the helmet actually do something like give you themal vision or something... as long as it isnt going to unbalance the gameplay...
Guy1: "Ohh, Look at me, LOOK AT ME!! I Have COOL SHOULDER PADS!!!"
Guy2: "So..."
THey've already said, its only for aesthetics purposes.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Well they suck :realsmug:
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
It would be a horrible idea to make armor parts actually do something in MULTIPLAYER.
Honestly, think for just one minute will you? Imagine all the testing and balancing they would have to do then, the game would never come out.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I like to yell at my team if they've got no mic's cos it usually makes them put them back in to yell at me... except i go real sweet then and are like 'Haiiii... wanna take your thumb out your ass and put it on your right analogue stick :3 ?'
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
I usualy set Chatty, Good Time, Team Player and Polite. Most of the time I get people who are at least polite and listen when you talk to them. Even the kids I get will talk without bitching (much). I prefer my team to talk, and listen. In any game I play, I'll get in a pretty bad mood if I can't talk to anyone. Silent games are just unbearable, especially since console Halo games do not feature text chat in the event that a player doesn't have a mic or is in a private chat.
So I tried that, and in true epic fail fashion, across three of four games, only one person in each game had a mic, and never said anything.